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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.66 - 137votes)


Alt Names: alt レジェンド
Author: Kannazuki Kou
Artist: Takano Masaharu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Reiji Saeki living in the north eastern countryside town lost his life in an accident during summer vacation. …..But before he knew it, a mysterious ball of light exist in front of his eyes in a world of whiteness. Being a magician from a parallel world, that ball of light is looking for someone qualified to inherit the magic they had created to prevent it from being lost. Reiji who took on that suggestion lives in the parallel world, Elgin, with a new body and powerful magical power.
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Looks like you'll have time to feed the kitty, Reiji.  ;)


But what about the item box? What happened to the bracelet? Did he get it back from the mother or not?





They don't show it, but he gets it back off panel, I bet. What bothers me more is his exposed belly button looking like a cholo (but even they have the decency to wear undershirts). I thought he was wearing a white shirt under it, but from the color images/covers; he isn't wearing anything underneath...even though he was wearing a tshirt before, so it's not like he doesn't have one. Is this a popular thing for men in Japan? Because the annoying Tales of the Abyss protagonist (whom I wished had died) also had the same male stripper Magic Mike exposed belly button look. Maybe it tickles the pickles of some Japanese guys since this is aimed at the shounen crowd, but I just don't get it.

But what about the item box? What happened to the bracelet? Did he get it back from the mother or not?






Mother sells item box, gets killed by son's hired murderer, proceeds to freak out John Cena and people who think you can die in a safe zone.

But what about the item box? What happened to the bracelet? Did he get it back from the mother or not?






It's not Johnny Black...



I pray tell if that happens I'm going to shit my pants

But what about the item box? What happened to the bracelet? Did he get it back from the mother or not?





Oh boy, raping Orcs! You know what that means:


Why does the synopsis read almost exactly like :
>MC is transported/reincarnated into a fantasy world
>either becomes super powerful shortly after the series starts, or was already super powerful before
>the strongest natives only have a fraction of the MC's power
>this isn't a problem though, because the MC is a good guy who never abuses his power intentionally
>quickly gains at least one love interest which quickly expands into a harem
>despite having zero romantic intentions for any of the girls, they all remain devoted to him forever
>harem includes mostly blatant stereotypes like the elf waifu or a flat chested tsundere who's main rival is a big breasted girl
>if there is an adventurer's guild, the MC always signs up and starts from the lowest rank while hiding his real power
>the female staff of the adventurer's guild always falls in love with him (but he will not notice or further the relationship)
>the series never explores how the MC got transported to another world till the very end of the series, or it is quickly glossed over with a "a god did it" explanation at the beginning
>the MC never encounters any difficulties with the local language or his out of place clothes
>any fantasy world currency that the MC already had before the start of the series is incredibly valuable because it is long lost legendary gold or something
>the fantasy world natives constantly freak out over how amazing the MC is but he is always humble and never exploits it to his advantage
>MC often gains a token male best friend who is there mainly to help the MC show off. He will also be forever alone because all the girls are lusting after the MC who shows zero interest in them.


Why does the synopsis read almost exactly like :


>MC is transported/reincarnated into a fantasy world
>either becomes super powerful shortly after the series starts, or was already super powerful before
>the strongest natives only have a fraction of the MC's power
>this isn't a problem though, because the MC is a good guy who never abuses his power intentionally
>quickly gains at least one love interest which quickly expands into a harem
>despite having zero romantic intentions for any of the girls, they all remain devoted to him forever
>harem includes mostly blatant stereotypes like the elf waifu or a flat chested tsundere who's main rival is a big breasted girl
>if there is an adventurer's guild, the MC always signs up and starts from the lowest rank while hiding his real power
>the female staff of the adventurer's guild always falls in love with him (but he will not notice or further the relationship)
>the series never explores how the MC got transported to another world till the very end of the series, or it is quickly glossed over with a "a god did it" explanation at the beginning
>the MC never encounters any difficulties with the local language or his out of place clothes
>any fantasy world currency that the MC already had before the start of the series is incredibly valuable because it is long lost legendary gold or something
>the fantasy world natives constantly freak out over how amazing the MC is but he is always humble and never exploits it to his advantage
>MC often gains a token male best friend who is there mainly to help the MC show off. He will also be forever alone because all the girls are lusting after the MC who shows zero interest in them.

For a story that's supposed to have a griffon in 90% of the scenes you'd think they'd get an artist who could draw one.

Ah yes, the bane of the rural peasantry: copy-pasted clones of poorly proportioned, vaguely overweight "goblins"
Gaze upon this terror of the forest that would fit right in with a chinese bootleg toy collection

Well, Goblins are just routinely despised no matter what world you're in, it seems.

what about goblin is very strong she is more feared than despised.

Well, Goblins are just routinely despised no matter what world you're in, it seems.

Want to see an aroused masochistic Griffin? Read this manga.


Btw, Ch.3 is here.

Boy, and I thought Tails got Trolled deserved this more:


Man, Set looks so fucking funny.
Definitely gonna keep following this.

Eh... rather generic but there is something... Lethargic about reading these same old same old reincarnation stories.

wtf happened to the title and alt name?

Page six...that...is not the proper way to hand-feed a bird, least of all A DAMN GRIFFIN.

seriously we need a friggin isekai tag for batoto

aw no more truck-kun...


f***king furry


I didn't say what bothers "most people," I said what bothers "the most people." More people complain about their OP MCs not doing anything of value with their OPness, than any other reason to hate a story.

Meh, Value is relative, especially when it concerns the use of power.

how many times this legendary truck kun has sent people to other world?

aw no more truck-kun...


f***king furry




No wonder this manga is tagged "Romance" ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

What a cute griffin...

Just means either the author or character, don't really know what they are talking about.


Edit: apparently Seth doesn't have a dog head either, it's an unnamed animal with square ears, one picture looks like an aardvark, some stories say hippo.

That's what I said. It has canine features but is probably not a dog. Some major pists would be a greyhound or a tapir, but it's not 100% certain. An other post would be that it was a created animal because Seth is a special god.

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