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* * * - - (3.2 - 108votes)


Alt Names: alt サタノファニalt Kesetananalt Satanofani
Author: Yamada Yoshinobu
Artist: Yamada Yoshinobu
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A mysterious syndrome turns schoolgirls into homicidal monsters behind numerous atrocities in Japan. However, nothing is what it seems and when Chika Amagi is arrested for the brutal murder of five people, a journey into uncharted, troubled waters begins!
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Topic another manga, where a sadist makes work for sadists. New Window PieceOfSchmittGames
  • 6 Replies


Damn this girl got rail roaded, how in the hell did her lawyer not try to get a self defense claim. She was in a room with three older gentlemen who where physically stronger then her.

Are you implying that being angry at their friend's/family member's murderer means they will never admit any wrongdoing? You're not making any sense. It's quite possible to be angry at a murderer even if her victim was a criminal, especially when that victim is family. Maybe it's different for you and you wouldn't care if your family died, but most people care very much.


You're also ignoring the fact that MC's case wasn't just self-defense. She brutally murdered 5 people in 2 minutes, an act that no normal or sane person is capable of. I repeat, this was not self-defense, it's mass-murder by any definition. The crimes of her victims do not excuse it. In countries which still have death penalty, she would've been executed for her crime.



Not to mention that she was barely even raped. I mean, I like her as a main character especially the double personality aspect, but I would not justify her actions for any reason. Would have been a very different story if she did get raped and the guys got away with it, but then it would also be a very different manga. I get the sense that the author is trying to set up a Cage of Eden 2.0: Hot Schmexy Female Serial Killers Edition with this one and that couldn't happen if she didn't gloriously (and hilariously) kill the 3 fags and 2 beards.


Here's the issue with your arguments. How would she have known that they would have stopped at merely raping her? They might have decided to kill her to keep her quiet. Or they could (and most likely WOULD) have either confined her (kidnapping) and used her as a sex slave, or blackmailed her into continuing to have sexual acts with them. With the threat of a future like that hanging over one's head, killing the perpetrator becomes considerably more justifiable. Additionally.. she could easily have just called a temporary insanity defense. But then we wouldn't have a story.


Also, I agree that this is clearly a set-up (likely intentional) for either a research/experimental facility or super solider training ground.

Are you implying that being angry at their friend's/family member's murderer means they will never admit any wrongdoing? You're not making any sense. It's quite possible to be angry at a murderer even if her victim was a criminal, especially when that victim is family. Maybe it's different for you and you wouldn't care if your family died, but most people care very much.


You're also ignoring the fact that MC's case wasn't just self-defense. She brutally murdered 5 people in 2 minutes, an act that no normal or sane person is capable of. I repeat, this was not self-defense, it's mass-murder by any definition. The crimes of her victims do not excuse it. In countries which still have death penalty, she would've been executed for her crime.


Not to mention that she was barely even raped. I mean, I like her as a main character especially the double personality aspect, but I would not justify her actions for any reason. Would have been a very different story if she did get raped and the guys got away with it, but then it would also be a very different manga. I get the sense that the author is trying to set up a Cage of Eden 2.0: Hot Schmexy Female Serial Killers Edition with this one and that couldn't happen if she didn't gloriously (and hilariously) kill the 3 fags and 2 beards.

I have an affliction here. Over the years I've come to realize that Yamada's work always turns to shit after a promising start. But I can't stop reading his works anyway and I immediately clicked on this one the moment it showed up, and I'm not even interested in fapping to the semi-erotic imagery that anything by him would be guaranteed to have. 


As an aside, so far I have only spotted Mariya from Cage of Eden as a cameo appearance, and Chika herself is a lot like Yui from Deathtopia, only with a slightly different hairstyle.

what the hell happened to the face of the officer at page 36

Maybe the Author's assistant did it

what the hell happened to the face of the officer at page 36

I have sincere doubts about that. Maybe if the families were from trashy parts of society where the social law is "never snitch never admit wrongdoing" it would make sense but I can't imagine in the more civilized parts of society people would go "I'm mad because you killed my son while he was attempting to rape you". The only arguably wrong thing she did here was kill her coworker and her friend and even then they would arguably have been involved


When a story has to resort to making everyone stupid in order for there to be a plot it just makes the story bad.

Are you implying that being angry at their friend's/family member's murderer means they will never admit any wrongdoing? You're not making any sense. It's quite possible to be angry at a murderer even if her victim was a criminal, especially when that victim is family. Maybe it's different for you and you wouldn't care if your family died, but most people care very much.


You're also ignoring the fact that MC's case wasn't just self-defense. She brutally murdered 5 people in 2 minutes, an act that no normal or sane person is capable of. I repeat, this was not self-defense, it's mass-murder by any definition. The crimes of her victims do not excuse it. In countries which still have death penalty, she would've been executed for her crime.

