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* * * * * (4.53 - 209votes)

Koharu no Hibi

Alt Names: alt こはるの日々alt 小春伴身边alt Days of Koharualt Hari-hari Koharualt Indian Summer Days and Usalt 코하루의 나날alt Koharu Daysalt Повседневная жизнь Кохару
Author: Ooshiro Youkou
Artist: Ooshiro Youkou
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: On his way to school, Torii Akira helps a girl who was about to fall down. From that moment he keeps running into that girl, and she seems very happy to see Akira. Could this be the reason Akira can't help smiling all day?

Before long, however, Akira begins to notice the true face of that girl. Her obsession growing every day, Koharu's eccentricity causes her to take anything involving Akira to the extreme, disregarding the concerns and well-being of others as she seeks her senpai's affection.
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Shit's crazy. I love it.
was actually expecting her to drug him. Posted Image
Yandere is the best. why? because you know she loves you and hence you trust her. yes i'm sure many have trust issues =.="
Yandere > Tsundere
Mika should've known that and shut her mouth before she got owned.

Seriously, though, I'm really enjoying this one. I like stories about yandere, although I admit in real life they'd be kinda frightening. That picture up top is so misleading, lol.
@ damienthedevil

Its a line well straddled by most characters in fiction, but i don't know if it would work in life.

Still, there was something endearing about having someone care about you to that point. But while the line is carefully walked by people who are weaving a plot together, real life is sometimes much darker and more chaotic.
For example: I have an ex that claims i was her first love. She wasn't mine, but i was hers, i guess. Anyway, so we dated for 4 months and absolutely anything i wanted, outside the realm of ridiculousness, was attainable. In that way, she is a lot like Koharu. But, just accepting those gifts without reciprocating - that made me feel awful. I dont know how Akira can be with Koharu when she is willing to give so much to him and he never would do the same. He wouldn't give back just like i wouldn't give back.

And while this series may evolve with Akira learning to reciprocate, i felt too awful to continue.
Real life possesiveness spawns dark thoughts. My ex took it as there was a part of me reserved, and became obsessive. She lived her life, normally, until a year later when she needed a place o say and i obliged out of guilt.

Long story short, that desire for complete devotion and love, when i wouldn't date her, led to her having an 'adult' affair with my goddamn dad, and she requested that they call each other nicknames. My dad is estranged, and doesn't know i go by a nickname - the same nickname she requested to call him.
Later, she used my real name to name her child she had with another teenager who turned out to be a deadbeat dad.
Im saying this not to promote anything about me, im nothing special. I say it because the concept of a Yandere is not flawed in fiction, but in real life, its incredibly sad. Can you imagine how this could be a somewhat happy story [Minus the affair, of course.] if i loved her back, or even loved her as intensely as she loved me?

Anyway, my point bieng: Love your Yandere's in fiction. Fiction, while impossibly imaginative, is reigned in by rules. Reality is sad. There are a lot of sad things tied to a person bieng 'Yandere' in real life. Real life is stranger then fiction, but its also a lot more complicated.

Still, i read this and other manga with Yandere's in them. Sometimes, they are my favorite character. But like every wonderful thing in fiction, i keep it in my head, because its far more perfect in there. I'd like to read a nice story where a girl named Koharu loves someone intensely, and that someone has the innate feeling and patience to see it develop. As i read this stuff, my thoughts wander to a 'what if' for my personal story, and even though i will never probably tell my ex this, to think about it in a warm, nostalgic light is the most i could do for someone that cared so much about such a regular, small guy.

[To mods: If you feel this post is inappropriate, i will remove it. It is about a character, but it is very much about Koharu no Hibi. Still, i'll comply and move it if its not quite enough about Koharu no Hibi for Batoto's taste.]

p.s. i am not the shit. I am not cool, or an amazing person. Im not making this up for attention, or laiming that im so cool that all girls obsess over me. This was an isolated incident, and i intended to present it with a lack of arrogance. Im sorry if any came through.
nah no way, this bitch is too crazy to my liking, if he knows how to controll her it would be allright.
but still, BITCHEZ BE CRAZY!!!!

While you raised some interesting points but I don't find them creepy at all. I would like an overly attached girlfriend. It's better than a girlfriend that doesn't care.
At this point, he's seriously like 'Ok, whatever, the room, the pillow, her manipulating my friends. Hoo christmas.'
Fucking moron.
You remember what she did with your hair, your "warmth", your bottle, your goddamn spit in your clarinet?
Your semen will be bronzed. she will keep a baggy of it in her vegetable crisper.

@to any manga fans that are like 'i would <3 a yandere girlfriend, like so much what is he complaining why i dont even what.' seriously, wait till you get a girlfriend. any girlfriend. Nothing 'Yandere-ish' or possesive will seem cute at all.
@damienthedevil Good job messing up the page layout.
Her parents room is probably on the backyard of her house, underneath the rosebushes. (~~~~bEcAuSe ThEy tRiEd tO StOp hEr fRoM seeing SENPAIiiiii~~~)
ha..he's lucky he never saw the OTHER ROOM..what would be in the other room would be?hmm maybe her parents:)
ha..he's lucky he never saw the OTHER ROOM..what would be in the other room would be?hmm maybe her parents:)
just finished reading all the chapters and at the start i was like '' this bitch is crazy'' then in the middle im like '' wtf, her mind is just fucked'' and the latest chapter '' damn, just about when there about to do it''.
omg this is so creepy =S
i wish i never find a girl like her, an ex was a little extreme but this is wayyyyyy more =S
wow .... just wow will be keep track of this one
yay yandere. change of pace.
Oh, yeah--part of it is that while, like with most manga characters, the features are pretty simplified so the lips aren't really drawn just an outlined mouth, with her the mangaka has found a way to suggest fullness about the lips without really drawing the whole thing. So her lips looks pouty and kissable in a way most manga girls' don't.
She's an interesting character design. Short, and really cute and innocent looking, and she doesn't usually dress in a revealing way, but you still realize from time to time that under all that she's pretty deuced curvy. There's definitely a sensuality about her.
the room wasnt creepy at all, compared to what she usually does the room was actually quite tame, not to mention that weve already seen it
Meh the characters are stupid.
I get the feeling of innocent stalker from her... so far my biggest problem the this manga is that the male lead has not pined his girlfriend as a stalker, and then warned all his friends about it. After she attacked his childhood friend, it should have been apparent to everyone at that point, yet all the characters just brushed it off. The big thing to me is that if he labeled her as a stalker, he would then have a better way to deal with her, and have his friends help protect him as he try's to keep her under control. I don't see here as anything really dangerous, but at the same time it's the kind of condition that only gets worse if left to itself. I predict that she will a full on mental episode and eather end up in a mental hospital, or end up on median.
A yandere just got jumped on, it's the start of a new fad.
shes just too cute, her creepiness doesnt even matter.
It's scary, lol and this girl is so creepy. damn.

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