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Lies of the Sheriff Evans: Dead or Love

Alt Names: alt 保安官エヴァンスの嘘alt Hoankan Evans no Uso: Dead or Love
Author: Kuriyama Mizuki
Artist: Kuriyama Mizuki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The misadventures of the sheriff Elmore Evans as he attempts to find luck in his love life.
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Topic Chapter discussion of Sheriff Evans' Lies New Window truepurple
  • 15 Replies


at this rate, I'm suspecting Evans dad for shipping his son with Oakley since childhood because all his advice seems super effective only toward Oakley

Pa gives some good advice.

I'm pretty sure that the mangaka saw how well Kaguya was doing in Japan and decided to turn their manga into a wild west reskin.

and I would say it's pretty effective ... like Evans saying money is worthless effective.

I see that Cathy is filling the Fujiwara role of saying innocent things/doing innocent actions that unintentionally end up adding drama to the chapter

I'm pretty sure that the mangaka saw how well Kaguya was doing in Japan and decided to turn their manga into a wild west reskin.

Evans is already building a steady harem, but there was a lesson his father has never taught him... How to be aware of that fact.

That son better be Oakley's. All I'm sayin'.

And if it's not, it'll be like the gunfight at the OK corral in the comments.

Prediction: maybe a kiss in the main manga, but an epilogue shows him giving all sorts of advice to his son. Maybe even inherits his porn collection.

That son better be Oakley's. All I'm sayin'.

Seems like one of those rare mangas where childhood friend can manage to win.

Never thought I will say something like this about Wild West themed comic though.

I can't help but imagine that every time the narrator speaks, the frame freezes, the tone changes to Sepia, and is spoken in Morgan Freeman's voice...

at this rate evan will die a virgin..

Prediction: maybe a kiss in the main manga, but an epilogue shows him giving all sorts of advice to his son. Maybe even inherits his porn collection.

at this rate evan will die a virgin..

I'd love to see what would happen if he visited a brothel.

You mean, as a customer? 'Cause he's already done it for his job (chapter 4).

Elmore Evans, the more lecherous you try to be, the more heroic your deeds become... more to your dismay.

I'd love to see what would happen if he visited a brothel.

Elmore Evans, the more lecherous you try to be, the more heroic your deeds become... more to your dismay.

Also when Pompeii was first excavated in the early 1800s, some of it was sealed back up with brick walls or metal coverings after they found Roman statues/frescoes/graffiti that offended the morals of the people at the time. Though naturally if you were a educated gentleman of "high moral character" you could pay to go look at them.


Oh, I've seen those. They are in the Secret Cabinet of the Naples Archaeological Museum. They are a laugh, and clearly meant to entertain refined audiences who weren't above a naughty joke.


I specifically meant porn in magazine format, not prints and the like. The poster below seemed to consider a bookcase stacked with pulp and porn magazines an anachronism. Of course, I know that porn has always been around.

There are. And IIRC at least two carved mammoth tusk statuettes from the Paleolithic period have been found depicting a human with a female lion's head, so cavemen also desired catgirl waifus apparently.


Also when Pompeii was first excavated in the early 1800s, some of it was sealed back up with brick walls or metal coverings after they found Roman statues/frescoes/graffiti that offended the morals of the people at the time. Though naturally if you were a educated gentleman of "high moral character" you could pay to go look at them.

Somewhat relevant but hilarious. Wonder if something like this was ever uncovered:


I wouldn't be surprised if there were erotic cave paintings buried somewhere, haha...


There are. And IIRC at least two carved mammoth tusk statuettes from the Paleolithic period have been found depicting a human with a female lion's head, so cavemen also desired catgirl waifus apparently.


Also when Pompeii was first excavated in the early 1800s, some of it was sealed back up with brick walls or metal coverings after they found Roman statues/frescoes/graffiti that offended the morals of the people at the time. Though naturally if you were a educated gentleman of "high moral character" you could pay to go look at them.

I think pulp magazines and porn are quite old. Pretty sure they existed in the late 19th century.


You'd be surprised. Actually, pornographic prints started to be massively produced in the beginning of the 18th century. They were placed at the entrance of book markets to draw customers in (they didn't look like today's porn mags though, obviously).

And of course, erotic/porn fiction is basically as old as writing itself (well maybe not, but it existed in ancient Greece, so that's pretty old).

I think pulp magazines and porn are quite old. Pretty sure they existed in the late 19th century.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were erotic cave paintings buried somewhere, haha...

Wow, glad I ran into this series. It's comedy gold.


I'm really happy they decided to keep Oakley a recurring character for a reliable ship, they're great together. 

If he actually ends up with someone, I hope its Oakley.


Evans should just buy a taller ladder and gift it. Now I really want to know what his mom was like (school marm or barmaid perhaps).

Funny chapter, but makes me kind of sad because, up until this point, you could have pretended this did take place in the old west.

I think pulp magazines and porn are quite old. Pretty sure they existed in the late 19th century.

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