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* * * * * (4.7 - 127votes)

Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki

Alt Names: alt ねこむすめ道草日記alt 猫耳少女的道草日记alt 貓耳少女的道草日記alt Nekomusume Michikusa Nikkialt The Loitering Diary of Cat Girlalt Ежедневник бездельничающей девушки-кошки
Author: Ike
Artist: Ike
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Follow the life of cat-girl Kurona and her friends as they meet other monsters, demons and spirits - learning how to deal with them...and with humans!
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oooh, we finally see the Tengu's true form. :>


Not completely sure about that.  I always presumed that this is Tengu's true (human) form - there was a end omake about it that I don't recall where exactly it is: (Picture ahead, not really spoiler)


Apr 07 2015 03:50 PM

q.q don't seperate from the kids kurona ... ohh wait.

Will she grow up too ... i tought she would always stay like that.


I might not be able to hold myself back on adult kurona's form x.X!

oooh, we finally see the Tengu's true form. :>

Tengu X Granny OTP


The others matter not.

chapter 38 have a lot of hnggghhh

Cute chapter, but kind of sad. Shows how the even though they intersect for a while, the world of ayakishi and humans eventually separate.

Sooo many chapters~~~!!!


When will the rush end?

Crunchy Chicken disappearing? Thanks Oogama... >.>

Apr 04 2015 09:50 AM

Tzhat was cute again.


I laughed so hard at the ninja reference xD.

Poor kapa~

"Apparently, it can form contracts with ninjas and become their servant."

:D :D

A typical late night retail shift..

This manga is so quietly enjoyable. I love it!

Mar 30 2015 12:51 AM

WOw so cute q.q


The ecchiness is a bit overdone... would be still good without it.

But heck, i laughed each time the kapa gets it xD.

Habanero Scans, Thanks for the two chapters.  It made my day.

Yuri block is the worst block.

Whoops, double page.

Oh?  For some reason, ch 36 pg 14 and pg 15 is the exact same.  Double scanned anyone?


You also spoiled the entry of Human Robin~! XD


And... thank you for both chapters.  I didn't expect that it was going to show a bit of the dark side of Kokkuri-san's "affection".  


Raw spoilers ahead:



Thanks again, I need to go off and order book 12!

Many thanks to the good people at Habanero Scans.  I hate to admit this, but I love to see Chika's jealous face.  Thus this chapter has been doubly good for me :)

Many thanks to Falk689 for joining our team and cleaning the raws. More to follow soon.

Thanks, Habanero Scans.  A new chapter of Kurona's antics is great for the soul.  This is one of the best imaginative manga out there.  You guys pick them well.

awwww yeeeeeeeeeah! New chapter!

Another adorable chapter... This series is seriously like therapy for the heart.

2 months with no new chapters. Another lost manga.

Our usual editor is on hiatus. If you know of anyone who can help with editing, let me or Elemhunter know and scans can pick up for this again. Chapter 34 translation has been sitting ready for weeks.

2 months with no new chapters. Another lost manga.

OMG this manga is cute as hell.

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