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* * * * - (3.84 - 204votes)

Fukushuu Kyoushitsu

Alt Names: alt 复仇教室alt 復讐教室alt Revenge Classroom
Author: Yamazaki Karasu
Artist: Kaname Ryu
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fujisawa Ayana was horribly bullied at school. At first, she tried to defend herself, but she soon learned to just stay quiet and wait for the pain to end. However, the bullying escalated one day, when someone pushed her into traffic. At the hospital, as she recovered, she suddenly realized that even if she didn't fight back, her classmates were probably going to eventually kill her.

From this realization, she soon decided that the only path left was for her to take revenge. Her new plan included the students who bullied her, those who stood aside and laughed, and those who did nothing to make it stop. She began gathering notes on her classmates, planning exactly what she could do to make each of their lives collapse. While some of the students really seemed to deserve their fate, her plan also included classmates that she used to count as close friends...
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Don't think its a mistake, the suicide girl knew her friend was bullied and even so she just brushed her aside.

Oh. My. God. Our protagonist fucked up big time. The feeling is like when you have accused an ally in Town of Salem for being guilty and they get hung for it. Jesus Christ of Nazareth...

Only real loss here is that Yuuko and Emi didn't get to learn that their "embarrassment" contributed to Ayana's abuse, rape, and attempted murder. They got to feel like victims instead of fully understanding how badly they fucked up, because they did nothing despite knowing who the mastermind behind the bullying was.

"well, i've killed two of the only friends i had, might ass well end the other"

i can kind of see this going that way now

Chapter 6


My god. This manga is so glorious. Haven't laughed this much in awhile.

Well, 22 students remaining... This is one of the sickest but at the same time the sweetest revenge I ever saw...


But after that, what it remains? Despair and loneliness.


Let's see how the MC will coup with that!

Oh. My. God. Our protagonist fucked up big time. The feeling is like when you have accused an ally in Trouble in Terrorist Town for being guilty and shot them to death. Jesus Christ of Nazareth...

O SNAP... we're gonna see some super revenge now.

I don't know why. It appears to me alright. It's just the classroom picture from chapter one with blood red "X" on the studens who have already been targeted by Ayana. Just to help myself and others to keep track.

probably because you're posting directly from your dropbox

The edge leve of this mangal is over 9000!!


*Crushes Scouter*

Also @kendama I can't see any of those pictures or whatever in your spoilers


I don't know why. It appears to me alright. It's just the classroom picture from chapter one with blood red "X" on the studens who have already been targeted by Ayana. Just to help myself and others to keep track.

Oh dayum hidden puppetmaster behind the scenes. I like where this is going.


Also @kendama I can't see any of those pictures or whatever in your spoilers

This is the first time she's really showed any signs of caution but I still don't think it's enough. Especially now that it looks like there's another puppetmaster in the picture. To the one that started all of this, the protag's actions are probably as transparent as glass. I don't think they'll step in to save their pawns but maybe to catch her at the verge of her greatest triumph and cast her back into the pit of despair, forever this time.

she already said to one of the classmate before, that she's willing to die if she doesnt complete her revenge, thus having the bully target shifted to another one. so i guess after she gets her revenge on all of them, she will reveal it was her all along and then just kill herself.

at least i want to see that kind of ending, not crappy ending where every realize their mistake and forgive each other

Too late for them to beg for forgiveness.

Ugh. Cant stomach chapter 2.. Mainly cus its a semi relevant issue to me and some friends.

I think what this girl is doing is totally justified, and I hope she can see it all the way through to the end. Karma's a bitch.

Why is everyone losing their mind over the girl taking a lil revenge? I mean this girl is quite the nice girl if you think about it. The manga hints at the girl being (gang)raped multiple times, and she´s letting one of her rapist off by sending him to the hospital for one week. The dude only got his face beat up, it will heal with time, I doubt her experience would. Do note she saved another girl from being raped.


And lol about that ex-friend of hers, I mean that was just bad writing, the parents are screaming child abuse, if the girls was as smart as she was, she would go to the police. Her punishment was nothing.


I´m dropping this exactly because the revenge feels weak. They r.a.p.e.d. her multiple times dammit.


#1 the dude: his social life is completly ruined be this kinda revenge. everone knows what kinda shitty person he really is via gossip also theres a high change that he wont be the handsome dude anymore caused by all the beatup he recieved. all people (well most of them for sure) in (this) school will hate him for what he did and this will affect about everything in his live. people will bully him, his grades will drop, he will get only bad recomendation for university and so on.


