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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 88votes)

Yukuyuku Futari

Alt Names: alt The Couple's Path
Author: Tadano Natsu
Artist: Tadano Natsu
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A cute story about a couple and their dates.

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Why would you ever hesitate to tell your girlfriend she's cute?

Sometimes, My rage, my tiredness, my anxiousness today washed away when reading this Soothing Couple

Oh, well, that explains it!  Everyone knows when they're upside down they work backwards.


Reminds of of a Jay Chou song that goes along the lines of:


What's beautiful isn't the rainy day, but the awning where we took cover under.

They get along well.

>Is it the Fever?


Legal loli 

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)



The girl is really funny tho.

Well I guess there are 11-year-olds trying to sound mature in every comments section on the internet. It's called taking precautions kid. She's going on a date with a bigger and older man who could potentially take advantage of her.


That's her boyfriend.

At those times it was also harder to go very far in a short amount of time.

Wow people are speaking of the early 2000s like it's 1843. Stop making me feel old.

He's always replying right after Maru-chan replied back. Kinda shows how desperate he is to clear the misunderstanding.

Quite. That was rather what I was alluding to when I said it "might be important to parents in particular and thus beyond a child's control" :'p


While I understand the sense of security this may bring (and how that might be important to parents in particular and thus beyond a child's control), I do at these points feel compelled to point out that all our ancestors went out and about without cell phones, as children, and usually didn't die.


There are definitely new anxieties that come with these conveniences. Statistically speaking, being without a cell phone isn't actually dangerous (even by modern standards of danger); bringing one around makes you safer in the same way that having an emergency kit at home does, but similarly to that, leaving it at home for one day is very unlikely to kill you (or anyone else).


At those times it was also harder to go very far in a short amount of time. People in areas where you could usually reach would probably know who you are and who to tell if you got into trouble. By the time we could start going farther away from immediate areas with cheap and open public transit, pay phones started popping up. Now pay phones are going away because cell phones are widely used.

It may get you grounded and not allowed to go out on your own for a while.


Quite. That was rather what I was alluding to when I said it "might be important to parents in particular and thus beyond a child's control" :'p

While I understand the sense of security this may bring (and how that might be important to parents in particular and thus beyond a child's control), I do at these points feel compelled to point out that all our ancestors went out and about without cell phones, as children, and usually didn't die.


There are definitely new anxieties that come with these conveniences. Statistically speaking, being without a cell phone isn't actually dangerous (even by modern standards of danger); bringing one around makes you safer in the same way that having an emergency kit at home does, but similarly to that, leaving it at home for one day is very unlikely to kill you (or anyone else).


It may get you grounded and not allowed to go out on your own for a while.

It's called parents needing to be able to reach you or you to call someone in the case of an emergency.


While I understand the sense of security this may bring (and how that might be important to parents in particular and thus beyond a child's control), I do at these points feel compelled to point out that all our ancestors went out and about without cell phones, as children, and usually didn't die.


There are definitely new anxieties that come with these conveniences. Statistically speaking, being without a cell phone isn't actually dangerous (even by modern standards of danger); bringing one around makes you safer in the same way that having an emergency kit at home does, but similarly to that, leaving it at home for one day is very unlikely to kill you (or anyone else).

Why does everyone just assume stuff in manga/anime? Even if you do think you know what the relationship between the two people is, how are you so damn confident to express that thought? How about having some modesty?

Considering how many types of mascara products exist, largely for women, it's hardly just a men's beauty standard.  Long lashes have been considered desirable for both sexes across many cultures for centuries (eyelash adornment substances can be traced back to 4000 BC) and probably developed from practical purposes in addition to the superficial tastes of the time : longer, thicker eyelashes better protect the eyes from debris.  It's just commonly observed men just grow longer lashes than women, since it's a feature broadly considered a thing everyone wants to have and pays attention to- but they grow in proportion to the size of the eyes, to a length about 1/3 the width of the eye.  Longer lashes is because the person has wider eyes.

You can't forget all those various fake lash/lash extensions. It's crazy... But long lashes make your eyes look bigger. Bigger eyes make for a more appealing look overall (thats why shoujo manga heroines have them huge saucer eyes that take up half their face). And the guys with long lashes thing... I noticed it. Guys typically have longer lashes than ladies... It's thing cause... as TheGTF said.. science and society standards.

You know what short girls are actually pretty cute, and no I'm not talking about loli things mmm...

And thanks to STALKER scan for bringing us this cute manga mmm...

Also, what is with male beauty standards and long eyelashes? Why is that a thing?

Considering how many types of mascara products exist, largely for women, it's hardly just a men's beauty standard.  Long lashes have been considered desirable for both sexes across many cultures for centuries (eyelash adornment substances can be traced back to 4000 BC) and probably developed from practical purposes in addition to the superficial tastes of the time : longer, thicker eyelashes better protect the eyes from debris.  It's just commonly observed men just grow longer lashes than women, since it's a feature broadly considered a thing everyone wants to have and pays attention to- but they grow in proportion to the size of the eyes, to a length about 1/3 the width of the eye.  Longer lashes is because the person has wider eyes.

>Needing your phone at all times
>Leaving a date to get it

This is called addiction, folks. IPhones were a mistake.

It's called I'll-make-a-joke-where-she-is-late-because-she-went-back-for-some-things-and-then-as-soon-as-she-arrives-she-notices-she-forgot-another-thing-what-should-it-be-oh-well-make-it-a-cellphone-because-that's-important.

Also, what is with male beauty standards and long eyelashes? Why is that a thing?

>Needing your phone at all times
>Leaving a date to get it

This is called addiction, folks. IPhones were a mistake.

Well I guess there are 11-year-olds trying to sound mature in every comments section on the internet. It's called taking precautions kid. She's going on a date with a bigger and older man who could potentially take advantage of her.


>Needing your phone at all times
>Leaving a date to get it

This is called addiction, folks. IPhones were a mistake.

It's called parents needing to be able to reach you or you to call someone in the case of an emergency.

>Needing your phone at all times
>Leaving a date to get it

This is called addiction, folks. IPhones were a mistake.


She's in HS folks, this is called being safe.

Lets see how this goes.


Followed & Thankyou for translating~~

    • RSD likes this

So it's a college guy and a high schooler then?

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