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* * * * * (4.71 - 184votes)

Chichi to Hige-Gorilla to Watashi

Alt Names: alt Chichi to Higegorira to Watashialt 父とヒゲゴリラと私alt Dad, the Beard Gorilla and Ialt Dad, the Bearded Gorilla, and Ialt Gojuan, eg Lombobo ana Dwaalt Papá, el Gorila Barbudo, y Yo
Author: Koike Sadaji
Artist: Koike Sadaji
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After losing her mother to a tragic accident, 6-year old tomboy, Michiru, finds a suspicious person moving into her precious home: her dad’s giant younger brother Kouji, the “Beard Gorilla”. While awkward at first, it doesn’t take long for the two to develop a familiar bond that looks more like that of a brother and a sister, than that of niece & uncle.
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  • 2 Replies


Is it just me or is section chief the best boss ever?


What scares me the most is the moment we see the message "we have caught up with the available chapters" >.

Section chief!!!!


There's the stalker dude.

Except that the stalker dude doesn't seem to want a girlfriend. I'm betting the section chief sets her up with the guy who wants a girlfriend so badly, proving for once and for all that he is far more on the ball than any of the characters who aren't presented as comic relief. And, furthermore, that the new couple discover that they are totally 100% compatible despite expectations.
I ship Tsukasa and Kusahara-san so freakin' hard!


Section chief!!!!

Oh wow, blonde coworker is actually a redhead.


and she IS pretty, geez, if her heart ends up the only one broken I'll be so pissed


There's the stalker dude.

Oh wow, blonde coworker is actually a redhead.


and she IS pretty, geez, if her heart ends up the only one broken I'll be so pissed

Someone's naturally sinking her own ship at every opportunity, really. It's Tsukasa who's getting close to the father/daughter duo.


But the most amazing character's the section chief as always.

Why would you take an image from another site to put it on batoto when you can use batoto?
And fucking trash tier mangafox at that.
So dumb, why would you even come here if you read at mangafox.


And what is my problem if you dislike?

You are the one being cringe here


It's stupid, it's not cringe. ??

Do they tho? I mean she fits in perfectly with Michiru, but personality-wise she seems to be opposite of Michiru's mother.



I just feel bad for the other co-worker who's now just being shoved together with the stalker.


Nov 03 2017 02:24 AM

<3 Thank you 

it was lovely <3

Yurika + Miwa.

The future founding members of the Kusahara (older brother) Cult

For every ship setting sail towards the unknown, one drops to the icy depths.

I actually find it kinda mean how "perfect" the co-worker fits together with the dad.

Do they tho? I mean she fits in perfectly with Michiru, but personality-wise she seems to be opposite of Michiru's mother.

I actually find it kinda mean how "perfect" the co-worker fits together with the dad. Its as if the world is just forcing the two together regardless of anyone's wills. Like they were made into two perfectly fitting jigsaw pieces and as such, must be together.


I'm definitely reading too much into this, but I still don't really like it....and it definitely has nothing to do with the fact that I just feel bad for the other co-worker who's now just being shoved together with the stalker.

Pretty sure it's painfully obvious now that Miwa is going to win the bowl.

Yurika has never been a good fit to begin with, and every chapter just continues showing that. Not to say that two different people can't align but that these two in particular can't do it. Hell he's never even shown an interest in Yurika in the slightest. While any interaction he's had with Miwa has been positive.


And Gorilla's relationship is quickly on the move. I'm glad the DRAMA plot device got cleared up so quickly... or mostly I should say.

I Get gist of feeling, Both litte brother and big brother Engaged and married at same time
so Miharu has a new Mom and new Aunt

So that is that Saori girl

She is the third wheel girl (For Gorilla route)

Awww, hell yeah — hyper washlet time, y’all!

After I caught up with the entire series in one day I had to read the next chapters as well (on translator site)

This is just too cute

Oct 26 2017 02:19 AM

aww ;( 

Well if this is your standard manga story then yeah he will end up with Miwa, but still seeing how Yurika give her best in her own way and her getting happy over him is making me sad it will turn for nothing. I guess I'm sucker for characters who destined to be loser in early story.

Now there's a good way to start one's day. Thanks for the translating.

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