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* * * * * (4.71 - 184votes)

Chichi to Hige-Gorilla to Watashi

Alt Names: alt Chichi to Higegorira to Watashialt 父とヒゲゴリラと私alt Dad, the Beard Gorilla and Ialt Dad, the Bearded Gorilla, and Ialt Gojuan, eg Lombobo ana Dwaalt Papá, el Gorila Barbudo, y Yo
Author: Koike Sadaji
Artist: Koike Sadaji
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After losing her mother to a tragic accident, 6-year old tomboy, Michiru, finds a suspicious person moving into her precious home: her dad’s giant younger brother Kouji, the “Beard Gorilla”. While awkward at first, it doesn’t take long for the two to develop a familiar bond that looks more like that of a brother and a sister, than that of niece & uncle.
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Topic Released chapter discussion: Dad, the Beard Gorilla and I New Window truepurple
  • 2 Replies


Writing 101: this is not a good thing.

The most untrue thing I've ever heard

Its a less weird Yotsubato. Followed.

See, now THIS is the kind of comparisons people should be making here.

Michiru is a freakin' savage. XD

Their Section Chief is Cagnazzo!

Its a less weird Yotsubato. Followed.

Aww, I like Blonde coworker. She's trying her best. I hope she becomes happy.

There's obvious, and then there's "meet cute the same way as the ex-wife, in a chapter straight after that meet cute is shown, oh and also, shares the same taste in entertainment as the daughter" obvious.


I mean, really. By volume 5 Hiwa and Michiru will be going to a Sergeant Ruckus convention, cosplaying as the exact same character.

Writing 101: this is not a good thing.

Or you could just learn to have some fun.

Really? Seems to be working here.

Might be a trick taught in Writing 102.

Yeah, Romance Tag
Beard Gorrilla x Nishihara Sensei (Foremost Priority)


romance tag soon

beard gorrilla and sensei ship is sailing 

Writing 101: this is not a good thing.

Really? Seems to be working here.

Funny > Tragedy > Funny > Sad > Funny > Joy > Funny > Soothing > Funny > Heartwarming > Funny

Writing 101: this is not a good thing.

There is actually a genetic anomaly that prevents some people from having alcohol. It is called Alcohol flush reaction and occurs in about 1/3 of all people of Asian decent. For people that have it alcohol is pretty much toxic to them. If you are having a reaction like that then you might have the same issue.

My mother and her sisters all have it (I take after my father and getting drunk is an unacceptably expensive proposition; I'm no fun at parties). People *next* to them drink wine and they get giggly. A couple of sips and grandma's dancing on her chair to everyone's abject horror.

Oct 05 2017 12:29 PM

when reading this I feel happy then sad by the end of the chapterT_T

No, you fucking comic, you don't get to do this. You don't get to show this and get away with it. This is an absolute travesty. That's attempted bike theft, and I will not stand for it.

Funny > Tragedy > Funny > Sad > Funny > Joy > Funny > Soothing > Funny > Heartwarming > Funny
This manga Toying with my stomach and my heart very often


Luckily this chapter pretty heartwarming

I can relate. 1 glass of beer is enough to make me feverish and tomato red, and I haven't finished that glass yet. 2 glasses and i start getting nauseous and palpitations start. 3 glasses would make me start to itch all over and if I continue I would start having dermatitis then watery lesions because of scratching. It's quite bad. Not sure if it's allergy though.

There is actually a genetic anomaly that prevents some people from having alcohol. It is called Alcohol flush reaction and occurs in about 1/3 of all people of Asian decent. For people that have it alcohol is pretty much toxic to them. If you are having a reaction like that then you might have the same issue.

Seriously though, why is it any time there's a series about a little girl being raised by an adult male, no matter what their relationship is, people go and bring up Usagi Drop? There are so many examples of series with similar premises where what they're mad about DOESN'T happen, it's getting really annoying that all they want to focus on is the outlier. Honestly, it's like saying "A series where the two main characters are siblings? Better not turn out like Oreimo!" The people who jump to the conclusion that this is going to have an Usagi Drop type ending should be ashamed of themselves.

You're right it won't end like usagi drop. Both of these dudes are going to screw this girl. Different than usagi drop.

Why hello there onion cutting ninjas. Dont bother cutting those onions this chapter already has me tearing up.

I think the dad has an allergy to alcohol. With how little he can drink and him getting flushed and heating up.

I can relate. 1 glass of beer is enough to make me feverish and tomato red, and I haven't finished that glass yet. 2 glasses and i start getting nauseous and palpitations start. 3 glasses would make me start to itch all over and if I continue I would start having dermatitis then watery lesions because of scratching. It's quite bad. Not sure if it's allergy though.

I think the dad has an allergy to alcohol. With how little he can drink and him getting flushed and heating up.

I'm amazed at how it can evoke so much pain in a few panels before going back to light-hearted humor. Just softening you up again before you get hit with more feels ;A;

It's like Nukoduke!, except with a little girl instead of little humanoid cats.


How long until the wife's ghost starts hanging out with her daughter from time to time?

I'm amazed at how it can evoke so much pain in a few panels before going back to light-hearted humor. Just softening you up again before you get hit with more feels ;A;

Okay...who let the ninjas in with their annoying onions?

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