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* * * * * (4.52 - 260votes)

Sekai Oni

Alt Names: alt 世界鬼alt Sekai Onialt Sekaionialt World Devilalt Дьявол Мира
Author: Okabe Uru
Artist: Okabe Uru
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A manga on Urasunday Magazine, Sekai Oni follows the story of a little girl called Shinonome Azuma.

With her parents dead or missing, Azuma has been taken into her uncle's family. However her new family has been harshly abusing her, to the point she has become so mentally unstable she developed the rare syndrome of Alice Through the Looking Glass, which makes her see things that shouldn't be there reflected on mirrors, water, glass, etc.

Everything begins when the things she sees start affecting the real world directly, and the barrier between reality and illusion breaks apart.

Welcome to the world at the other side of the mirror. Welcome to wonderland.

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O-oh, so she just destroyed Wonderland and locked the King in it...
...well, shit.

Digging the andymori references in the chapter titles for volume 11, though. If you're curious, check out:
by andymori. I'm not too sure about "Awakened Life" and "To the World of Endless Love." Perhaps "Life is Party" and... yeah, no clue on the second one. I'm surprised "Weapons of mass destruction" wasn't a chapter title, but maybe that would have been too obvious.

Good thing they explained it was a bomb. I thought it was a clock.



now i'm really confused with the plot, why the world end so fast (just a mere week since the crack first happened in zera)? what's the King and the other cheshire did in the past 15 years (like.. why the king didn't send the world devil to destroyed the zera in 5-6 years ago?) why they must destroyed zera (or save) the world in the last 1-2 weeks only?

one could interpret it that wonderland and cheshire devils were actually keeping the effect to both worlds to a minimum, but with all of them dead and the "floodway" destroyed, there's no more stopping.

now i'm really confused with the plot, why the world end so fast (just a mere week since the crack first happened in zera)? what's the King and the other cheshire did in the past 15 years (like.. why the king didn't send the world devil to destroyed the zera in 5-6 years ago?) why they must destroyed zera (or save) the world in the last 1-2 weeks only?

Dam the sky is falling and it's the most depressing ting I've ever seen

Good thing they explained it was a bomb. I thought it was a clock.


It has to be inserted inside a case... As long as something is in a case, even a clock can become a bomb.

Well that's convenient.
That was a lot of build-up just to say "ok we will end this in one chapter with my suddenly acquired secret move!"
Even if it was hinted earlier on that she read about the bomb, still lol.
Wonder what will happen next.

Would you rather have a volume long shounen battle with azuma winning through the power of nakama, or maybe through her inherited power from history's first world devil who turns out to be her real mother? Or heck, let's make it so the king wasn't the final boss and we inexplicably meet another evil who was sealed off this whole time...I could go on and on :P

King went full Junko Enoshima in his last moments. Wouldn't expect any less from a guy like him. Kinda wish we got to see him fully unmasked though, as unimportant as that is. 


Feels so weird to think we're this close to the end of the series. Can't wait to see how it all wraps up.

so with the world destroyed and the king is not dead

that means bunchou (seki) didn't die?

Well that's convenient.

That was a lot of build-up just to say "ok we will end this in one chapter with my suddenly acquired secret move!"
Even if it was hinted earlier on that she read about the bomb, still lol.

Wonder what will happen next.

Ok this King is the most fucked up character I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot.


I have to say, this conclusion is incredibly well planned and thought-out.

Good thing they explained it was a bomb. I thought it was a clock.


Same here, all those gears ^^.

While the anti proton bomb is awesome as hell :DDD

Azuma's expression is soooo cuuuuttttttteeee... Its like an anti proton bomb to the heart <3

"Its a bomb"

And I was about to comment on how he forgot about that anti proton bomb. This is really neat.

Good thing they explained it was a bomb. I thought it was a clock.


Azuma set us up the bomb. 

w a t


Evangelion ending?

Anyone knows when did Azuma read about bomb?

Chapter 6

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