Apparently this is by the same author as Cage of Eden. I heard it had a bad ending and I never read the ending but the first several dozen or so chapters I did read I enjoyed. It's unfortunate that apparently he decided to immediately go full retard in the first chapter of this one.


I don't understand why "we'll spread this video" is a thing in any Japanese media. I mean theoretically there might be some culture of shame stuff going on there but I have sincere doubts if you were betrayed by your coworker and gangraped you'd go "oh man I can't tell the police about this even though there's video evidence of these guys raping me". It's annoying when the stupidity of the situation makes it difficult to enjoy.


Also what the shit, if there was video proof of them trying to rape her and video proof of her killing them I'm pretty sure there would be an uproar in Japan if she was convicted of any wrongdoing. Is the author pretending that people weren't calling for execution when the "Cement Girl" incident happened in the 1980s? Japan has odd attitudes on certain things but when you're going "hurr video proof of murder" in your story while ignoring the video proof of attempted rape and assault I can't imagine a jury or judge in Japan wouldn't acquit her.



To be fair, murder isn't really just punishment for attempted rape. She killed in brutal ways, so from their perspective she looks like a psychopath who then tries to act innocent. Their reaction is realistic and understandable.


I have sincere doubts about that. Maybe if the families were from trashy parts of society where the social law is "never snitch never admit wrongdoing" it would make sense but I can't imagine in the more civilized parts of society people would go "I'm mad because you killed my son while he was attempting to rape you". The only arguably wrong thing she did here was kill her coworker and her friend and even then they would arguably have been involved


When a story has to resort to making everyone stupid in order for there to be a plot it just makes the story bad.

Man, I really wanna beat the fuck out of the families of those five victims...

To be fair, murder isn't really just punishment for attempted rape. She killed in brutal ways, so from their perspective she looks like a psychopath who then tries to act innocent. Their reaction is realistic and understandable.

Whoa. Those people got the gall to call the MC a murderer despite the fact their love ones tried to rape an underage girl and film the act. Now i getting bad memories of that college kid rapist whose dad felt sorry that his son career was ruined rather than being ashamed that his son rape an unconscious woman. 

Didn't he get something like six months? That's almost as bad as the affluenza case. Also, this new chapter is pretty much what we expect from this author.

And the stupid continues.

Whoa. Those people got the gall to call the MC a murderer despite the fact their love ones tried to rape an underage girl and film the act. Now i getting bad memories of that college kid rapist whose dad felt sorry that his son career was ruined rather than being ashamed that his son rape an unconscious woman. 

>life sentence for killing 5 attackers as self-defend
That's straight rip-off from Girls Must Die by Nagashima Chousuke (yes, it is hentai)

First chapter and it's already bad. And with the author history of getting axed ending, this is very likely to be another waste of time. Dropped.

Not nearly edgy enough for me. Go on author, you can do better.

Chika is a JK. If this were to happen in the US, she would walk free with no charges...heck, she'd be a National Hero. I can picture General Mattis giving her a Medal.


Only if the rapists weren't white.

Future prediction: All of this is premeditated by some kind of secret organization and she's actually one of the important key to achieve their goals. Cue for more plot twist after plot twist, ended up in convoluted nonsense in which the author just give up on solving the tangled threads he never even planned for. Finally end it up with open ending, who cares resolving the previous mysteries. Perfect!

If this manga was set in Texas, it would be a One-shot. 

(With 5 kill shots, not guilty, the end).

Man, I really wanna beat the fuck out of the families of those five victims...

The 'victims' and their families should be sentenced to the Sukedachi Nine manga. Now that would be justice.

Man, I really wanna beat the fuck out of the families of those five victims...

Yamada yoshinobu? Here we go again...

It makes sense to me that the Jap government is just using prison-sentencing as a farce to gather these medusa-girls into one place to study the phenomena, rather than think that the MC was actually judged to be too dangerous to remain as a regular citizen.
But, yeah. No matter how much I dig into this manga, I only come to the conclusion that the author just wants to display them glorious tits & asses. Most of the plot feels like a basic excuse for what is a very particular fetish.

With radioactive genitals.


So there no law for Rape, but they punish anyone killing people.

Uh, what makes you think there is no law that punishes rape? I mean the rapists are dead, why would that law make an appearance?

of course this manga has stupid law, it's written by this author ffs


his manga never make any sense

What the hell with that law?

It's self defence for god sake.

So there no law for Rape, but they punish anyone killing people.

If the rape had ever been to court, the guy's parents probably would have written a letter to the judge saying that it was unfair to be treated that way for 20 minutes of action.


6 months suspended sentence.


Anyway, this is deathtopia all over again, with a girl MC this time. With radioactive genitals.



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