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* * * * * (4.56 - 97votes)

Kuzu to Megane to Bungaku Shoujo (Nise)

Alt Names: alt クズとメガネと文学少女(偽)alt Scum and Glasses and Literature Girl (Fake)
Author: Tanigawa Nico
Artist: Tanigawa Nico
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "Murakami Haruki? I know--it's actually Kadokawa Haruki." This is the story of some glasses guy and a piece of human trash who falls for a (fake) literature girl who has nothing going for her aside from her face.

RAW: http://sai-zen-sen.jp/comics/twi4/bungakushoujo
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She's so cute :3

She's trying her best.

It's really difficult to understand women.


She wanted to brush it off to spare both her feelings and her reputation, but he wouldn't let her rip


At least he apologized haha

It's really difficult to understand women.

Sorry for the delay this chapter, typesetting was an actual mess for this panel. Ended up having to just go over it since otherwise I'd have to put the text vertically, which nobody wants to read.





She's a total idiot, but I can't help but feel bad for her when she tears up like that


She was so excited to share about the book she was so proud about reading, and then gets told to shut up not just by one person but by two (who YELLED it at her, mind you), followed by her friend saying that she's basically boring her and should stop talking. I feel awful for her, even if she's kinda dumb. Nobody deserves that just for trying to share their impressions about a book they genuinely really liked and were excited about ):

I can feel her pain.

She's a total idiot, but I can't help but feel bad for her when she tears up like that






Feeling super bad for Orikawa after reading this chapter omg ):



At least she's honest.

Wow, this is great. Wish I ran into this series later so I'd have more to catch up on! Thanks for translating :)

Like this?




I cried. 10/10 my friend.

Reupload of chapter 46 because looking at it a few hours later I realized how bad my translation was hahaha


Should be better now though, feel free to reread (or don't if you don't wanna ;P)

That punchline was too good.



Like this?



That punchline was too good.



Funnily enough, I wasn't a huge fan of this chapter's punchline ;P But I suppose not all chapters can be winners for everyone, haha. At the very least I'm a bit proud of how natural I was able to make the dialogue this chapter.

That punchline was too good.


Thanks for the release! :P

...this should become more popular,I mean it's not necessary to be popular like Tomo-chan but need more recognition. :)

Holy crackers, I'm in love. Tanigawa Nico never displeases.

And thus, a fujoshi was born

In the near-future, the tags for this manga will change... drastically

Of all the chapters to end on when I just start reading this.  Chapter 43.

I think the twi4 site says that the publication for this will continue until the end of the month, so there will probably be about 3 more chapters before it takes another break.

Ah, scratch that--nothing has been released today, so look forward to next month for new chapters.

Also, that slick 2-chapter release today was a welcome surprise. Hope you all enjoyed it (:
And thus, a fujoshi was born

I'm pretty sure that's the twist. It seems real likely as of now. The description could be a syntax error in the translation or the author just decided to say fuck it.


The description was legit a bit confusing in Japanese for me. I did try to do my best with it. Still, it's probably best if someone just updates the synopsis to be reflective of the series instead of using my not-so-great translation.


Also, it totally seems to me like that's the twist as well, haha.

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