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* * * * - (4.31 - 127votes)

Ikusa x Koi

Alt Names: alt Ikusa x Lovealt Val Lovealt 戦x恋
Author: Asakura Ryousuke
Artist: Asakura Ryousuke
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Living in the house of anthrophobic high school student Akutsu Takuma are nine Valkyrie sisters!
In order to exterminate the fiends threatening to wipe out humanity, he has no choice but to raise these girls’ levels. But to do this, he needs to get these girls really turned on. A world-saving, room-sharing, love action story has begun!
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the author is japanese

Im Dal Young is korean, freezing is a "manga" because it was serialized on japan, but The Legend of Maian didn't.
The set up of these characters along with the levelling and dating concepts seem good (in theory at least) for an rpg-game. I'd love to try it.

The art is great but why must the main heroine be HER. I'd much rather prefer Futaba to be the main girl but nooooooooo we can't have a lovely older type women be the main girl. Nobody would ever enjoy a romcom about that.


On that note, would anyone know about a manga that has that? I'd very much like to know.


Well, there is "The Sister of the Woods with a Thousand Young", I suppose... As long as you don't mind a pinch of Lovecraft in your "Onee-sans", that is.

The art is great but why must the main heroine be HER. I'd much rather prefer Futaba to be the main girl but nooooooooo we can't have a lovely older type women be the main girl. Nobody would ever enjoy a romcom about that.


On that note, would anyone know about a manga that has that? I'd very much like to know.


A rom com with an older type woman as the MC? Well there is that one about the woman taking care of the high school boy baseball player... What was it called again?

Yakumo-san wa Edzuke ga Shitai.

The art is great but why must the main heroine be HER. I'd much rather prefer Futaba to be the main girl but nooooooooo we can't have a lovely older type women be the main girl. Nobody would ever enjoy a romcom about that.


On that note, would anyone know about a manga that has that? I'd very much like to know.


What is this from?


the picture needs a "desu" at the end of the phrase.


Why does the heroine in all these ecchi-action manga have to be a generic tsundere tho'. Like that one series Dokyuu Hentai HxEros also has a heroine that's pretty much the same as this.

'cause japan love tsunderes, it's a country that has almost all M people.

I think I know the spoilers you're talking about, but I think they won't happen on the manhwa though.

the author is japanese

Good lord, I'm still traumatized from reading Freezing, and perusing Legend of Maian spoilers.

I think I know the spoilers you're talking about, but I think they won't happen on the manhwa though.



LOL. So he basicly has his own harem but the members decided to all hold back so only one member can date him. So is this a harem or not? Kind of Schrödingers-harem


I actually quite enjoyed Onihime VS by him but unfortunately it was axed after less than 30 chapters.  Like his only series without the NTR and rape and stuff: http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/onihime-vs-r561

um... but it did have rape.. sorta.. I mean the MC almost had that happen to him like..3 or 4 times if I remember right

LOL. So he basicly has his own harem but the members decided to all hold back so only one member can date him. So is this a harem or not? Kind of Schrödingers-harem

Welp I'm happy for the update speed, thank you translators!  I was expecting this to turn into a monthly update for a minute lol.

Look at Bright Side Guys
At Least this is not isekai


Gets run over by Truck-kun.

Look at Bright Side Guys
At Least this is not isekai


And lo and behold another Rom-Com with a kind idiot.

Story is crap, so I only want to see ecchi and hentai here.

Letting the world go extinct doesn't sound all that bad



No thank you.

oh why must you mention that ungodly name?



Good lord, I'm still traumatized from reading Freezing, and perusing Legend of Maian spoilers.

I actually quite enjoyed Onihime VS by him but unfortunately it was axed after less than 30 chapters.  Like his only series without the NTR and rape and stuff: http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/onihime-vs-r561

I'll try and follow it until the guy has to rape the kindergartener to save the day.
Too many girls...
Cant see it going well regarding pacing and development.

>IM Dal-Young


No thank you.

Good lord, I'm still traumatized from reading Freezing, and perusing Legend of Maian spoilers.

This seems like a bad excuse to show some tits and asses, but i cant resist the Nordic myth background, so follow it is.

Any excuse to show tits is good excuse :P

    • Gao likes this

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