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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 741votes)

Itoshi no Karin

Alt Names: alt Karin-ku Tercintaalt Mi querida Karinalt Minha Amada Karinalt My Beloved Karinalt 愛しの花凛alt Моя возлюбленная Карин
Author: Horiizumi Inco
Artist: Horiizumi Inco
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meet Yutaka Hanagasaki, 20 years old and a gardener at the theme park Fuegaoka. Meet Meln-chan, the mascot of Fuegaoka, with lots of popularity. Hanagasaki just so happens to secretly like her, but can never work up the courage to even talk to her, always admiring her from afar like a flower. A sweet story of how Hanagasaki works up the courage and becomes closer to Meln!
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You want some diabetes? Try this if you still didn't:


Already did and loved it. I love mangas that brings a smile to my face and soothes to my heart.

No kiss, but implied engagement.


10/10, would vanilla again.

we need an epilogue of the wedding XD

so sad it ended


What a lame ending


I can't believe it's over.

What is this... what is this... one of the mangas that was my doze of sweetness ended.

You want some diabetes? Try this if you still didn't:


merry christmas. an ok ending. i enjoyed reading this, but i don't think it's something i would read again.

What is this... what is this... one of the mangas that was my doze of sweetness ended. The sweetness this manga should of been never ending!!! Just why, what a sad christmas... gives a prequel or loads of bonuses, please!

I for one want more!



F.I.Y, thanks for the hard work. There's a similar manga like this... where the mc runs a flower shop, he's very shy and kind, except his face is a bit unpleasant. Check it out if you'll like it.

No kiss, but implied engagement.


10/10, would vanilla again.

First of all, thank you Renzokusei Scans for having the time to scanlate this vanilla work just in time for Christmas! 



But, I am satisfied with the ending... 


If only Hadi Girl gets updated too.....


It feels like my ship went on a hiatus. I want a spin off, god damn it. Like: "And 8 years later Karin and Yutaka meet again..." or something.

I will miss Yutaka and Karin so fucking much!

If we're lucky there might be something in the final volume, but considering how nice and sweet this manga was I wholeheartedly believe that she eventually comes to his town, they marry, and his sister always calls her Meln-chan no matter what.

Gonna miss this lovely little slice of life series. =(

So much story in so few chapters, unlike other longer running series that just go on...and on....and......need to die.

Thanks for scanning it!


It feels like my ship went on a hiatus. I want a spin off, god damn it. Like: "And 8 years later Karin and Yutaka meet again..." or something.

I will miss Yutaka and Karin so fucking much!

Merry Christmas T_T

Well, that's it for Itoshi no Karin. It was a short ride but it was an amazing one. The final volume comes out February 12th, and we'll be buying that to see if it has any extras in it.
If Horiizumi Inco gets another serialization, we will without a doubt be picking it up.

OK..............this just ruined my christmas </3

All good things come to an end. ;__;


Was that last chapter the end?

no but the next one will be

YES! I can see the (hopefully it is what I hope it is) end!

full of sugar.

Was that last chapter the end?


<33 This made my day! <3

Love how they're holding hands in the picture, but the paw is covering the bottom part of the camera. =w=

so....anyone else feel like this is gonna end with some super troll ending that leaves someone dead? 

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