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Tower of God

Alt Names: alt 神の塔alt Dievo Bokštasalt Guds Tornalt Isten Tornyaalt 신의 탑alt Kami no Toualt Menara Dewaalt Tanrının Kulesialt Toi La Aialt Torre de Deusalt Torre de Diosalt Turm Gottesalt Turnul lui Dumnezeualt Wieża Bogaalt Башня Богаalt برج الإلهalt برج خدا
Author: Siu
Artist: Siu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Raws: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=183559&weekday=mon

Official English translation: http://www.webtoons.com/episodeList?titleNo=95

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The reason you like Baam is just another generic trait that he has. If you call doing all of that "a few screws loose" then I recommend that you read more shonen manga. Because 9/10 the MC is going to risk his/her life A LOT (Luffy,Goku,Naruto, Ichigo,Gon) the list could go on and on. But the difference between Baam and these other characters, is that they have personality. Baam is basically Naruto, if Naruto wasn't funny, had less ambition, and looked generic. I feel like the only reason that people like Baam is because every female he meets instantly falls for him.

Response spoilered for length. -Manta



The reason you like Baam is just another generic trait that he has. If you call doing all of that "a few screws loose" then I recommend that you read more shonen manga. Because 9/10 the MC is going to risk his/her life A LOT (Luffy,Goku,Naruto, Ichigo,Gon) the list could go on and on. But the difference between Baam and these other characters, is that they have personality. Baam is basically Naruto, if Naruto wasn't funny, had less ambition, and looked generic. I feel like the only reason that people like Baam is because every female he meets instantly falls for him.

Or the mystery aspect of "wth is he?" since all we know about protagonist is his ability to visually learn fast, being suicidally afraid of loneliness and that he was sealed into a cave with Zahards emblem on the wall. True that baam is generic character put into role of protagonist, but Tower of god isnt single protagonist story. Currently so called "protagonists" seem to be Baam, Koon and Ja Wagnan. Soon we might be putting Rachel into those instead of having her in "background antagonist" role if SIU decides to make a longer perioid trip to Rachel in next season.


If people like me and many others like Baam despite him being so called "bland character", its propably because author is skilled enough to hide it under constant story developement and pray that people dont start to ruminate for longer perioids of time on those few faults in the story.

I don't like Baam because he's generic. I like him as a character because he has a few screws loose in his head. He jumped into the mouth of a steel eel, in the crown game he stood up to Anak and the Green april, Took narumada Ignition to the face, told off Yu hansung and fears loneliness so much he would literally rather die. All of those things are ridiculous. He isn't my favorite character, but as far as Main characters go you are being very harsh mate. :C
TBH though, the only super fair fight has been Anak vs Ran. Everything else has reeked of one sided-ness. Especially the Reflejo fight. He talked too much and tripped all of the loser flags as that fight went on.

The reason you like Baam is just another generic trait that he has. If you call doing all of that "a few screws loose" then I recommend that you read more shonen manga. Because 9/10 the MC is going to risk his/her life A LOT (Luffy,Goku,Naruto, Ichigo,Gon) the list could go on and on. But the difference between Baam and these other characters, is that they have personality. Baam is basically Naruto, if Naruto wasn't funny, had less ambition, and looked generic.

I feel like the only reason that people like Baam is because every female he meets instantly falls for him.

Its been over a month and a half since the break started and SIU announced the break would be of 6 weeks. Any idea if the break was extended and how much longer we have to wait?


Yes, it was extended because the hospital recommended that he should if he didn't want to live with a hurting wrist for the rest of his life. Also in his latest blog post he said that ToG will return 2-3 weeks from now.

Its been over a month and a half since the break started and SIU announced the break would be of 6 weeks. Any idea if the break was extended and how much longer we have to wait?

Hope that's true, atleast Rachel has a goal/reason for climbing the tower (Human greed). Exactly why is Baam climbing the tower ? for what purpose,want, goal, need ? In an Analogy it would be like Naruto chasing after Sasuke (Pointless)

Human greed huh.. Wish to go to the top. Then doesnt Baams "fear of loneliness" count as a reason to do such a thing?

this maybe a stupid question with a obvious answer but it has been bothering me for a while,so, does Androssi have a tiny horn?

Oh yes. Since ive answered to this question several time for past year or two and it comes as a habit.. Yes. Androssi has a small horn. Mister yellowhead chicken bomberman on the other hand has 2 red ones behind his neck.

this maybe a stupid question with a obvious answer but it has been bothering me for a while,so, does Androssi have a tiny horn?

Well many people dislike Rachel. As a character, she is solid. As a person, she is evil. Nothing is wrong with her character since it makes plenty of sense that she would be jealous of what others have. This makes her petty but not a "bad" character. This makes her a more "real" character since we see people like this in everyday life. 

Baam's character is also solid. He is a naive, caring, and heroic. He does have his faults though such as his naivety and his selfishness. What makes him selfish is that he has power to change the tower but couldn't care less. He isn't as "realistic" as a character since people like him are harder to come by in everyday life. This is paralleled in the story by his interactions with other characters and their impressions of him. 


So, both really good characters.

TBH the reason I don't like Rachel isn't because of the fact that she betrayed Baam. Its because she is inferior to Griffith from berserk. And the Guts-Griffith relationship was developed a lot better than the Baam-Rachel one. She's just a wanna be imo.

Baam is basically the same as any other generic shonen MC, except he has no redeeming qualities. He isn't funny, he isn't smart, he isn't interesting. He just happens to be strong, so people like him. He even has a generic look, which people seem to like, becuase it resembles them more.

