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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.97 - 35votes)

Back to the Kaasan

Alt Names: alt Back to the Kaa-sanalt BACK TO THE母さん
Author: Furumoto Takeru
Artist: Furumoto Takeru
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
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This manga in a nutshell


He's gonna NTR his dad with his mom, lmao.


If this is a one-shot, good job author. If this is a series, good job publishing company! Now to click on follow....

somehow I want to know what will happen next. 

My face reading this manga.



never been in my life i read something so gross at the same time i enjoy it

This manga feels like a methed-out weirdo on the bus attempting to explain the plot of BttF.

yap, 1st torasu

You know PRECISELY what goes into this comment section:


I wanted to talk about the title, but after reading it... lol, nice.

a mothercon who can time travel... i can only see this as a tragedy.

ahahaha stubborn bastard XD

Oh la la......great BTTF parody right here....follow..

but still predictable plot thouhg...
back to the future to just to save his mother from the curse..
met her 17 yrs in the past...just to accidentally screw up his mother and father first encounter...thus changing the present where her mother doenst know about her father instead she fall in love with his son from the future thus causing the curse to begin with...and for him to fix this he have to team up with his mothers rival to make her fall for his father instead of him..and fixing the present timeline..but with an unforseen consequence of the rival girl falling for him even in the present even thou she is considered a MILF for him..

That would certainly be an interesting turn, a temporal paradox he created by trying to fix a problem in his furture he unknowingly caused in his mother's past... am I missing the point for wanting him over his oedipus complex as fast as possible and instead focus on the MILF he met in the past, disrupted the video of and who "misunderstood" him when he wanted the album? That or should I ask since he has already come back to the future after messing up his parents first meeting, something he seems fixated on preventing, when does this fool start fading from existence?

I think he is just a crazy, delusional idiot abandoned by his own parents and unable to accept it.

It's like some crazy jedi mind trick, this story.

This guy is going to end up deleting himself.

I hope he becomes his own father

i think he will end up with kasumi

I hope he becomes his own father

Oh la la......great BTTF parody right here....follow..


but still predictable plot thouhg...

back to the future to just to save his mother from the curse..

met her 17 yrs in the past...just to accidentally screw up his mother and father first encounter...thus changing the present where her mother doenst know about her father instead she fall in love with his son from the future thus causing the curse to begin with...and for him to fix this he have to team up with his mothers rival to make her fall for his father instead of him..and fixing the present timeline..but with an unforseen consequence of the rival girl falling for him even in the present even thou she is considered a MILF for him..

*click* follow .   my hand moving on my own

Lol wtf

that reference of page 19 lol


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