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* * * * - (4.38 - 116votes)

Yuki ni Tsubasa

Alt Names: alt 雪にツバサalt Wings Upon Snow
Author: Takahashi Shin
Artist: Takahashi Shin
Genres: Drama DramaMusic MusicRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Tsubasa lives in a hotspring town that is about to fade away from a bad economy. He is a middle school delinquent, and is beat up at school almost every day. He has a secret, though: he is a psychic, but he is embarrassed of this fact because his abilities are "lame" and not worth bragging about. One day, however, he realizes that he can read the mind of a mute girl named Yuki.
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Oh, I figured that's just something on the History channel and didn't commit to memory. You think it's a foreshadow?

I doubt it, knowing what little bits I do about what will be happening over the next seven volumes.  There is quite enough going on as it is.

Oh, I figured that's just something on the History channel and didn't commit to memory. You think it's a foreshadow?

Police esper? Did I miss something?

That's a reference to this page in chapter one.  In the real world it would be a charlatan, but in the world of this manga, the person could well be real.

Hopefully the two of them will eventually connect with the police esper mentioned earlier and the adults will get her some help.

Police esper? Did I miss something?

Maybe it is just me, but the protagonists and their relationship are both very reminiscent of "Bitter virgin". They both have their flaws and troubled pasts, while also considering the other one to be more important than themselves. Oh they are the cutest little things, in that twisted and cruel way that makes you want to tell them things will be okay. 


I could probably phrase it better, however I should probably be getting back to doing other stuff. So I'll leave this comment as is.

to be fair it is all but stated that she was raped and abused before. Her blocking out any memoried related to that is a perfectly natural coping mechanism.


It sounds like ordinary post traumatic stress dissociation. 


Hopefully the two of them will eventually connect with the police esper mentioned earlier and the adults will get her some help.

to be fair it is all but stated that she was raped and abused before. Her blocking out any memoried related to that is a perfectly natural coping mechanism.

And then there's that hint regarding her parents.  I suspect it's a very good thing she's going to school away from home now (I think).  For that matter, though I am not 100% certain on this, it appears the whole story is about the two of them helping each other to overcome their respective demons.  But what demons!

Wow... everything just went downhill for the guy. I feel sorry for him. Thanks for translating this.

to be fair it is all but stated that she was raped and abused before. Her blocking out any memoried related to that is a perfectly natural coping mechanism.

That was one big chapter. Resolved some stuff, left other things hanging.

Wow... everything just went downhill for the guy. I feel sorry for him. Thanks for translating this.

I would be upset too. He pretty much murdered a person to save her, but she just goes and blocks it all out. So now he has to live with that forever by himself and she can just be crazy and go in lala land like nothing happened.


"What a shitty day, I almost got killed and raped. Well, no big deal! I'll sleep on it and forget it like last weeks breakfast!"


Tbh, being insane sounds pretty convenient.

That was one big chapter. Resolved some stuff, left other things hanging.

Put into other words, would you willingly admit your greatest flaws to the person you love, especially when you know it will hurt them?

When I know that, by them not being aware, they risk physical danger? Absolutely.

I think the only thing I dislike about this is the male MC's total submissiveness. I don't mean he needs to be a jerk, but he should at least attempt to explain his power to her. Aside from the one time she shushed him, he never has. Letting her think she has a power like that will just leave her in danger when he is not around.

Playing the devil's advocate here. The whole situation seems very similar to what happened in Melo holic, where the protagonist has mind reading abilities as well. This caused him to become distant to other people, and he viewed his powers as more of a burden than a blessing. I cannot remember all the details of Melo holic, but the basic principle seems to apply to this manga as well. In due time he might admit to having special powers, but it might also be her realizing it.

   Put into other words, would you willingly admit your greatest flaws to the person you love, especially when you know it will hurt them? Some might answer yes, some no. For this manga it will most likely be yes, but reluctantly and only after the two of them trust each other completely. Either that or it will be revealed through an accident of some sort.

Well, that's certainly a cliffhanger. And lol at the flashback with him mind-reading his daycare teacher. Wish they actually showed her face.