I don't like Baam because he's generic. I like him as a character because he has a few screws loose in his head. He jumped into the mouth of a steel eel, in the crown game he stood up to Anak and the Green april, Took narumada Ignition to the face, told off Yu hansung and fears loneliness so much he would literally rather die. All of those things are ridiculous. He isn't my favorite character, but as far as Main characters go you are being very harsh mate. :C

TBH though, the only super fair fight has been Anak vs Ran. Everything else has reeked of one sided-ness. Especially the Reflejo fight. He talked too much and tripped all of the loser flags as that fight went on. 


Ya he is kinda suicidal, but then again most action story MCs are they would have to be in order to willingly go up against the impossible odds they are generally thrown in.




Baam is basically the same as any other generic shonen MC, except he has no redeeming qualities. He isn't funny, he isn't smart, he isn't interesting. He just happens to be strong, so people like him. He even has a generic look, which people seem to like, becuase it resembles them more.


WOW. That's a good one, bro.
Baam, as SIU has stated multiple times, doesn't care about the outside world. His vision of the things is very very small. The only things he cares about is: his friends and Rachel. So he's of course willing to give his life, because imagine he try to save them, fails and lives, but all his friends die. What is left to him? Nothing. As his vision is so little, the things he cares about are too, and if he loses them, it will be like the end of the world for him. He prefers dying for his friends than living without them.
Oh, and the thing you said about Rachel... so right. People don't understand why he is so obsessed, but she was quite literally the only fucking person he saw in years, and she taught him EVERYTHING. The people who trust God, don't stop trusting when things get worse, they think he taught them everything, and they still ought to pray.
My vision of things, of course.
By the way, don't you think that Baam actually have a suicidal tendencies? From the very beginning we saw that he was ready to easily give his life to find Rachel: he rushed into the Eel's cage, he was going to fight a Ranker (Quant) to protect her, he immediately revealed his Irregular status to help her climb. Later, after he became Jyu Viole Grace, we continue to see it even more, when he even says "Doesn't matter if I'll be broken in the end. I'll do it if it can protect my friends".
continued under spoiler

Somehow I can just picture the scenario where Androssi will die then Baam will go on a rampage.

Well many people dislike Rachel. As a character, she is solid. As a person, she is evil. Nothing is wrong with her character since it makes plenty of sense that she would be jealous of what others have. This makes her petty but not a "bad" character. This makes her a more "real" character since we see people like this in everyday life. 

Baam's character is also solid. He is a naive, caring, and heroic. He does have his faults though such as his naivety and his selfishness. What makes him selfish is that he has power to change the tower but couldn't care less. He isn't as "realistic" as a character since people like him are harder to come by in everyday life. This is paralleled in the story by his interactions with other characters and their impressions of him. 


So, both really good characters.

Geez so many Rachel haters. I do hate Rachel for trying to take Baam's life and acting all innocent about it, all because of the fact that she misunderstood Baam's intention when he took Headon's test, but that doesn't really mean she is that mean and evil. Before the Tower, she and Baam where really close. You can't blame her if she hated Baam for being chosen instead of her who wish to climb the Tower the most.


Rather than arguing about her and the other characters, we should look forward to the 'new story' SIU is hinting, the Hidden Floor, and the Hell Express. I feel many major things are gonna happen there. :)



Hope that's true, atleast Rachel has a goal/reason for climbing the tower (Human greed). Exactly why is Baam climbing the tower ? for what purpose,want, goal, need ? In an Analogy it would be like Naruto chasing after Sasuke (Pointless)

*deep breath*

He is chasing after Rachel. the human who was everything for him for years. Do you call that pointless?

And the fact that Baam has cut his hair doesn't mean he is *the same* as in season 1. Although I agree on you that I didn't like Baam on the first season (I liked him in the reread, but still not as much as 2 season Baam).

According to his latest blog post...with the appearance of Rachel as a starting point, he will be starting a completely new story. So all of you Rachel fans out there should be happy :) Hopefully it will be one whee she kills Baam and Androssi.


Hope that's true, atleast Rachel has a goal/reason for climbing the tower (Human greed). Exactly why is Baam climbing the tower ? for what purpose,want, goal, need ? In an Analogy it would be like Naruto chasing after Sasuke (Pointless)

is Viole still a part of FUG ?


No, he has gone back to being his Boring self (part 1) and with his chummy chummy nakama buddies

is Viole still a part of FUG ?

Well, he dropped his slayer-candidate pretense along with his ponytail, at least. He's back with his friends, who are no longer invisible targets used to manipulate him. He also seems keen to investigate Wingtree. But he hasn't exactly cut ties with Hwa Ryun and Ha Jinsung. Karaka isn't done with him yet either.

is Viole still a part of FUG ?

So, why did FUG decided to use Workshop battle? I mean they (both factions) could knock him out, blackmail him, etc. to give him the weapon or to make the weapon out of him. Why would you want to make things more difficult or unpredictable by letting just about anyone participate in the affair?


Many reasons. 

1) Rid of Baam's friends who may become a hindrance 

2) Make Baam into a weapon. Eventually Baam would become too strong that simple blackmail wouldn't work anymore. They needed the workshop to smelt Baam into a weapon that can be wield by any slayer. 

3) They needed an event to distract the workshop higher ups that aren't a part of the plan. The workshop battle would be the perfect distraction. 

Because then there wouldn't be a story, thats why :)


Don't take easy ways :0).

So, why did FUG decided to use Workshop battle? I mean they (both factions) could knock him out, blackmail him, etc. to give him the weapon or to make the weapon out of him. Why would you want to make things more difficult or unpredictable by letting just about anyone participate in the affair?


Because then there wouldn't be a story, thats why :)

So, why did FUG decided to use Workshop battle? I mean they (both factions) could knock him out, blackmail him, etc. to give him the weapon or to make the weapon out of him. Why would you want to make things more difficult or unpredictable by letting just about anyone participate in the affair?

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