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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.65 - 251votes)


Alt Names: alt ドリフターズalt Başıboşlaralt 漂泊者alt Скитальцыalt التائهون
Author: Hirano Kouta
Artist: Hirano Kouta
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story of Drifters takes place during Japan's Sengoku period (roughly 15th to 17th century), a time of constant warring between the island's states, and a natural setting of choice for samurai stories. A young samurai on verge of death suddenly finds himself into another, fantastic world, alongside important military figures from history. How? Why? These questions remain unanswered.

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Please stop trying to give Toyohisa a phonetic accent, it never works. It's unnecessary anyways, the mockery over him being a hick in the early chapters was more than sufficient.

Yeah. If it was a well written accent, that would be one thing, but this is just cringy and difficult to read, especially since the normal writing is filled with enough grammar and spelling issues as it is.


Without the intervention of Admiral Yamaguchi, Zero pilot Kanno and Scipio Africanus, the defenders have no answer to the dragon riders.



Please stop trying to give Toyohisa a phonetic accent, it never works. It's unnecessary anyways, the mockery over him being a hick in the early chapters was more than sufficient.

To be fair, he IS right. The cross was far from an unusual punishment for the Romans- as an example, during one slave revolt (might have been Spartacus, I'm not too sure) they nailed enough people on crosses to cover the entire Via Appia (road from Rome to south Italy).

Shall we start the search from there then? :D

Mitsuhide has quite the raging hateboner for Nobunaga.

i think mitsuhide is banking on the fact that he knows about oda while oda doesnt know about him currently, so im guessing that if the giants fail to breach, their bodies will become effective siege towers to absorb musket fire and allow the infantry to climb them

They've reloaded the chapter with the missing pages. A closer look at the panels shows the giants falling over through a mix of gunpowder, pitch and musket balls straight in the eyes.


One of the giants made a big hole in the first trench but not much else. Akechi Mitsuhide's response is to rally his troops and press them forward by driving up their self-belief. Sure he has the numbers on his side but the intervention of Toyohisa and the dwarves has already won the defenders a small victory. Bar the one giant which has fallen on its back just before the first trench, it doesn't look like any of them can be used as impromptu siege towers.


Without the intervention of Admiral Yamaguchi, Zero pilot Kanno and Scipio Africanus, the defenders have no answer to the dragon riders.


The Drifters have already recognised that the key to stopping the army's advance is to kill the Black King. To do that they'll need to survive wave after wave of endless demihuman soldiers and the supernaturally powered Ends commanders. Then they'll need a way to ambush the Black King without being turned into giant cancerous tumours. Although it seems impossible, I haven't forgotten what Kouta Hirano did with Alucard's final restriction in his last series and I imagine something very similar for the next chapters.

63 has been reuploaded 2 pages where missing sorry for the mix up.



It's obviously Bobby of Bethlehem.


I think its Chad, hes the troublemaker

Well i guess we start to search for some mentioning about another legendary person who multiplied food, healed the wounded and did benevolent deeds enough to be mentioned in the books of history up to his end where he got nailed to a cross/wall/ground/ thin air. My history knowledge isnt what it used to be but im pretty sure only one easter bunny got famous enough through this resume.

To be fair, he IS right. The cross was far from an unusual punishment for the Romans- as an example, during one slave revolt (might have been Spartacus, I'm not too sure) they nailed enough people on crosses to cover the entire Via Appia (road from Rome to south Italy).

And his hatred for humans is right.




I mean he came down to earth (not really, but there the fun starts) to take away the sins of us mortals. As god's son. With powers as described here.


And what did the mighty do?

Kill him, out of fear. And lost of other children pre his puberty and lots of other people till they converted to the same religion LONG LONG after it.




This is still actual.

The mighty fear change. Cause they want to be mighty still in a few years.

Look at putin ,... he even changed the law to be president again. And will again, to be an everlasting dictator ... i mean president. Till his death.


It's ironic how religous teachings .. are still so true. Even if they might be pure fiction.

If I remember right, in the story, it was mentioned that he ws called to other worlds to save them, and although he tried his best, humanity always betrayed his expectations. I can't really blame the guy for being pissed at humans, can I?

Well i guess we start to search for some mentioning about another legendary person who multiplied food, healed the wounded and did benevolent deeds enough to be mentioned in the books of history up to his end where he got nailed to a cross. My history knowledge isnt what it used to be but im pretty sure only one easter bunny got famous enough through this resume.

It's obviously Bobby of Bethlehem.

Tying to the cross was most common, but Jesus wasn't the only person to ever be nailed to it. Accounts of the Siege of Jerusalem include descriptions of soldiers nailing prisoners to crosses.

