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* * * * * (4.71 - 214votes)

All-Rounder Meguru

Alt Names: alt All Rounder Megurualt オールラウンダー廻alt 全能格鬥士alt 全能格斗士
Author: Endo Hiroki
Artist: Endo Hiroki
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Hiroki Endō’s latest series tells the story of two old friends, Meguru Takayanagi and Takashi Yamabuki, who after a long time meet each other again at an amateur shooto mixed martial arts contest. While Meguru only practices MMA for fun, Takashi is pursuing a serious goal. Even though each of them has their own reason to fight, both are becoming stronger with each match… Universally praised for its realism and accurate depiction of martial arts, All-Rounder Meguru is one of the first manga to provide a glimpse into the energetic and exciting world of modern MMA.
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
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Topic is it me or is the latest chapter written backward ? New Window Mim
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Topic where are the chaps??? New Window shimizu_bad
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Meguru has his day! Just you wait.


This series is still solid up to the recent raws.

Awesome chapters! Momo's fight is amazing so far. Thanks, Silent Sky!

    • Nes likes this

Man...Meguru needs to start winning more D:

Lol,that girl's fight is actually interesting ! Thank you !

yohooo! thank you!!

thank you for the updates Silent Sky

Whoa, three at once!  Embarrassment of riches!  Kudos to the Silent Sky.


praise thee!

Thank you for picking it up!!!

    • Nes likes this

dat update!

Thank you very much, Silent Sky! I'm really happy to be reading this awesome manga again!

    • Nes likes this

Nice to be reading this again. I hope the updates are steady.

Yeha another chapter!

Thank you Silent Sky!

Is That an update???
Please telling me my eyes not playing tricks for me
I hope you took a look on "Suicide Island" too that manga is great and a lot people read it but seems no one pick it.

yeay update

Thanks for picking it up Silent Sky! This manga is great.

a new chapter?! ITS A NEW CHAPTER!!! Thanks Silent Sky!

Thank you so much for the release !

Yeah, this is one of the best mangas around yet no releases T_T

Still no updates so sad...

Still no updates so sad

Still no updates so sad...

Great read,it's nothing like
his other work (which i highly recommend)
Another great fighting manga that i recommend holy land
Also, is teppuu uploaded here in batoto? i couldn't find it.

More update please, I really like this manga.
And thanks for the update.

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