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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.71 - 184votes)

Chichi to Hige-Gorilla to Watashi

Alt Names: alt Chichi to Higegorira to Watashialt 父とヒゲゴリラと私alt Dad, the Beard Gorilla and Ialt Dad, the Bearded Gorilla, and Ialt Gojuan, eg Lombobo ana Dwaalt Papá, el Gorila Barbudo, y Yo
Author: Koike Sadaji
Artist: Koike Sadaji
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After losing her mother to a tragic accident, 6-year old tomboy, Michiru, finds a suspicious person moving into her precious home: her dad’s giant younger brother Kouji, the “Beard Gorilla”. While awkward at first, it doesn’t take long for the two to develop a familiar bond that looks more like that of a brother and a sister, than that of niece & uncle.
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  • 2 Replies


ch 62 p5, https://vatoto.com/reader#e19b31e17e7e32af_5 there is no sumo wrestling in the peach boy story, right? But you might say that is the point, but then where is the joke? I don't get it.

Can't say I know much about the stories myself, but it could just be a matter of the kids mixing things up. Looked up Momotaro on Wikipedia, saw nothing about sumo there, suggests looking at Kintaro, sumo is there.

Hiwa, please be more selfish.

That worrying feeling when you're not sure if it's the kid's daydream making her go to a dangerous place and that sigh of relief that it was actually a dream

ch 62 p5, https://vatoto.com/reader#e19b31e17e7e32af_5 there is no sumo wrestling in the peach boy story, right? But you might say that is the point, but then where is the joke? I don't get it.

Crying now.


Don't mind me. I'm just building my ship right here.

Kitten! <3 now I want one too T.T

Stupid question, but didn't we already have cat pajamas?

Free spirit jumping spider-chan bestgirl

The cover of volume 5, Michiru-chan is going to elementary school (the schoolbag is a big giveaway). Does this mean Beard Gorilla and Miss Nishihara are never going to see each other again?


Explains why their relationship was advanced so quickly (relative to their actual level of intimacy). They have to be dating, because the convenient way for them to meet is soon going to disappear.

Nah dude keep it that big

The world needs a superhero, but at least we have the section chief, so a supervisor is fine too.
Nov 19 2017 07:50 PM

Section Chieft!!!!!

Can we just get a section chief chapter now? Or better yet a section chief spin off?
Section chief is reincarnated Buddha! Watanabe's love story is pretty generic but autor somehow keep it refreshing! I wish this never ends.

Watanabe's love story could get its own total spin off

Incel guy gets it.

> That cover with elementary school Michiru Damn, it's ending, isn't it?

Not without Souichi hooking up with Hiwa-san!

Come on author we're all waiting for it!

> That cover with elementary school Michiru Damn, it's ending, isn't it?

I wanted more Watanabe X Marie (a.k.a legal loli)

In which sick deep recess of hell does this even happen?!

The one where they need the salvation of the Section Chief.

Even now that they are dating, she is calling him Gorilla beard. He has really accepted that name as his own. Soon he's going to be signing his name on things as "Gorilla beard" at this rate. Maybe that will be on his tomb stone. If he marries Nishihara her legal name will become Gorilla beard, then she will be called Gorilla beard by the kids as a sign of respect.


Kid "Nishihara sensei, may I go to the bathroom?" "Remember, my name is Gorilla beard now. So call me Gorilla beard sensei." And typically in this japanese stuff they have some women being offended by being called a gorilla, but after they got married, she couldn't be offended by that, because that would be at least half right. "I'm not a gorilla! I'm a Gorilla beard!"

I think the artist is intentionally trying to make the gorilla look more human to bridge the gap, that or Artist-san has little clue what gorillas actually look like.

The cover of volume 5, Michiru-chan is going to elementary school (the schoolbag is a big giveaway). Does this mean Beard Gorilla and Miss Nishihara are never going to see each other again?

They're dating. They can see each other whenever they want.

The cover of volume 5, Michiru-chan is going to elementary school (the schoolbag is a big giveaway). Does this mean Beard Gorilla and Miss Nishihara are never going to see each other again?


Also that looks like a very up-market school uniform she's wearing. Is Grandpa footing the bill?

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