A correction to chapter 5, plus the obligatory end of volume cliff-hanger.  There was a lot of introspection in this chapter, and I hope I got it all right.

is this manga has Music in it?... cuz it has a Music tag in it...

yes it haz music in it...

is this manga has Music in it?... cuz it has a Music tag in it...

Not yet, but soon.  You may or may not have noticed the box Yuki was carrying in the last few pages of chapter 5?

is this manga has Music in it?... cuz it has a Music tag in it...

Earlier I said that I thought that the second series, Yuki ni Tsubasa Haru (Snow & Wings - Springtime) was a prequel.  I think I have to revise that opinion.  I just cracked open the first volume of the second series and had a look through the whole volume.  What I see there is a direct continuation of the first series, but in nicer weather and with new challenges for the two of them.  I really wonder if the mangaka has Natsu (Summer) and Aki (Fall) series planned for this, carrying the two of them through college and into life.  It's too early to tell, however, since the Haru series only just finished publication four months ago.

He may not be mute, but for practical purposes the amount they say isn't much different.

It is, she's very talkative.

I think the only thing I dislike about this is the male MC's total submissiveness. I don't mean he needs to be a jerk, but he should at least attempt to explain his power to her. Aside from the one time she shushed him, he never has. Letting her think she has a power like that will just leave her in danger when he is not around.

He may not be mute, but for practical purposes the amount they say isn't much different.

Towns that live off of tourism don't tend to have the greatest economy for those who aren't tourists. You have the main drag for the tourists, and then very close by you have where the people who live off the tourist money as cooks, cleaners and such staff live. Acapulco and Atlantic City are both very dangerous places once you leave the beach area. And both of those places qualify as "declining tourist towns" like the town described in this manga, albeit they are somewhat larger places.

Oh man... Acapulco... Mexico... as a Mexican and owner of a little business here in the metro area of Mexico City, I fear every day I will not return alive to my house and I´m not kidding.

Mmm.  Well, first, they are somewhat larger, quite a bit larger.  Atlantic City is, well, a city after all.  And it's in the US, by far the most violent first world country.  It's not a big surprise if a US city in decline has dangerous slums.  And Acapulco is, well, my apologies to any Mexicans here, but it's in Mexico.  Mexico is losing as many people to gang violence and government crackdowns and quasi-death-squads, as Afghanistan is to their civil war!  
So sure, tourist industry can certainly have a seamy underside.  But this place is not just way smaller than your examples, but it's in Japan.  I guess somewhere in my disbelief was also a dose of something like "Does Japan really let places go uncivilized like it was bleedin' Mexico?"

I was just offering up a possible explanation. I limited my examples to cases I know reasonably well, living in the USA as I do. In any case, the mangaka himself is Japanese, from Hokkaido. He may be drawing from experience, or exaggerating it. We may never know. Sometimes I wonder whether mangakas have to import violence from other countries to spice up the peaceful boredom of their environments, or whether they are trying to show us a side of Japanese society that the country as a whole would rather hide.

Mind you, though we do have problems in the USA, my day to day life and the opinions of those around me bear little resemblance to what the media seems to like to portray as the life and attitudes of average Americans. I don't own a gun, for instance. On the other hand, you won't catch me outside after dark in Detroit, the nearest large city to where I live.

Towns that live off of tourism don't tend to have the greatest economy for those who aren't tourists. You have the main drag for the tourists, and then very close by you have where the people who live off the tourist money as cooks, cleaners and such staff live. Acapulco and Atlantic City are both very dangerous places once you leave the beach area. And both of those places qualify as "declining tourist towns" like the town described in this manga, albeit they are somewhat larger places.

Mmm.  Well, first, they are somewhat larger, quite a bit larger.  Atlantic City is, well, a city after all.  And it's in the US, by far the most violent first world country.  It's not a big surprise if a US city in decline has dangerous slums.  And Acapulco is, well, my apologies to any Mexicans here, but it's in Mexico.  Mexico is losing as many people to gang violence and government crackdowns and quasi-death-squads, as Afghanistan is to their civil war!  

So sure, tourist industry can certainly have a seamy underside.  But this place is not just way smaller than your examples, but it's in Japan.  I guess somewhere in my disbelief was also a dose of something like "Does Japan really let places go uncivilized like it was bleedin' Mexico?"

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