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Lies of the Sheriff Evans: Dead or Love

Alt Names: alt 保安官エヴァンスの嘘alt Hoankan Evans no Uso: Dead or Love
Author: Kuriyama Mizuki
Artist: Kuriyama Mizuki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The misadventures of the sheriff Elmore Evans as he attempts to find luck in his love life.
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  • 15 Replies


Not too many comedy Westerns, save for Blazing Saddles and McClintock, so this is nice. I wonder if we're going to have a duel soon?

Gotta love those narrator box, if this is going to become anime the narrator VA is going to be very important

I wonder if there's going to be a Calamity Jane or Belle Starr type character?

Also want to see how us Injuns are portrayed. Will we get a nuanced portrayal, or Chief Scalpem from Sunset Riders?

Fortunately, my tribe isn't anywhere in the west (Lumbee, in case anyone cares) like most tribes who were 'relocated.'

I always enjoy hearing the perspective of people who have a different (and oftentimes more personal) viewpoint of representation.  Please keep up the comments and the critique!

Haven't pressed the "Follow" button this fast in quite a while, that’s quality humor right there.

Love love love this. 

It's already been four chapters and no panty shots or accidentally seeing any of the women naked? What kind of manga is this? I'm disillusioned.

yes! there! we have it! we just need evans and oakley interacting from now on!

I wonder if there's going to be a Calamity Jane or Belle Starr type character?

Also want to see how us Injuns are portrayed. Will we get a nuanced portrayal, or Chief Scalpem from Sunset Riders?

Fortunately, my tribe isn't anywhere in the west (Lumbee, in case anyone cares) like most tribes who were 'relocated.'

Kaguya Phoebe Oakley Wants To Be Confessed To


Chapter 3 in a nutshell

Do the fates conspire against him or is it just him conspiring against him.


It's all Sonzai X's fault.

These two idiots are perfect for each other, I hope she shows up again

Hmm... I was sort of half-expecting the author to start them off with an actual relationship right of the bat to blow us away. Maybe later.

Do the fates conspire against him or is it just him conspiring against him.

seek no more, future wife found

First girl, childhood friend, complementary personality and skills

A trifecta!

Those two are a match made in heaven.

seek no more, future wife found

My only wish is that it doesn't take them 40 years to be together XD.

seek no more, future wife found

Thanks for scanlating this Cyan Steam! I've been waiting for this series as soon as I saw it being covered by Sakaki/Bomber D Rufi.

I predict the end of this manga is a sort of Harem Ending where all the girls he encountered fight over him



I'm embarrassed fro him X'D

If this gets popular enough then the author will be told by the editors to make longer, more serious story arcs. That's the key. But seeing the setting, I'm not sure how the author will pull it off while still keeping the general theme. I would also hate to see a friendship no jutsu ending.



Well, then they could upgrade him from Sheriff to Marshall and just give him a wider reach or something like that. 

OH geez, this is gonna get depressing real fast

So does he eventually find someone or is this like this other manga I read where it was 6 volumes of the main guy getting screwed over and doesn't end up with anyone. The end to that annoyed me so much, I forgot the name of it.


If this gets popular enough then the author will be told by the editors to make longer, more serious story arcs. That's the key. But seeing the setting, I'm not sure how the author will pull it off while still keeping the general theme. I would also hate to see a friendship no jutsu ending.

So does he eventually find someone or is this like this other manga I read where it was 6 volumes of the main guy getting screwed over and doesn't end up with anyone. The end to that annoyed me so much, I forgot the name of it.

It's called 95% of recent manga.

J/K, do you have any other search parameters besides that?

so what's the problem?

I think it's that the MC "learnt the tricks of the trade (from Pa's Pro Tips), instead of the trade" because he was too busy becoming a human aimbot superb gunfighter growing up.

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