Well i guess we start to search for some mentioning about another legendary person who multiplied food, healed the wounded and did benevolent deeds enough to be mentioned in the books of history up to his end where he got nailed to a cross/wall/ground/ thin air. My history knowledge isnt what it used to be but im pretty sure only one easter bunny got famous enough through this resume.

Bronze armour (from the dragon's scales and flesh) resistant to matchlock bullets?

It looks like some VERY thick slabs of Bronze. =P

Bronze armour (from the dragon's scales and flesh) resistant to matchlock bullets?


Looks like it's going swimmingly well for the Black King's assault, but Oda's "cauldron battle" sounds like some kind of mire to lock the giants down for Toyohisa and the dwarves to kill them before they can breach the entirety of the fortified lines.


Akechi Mitsuhide is best known for betraying Oda Nobunaga but he wasn't known for his tactical genius (after all Hideyoshi killed him shortly after his betrayal). I wonder what he'll do if the giants fail to breach everything and momentum swings against him.

i think mitsuhide is banking on the fact that he knows about oda while oda doesnt know about him currently, so im guessing that if the giants fail to breach, their bodies will become effective siege towers to absorb musket fire and allow the infantry to climb them

Bronze armour (from the dragon's scales and flesh) resistant to matchlock bullets?


Looks like it's going swimmingly well for the Black King's assault, but Oda's "cauldron battle" sounds like some kind of mire to lock the giants down for Toyohisa and the dwarves to kill them before they can breach the entirety of the fortified lines.


Akechi Mitsuhide is best known for betraying Oda Nobunaga but he wasn't known for his tactical genius (after all Hideyoshi killed him shortly after his betrayal). I wonder what he'll do if the giants fail to breach everything and momentum swings against him.

Only Jesus got nailed to the cross others got tied

Tying to the cross was most common, but Jesus wasn't the only person to ever be nailed to it. Accounts of the Siege of Jerusalem include descriptions of soldiers nailing prisoners to crosses.

On one of the omakes the Black King identity is hinted so heavily to be Jesus isnt even funny. Like answering on a interview that he used to work as a carpenter, and he had anger management issues related to whipping people. Add the stigmatas plus the miracles he can perform and is almost 99% sure that he is Jesus

Yaah same conclusion.. Healing people, multiplying food, "i tried to save humanity once", benevolence towards the weak and wounded, wounds in palms etc etc etc.. and seeing how the bad guys are all characters who got killed or judged to death by the masses..

Hey we ain't that bad

Yes you are

Speaking of Mitsuhide, is he like Rasputin and only serving the Ends for his intellectual capabilities? Not sure I've seen anything from him resembling what Hijikata and the others can pull off.


Doesn't Rasputin have the power of possession or being able to control people like puppets? I recall Nobunaga talking to Rasputin through one of his people puppets.


Nevermind, it become normal after few hours latter ...

and I already read new chapter ...


him and few other ...


which omake is it ? (which chapter ?)

Here it is http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Drifters/Ch-035-005--Luke-and-Jan-s-Corner?id=185392

One of the true leader characteristic:


He did his best even tho the situation is hopeless.

He smiled when facing dangers in the frontline (to keep his followers morale)

He didn't blame others if it actually failed.

Instead, he said, "I'm sorry"


Who won't follow that man to death???


Nevermind, it become normal after few hours latter ...

and I already read new chapter ...

Peter was crucified.


him and few other ...

On one of the omakes the Black King identity is hinted so heavily to be Jesus isnt even funny. Like answering on a interview that he used to work as a carpenter, and he had anger management issues related to whipping people. Add the stigmatas plus the miracles he can perform and is almost 99% sure that he is Jesus


which omake is it ? (which chapter ?)

Just as well the Black King's army doesn't have conventional artillery of any sort. The closest thing they have is Joan of Arc's firestorm and Anastasia's blizzard. Heavily fortified positions need natural terrain to complement its strengths or risk being a sitting duck to sustained bombardment. The Black King has air superiority for now until Yamamoto and Kanno can get the Zero fighters working again.  


Akechi Mitsuhide is taking the easy route bulldozing the entrenched positions with the giants before following up with numbers to overwhelm the exposed defenders. It's game over for the defenders if the tactic pulls off, but it gets interesting if he has no plan B and the armour of the giant battering rams fails against massed matchlock rounds.


Speaking of Mitsuhide, is he like Rasputin and only serving the Ends for his intellectual capabilities? Not sure I've seen anything from him resembling what Hijikata and the others can pull off.

On one of the omakes the Black King identity is hinted so heavily to be Jesus isnt even funny. Like answering on a interview that he used to work as a carpenter, and he had anger management issues related to whipping people. Add the stigmatas plus the miracles he can perform and is almost 99% sure that he is Jesus

The grammar is pretty shit. Still, its better than nothing.

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