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* * * * * (4.6 - 242votes)

Tensei Shitara Ken deshita

Alt Names: alt 転生したら剣でしたalt I Was a Sword When I Reincarnatedalt 전생했더니 검이었습니다alt Naging Espada Ako sa aking Pangalawang Buhayalt Sword Shishoalt Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita
Author: Tanaka Yu
Artist: Maruyama Tomowo
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A 30 year old man is struck by a car and dies. When he next awakens he has reincarnated as a magic sentient sword in a fantasy world. He eventually encounters an enslaved catgirl named Fran, whom he helps free, and together they set off for adventure.

Original webcomic: http://denshi-birz.com/tenken/
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Argh dammit,another of those stupid resurrected kind of boring stories which I am sick of......




...almost naked catgirl....





Dec 26 2016 11:15 PM

.... i want to hug her.

Make her dinner. Feed her till she isn't just bones anymore.



And then pet her.


q.q man lately i'm going down the father route to deeply. Everyone is getting kids xD.

I shall get me a cat first ... less trouble then a real kid. And doesn't need to be wiped clean, till the age of 18.

This mangaka better not abuse Fran again like he did in these first pages.

That is the most clever title drop I have ever seen.

Thought it was gonna be another damn cliche "Isekai" story but this...
This is good
Im fine with this.



Lemme do this with wikipedia random article titles
"I got hit by Tropical Storm Vamei and got reincarnated as a Svartálfar in a game world with a harem of 16 Serpentis, Amber L. Hollibaugh, and Khonaqo girls."

I have to say, given that every single one of these I've read ends as a harem of some sort the MC being a sword is a bit worrisome.


No matter how I slice it the thought makes me wince--even if it's just at the really wretched jokes and puns I know people are going to hack out hereafter.



"I got hit by a housewife and got reincarnated as a broom in a game world with a harem of witches, familiars and bishoujos who reincarnated as wands" :D

I read it elsewhere.


A sword and a loli (or a trap?)


Why not.


I'm still waiting for the one where he's reincarnated as a vending machine in a dungeon.

Yeah, I detect a trap as well.



I have to say, given that every single one of these I've read ends as a harem of some sort the MC being a sword is a bit worrisome.


No matter how I slice it the thought makes me wince--even if it's just at the really wretched jokes and puns I know people are going to hack out hereafter.


lol, can use it for masturbation. Read a webcomic about it before; tri-edge. 

I have to say, given that every single one of these I've read ends as a harem of some sort the MC being a sword is a bit worrisome.


No matter how I slice it the thought makes me wince--even if it's just at the really wretched jokes and puns I know people are going to hack out hereafter.



Don't worry. I'm sure he'll find a magical spell that will turn him back into a human being with godpowers in a few chapters.

I have to say, given that every single one of these I've read ends as a harem of some sort the MC being a sword is a bit worrisome.


No matter how I slice it the thought makes me wince--even if it's just at the really wretched jokes and puns I know people are going to hack out hereafter.


"Master" Sword? Link wants his sword back...
Reincarnation: the "Fuck off I don't want to write any exposition" genre of literature.

I bet that story exist in the shadowy streets of Japan as a doujin

It's a real LN series.

ooh it's shitty gig and shitty danette

Waiting for someone to reincarnate as a spoon.

I bet that story exist in the shadowy streets of Japan as a doujin


It DOES exists already. That's why I mentioned it. Not as a manga though.



my first impression is



but this guy below me already said what resembles the MC most

Remind me of a certain sword.


Well, at least this one isn't shy about showing mildly gory stuff.

But not gory enough to live up to the name of "Fran"

To anyone who can quick summarize the LN, aside from the RPG-ish skill thingy, is his (the sword) "reincarnation" part actually takes important role?


Truthfully, I don't read much of tensei themed manga/LN, kinda tired of it, because the reincarnation part doesn't actually takes role aside "welcome to fantasy world". Taken interest in this one just because the mangaka is the one that did Gachirin ni Kiri Saku.

The sword is the main character of the WN.

To anyone who can quick summarize the LN, aside from the RPG-ish skill thingy, is his (the sword) "reincarnation" part actually takes important role?


Truthfully, I don't read much of tensei themed manga/LN, kinda tired of it, because the reincarnation part doesn't actually takes role aside "welcome to fantasy world". Taken interest in this one just because the mangaka is the one that did Gachirin ni Kiri Saku.


>dat description
>'cooking' tag

In his loneliness, he started bargaining and begging for anybody to pick him up. He begins spending his skillpoints in random areas to make himself look appealing. "Look! I can fight! I can use magic! I can disassemble things I kill perfectly! I can even cook! A magical sword that can do anything! So, please, somebody, anybody get me out of here!" That helpless screaming leads to the cat hearing him. 

I bet that story exist in the shadowy streets of Japan as a doujin

Nope, he's a vending machine with RPG stats and skills, incapable of speaking anything that isn't automated dialogue, or moving by himself. He spawns in a dungeon, I think.

Well, at least this one isn't shy about showing mildly gory stuff.

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