#2 ex-friend: as long as she can think calmly youre totally right but shes scared to death and cant think straight in that regard. this kind of behavior is actually pretty common. Therefore this punishment is more than just cruel. it'll be hell on earth for her

The protagonist might suffer in the ending  where she is cornered by his victims

she already said to one of the classmate before, that she's willing to die if she doesnt complete her revenge, thus having the bully target shifted to another one. so i guess after she gets her revenge on all of them, she will reveal it was her all along and then just kill herself.

at least i want to see that kind of ending, not crappy ending where every realize their mistake and forgive each other

If there was ever a manga that needed a bonus chapter at the twenty-year class reunion, it's this one.

The protagonist might suffer in the ending  where she is cornered by his victims

Ayana is aware of that. She said it "risk your life and retaliate". She seems pretty much resigned to die. In a sense, she has already won the moment she makes everyone else suffer. Not being caught is a bonus, but the bee-spider analogy in the beginning was adequate: bees die when they use their stings.


If anything, people will suspect her eventually, when she remains unscathed while all the other students in the classroom face disaster one by one.


This chapter was great, and now we're getting closer to the centre of the bullying circle. I have mixed feelings about the dream, though, I like to think of Ayana as absolutely ruthless and remorseless. To think that she entertains feelings of guilt makes her a little more human than I would like for this kind of story.


But I liked the fact that the mystery of the person who pushed her into traffic is being addressed. By the way, if Yuuko and Emi knew all along who the mastermind is and didn't do anything, even something small such as telling Ayana… I wash my hands off Emi, she can die an ignominious death for all I care.


Here's Ayana's progress report:



Why is everyone losing their mind over the girl taking a lil revenge? I mean this girl is quite the nice girl if you think about it. The manga hints at the girl being (gang)raped multiple times, and she´s letting one of her rapist off by sending him to the hospital for one week. The dude only got his face beat up, it will heal with time, I doubt her experience would. Do note she saved another girl from being raped.


And lol about that ex-friend of hers, I mean that was just bad writing, the parents are screaming child abuse, if the girls was as smart as she was, she would go to the police. Her punishment was nothing.


I´m dropping this exactly because the revenge feels weak. They r.a.p.e.d. her multiple times dammit.

If I were you, I wouldn't do that. I've checked the RAWS and things escalate to violent degrees.


The protagonist might suffer in the ending  where she is cornered by his victims

I believe this will happen indeed. After all, you just cannot feel nothing when you go on a revenge mission that targets everything and everyone, specially those that were close to you once. Eventually guilt is sure to appear, although she says she likes to watch them suffer, that is only partially true, for her whole crusade is mostly a way to protect herself of bullies that did everything to her.

Either that or when the consequences of her actions, become a lot bigger than she predicted. I still support her and her revenge, for frankly as we can see, that class is full of scumbags, and what is even more sad, is that this shit happens in real life.

The protagonist might suffer in the ending  where she is cornered by his victims

Ok, now THAT one was fucking dark, Jesus. I think that night their friendship and her virginity had one thing in common; they were both lost. God damn...

I'm still with the protagonist though.

Why is everyone losing their mind over the girl taking a lil revenge? I mean this girl is quite the nice girl if you think about it. The manga hints at the girl being (gang)raped multiple times, and she´s letting one of her rapist off by sending him to the hospital for one week. The dude only got his face beat up, it will heal with time, I doubt her experience would. Do note she saved another girl from being raped.


And lol about that ex-friend of hers, I mean that was just bad writing, the parents are screaming child abuse, if the girls was as smart as she was, she would go to the police. Her punishment was nothing.


I´m dropping this exactly because the revenge feels weak. They r.a.p.e.d. her multiple times dammit.

Huh, this week's revenge feels a little tame compared to the previous two.


Yes and no. While it does seem lighter from our eyes, Japanese culture is extremely strict and unforgiving of things like theft. Mineshima's life is pretty much ruined. I won't be surprised if he gets expelled from school immediately and with such a blot on his record, he is unlikely ever to recover.


Then again, his bullying of Ayana was comparatively minor if we think of what Yuuto did to her and the consequences of Yuuko's having kicked her out of her group.


And incidentally, if neither the mangaka nor the scanlators are going to do it, I will:



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