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Genjitsushugisha no Oukokukaizouki

Alt Names: alt 現実主義勇者の王国再建記alt How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom
Author: Dozeumaru
Artist: Ueda Satoshi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHarem HaremPsychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: “O, Hero!” With that cliched line, Kazuya Souma found himself summoned to another world and his adventure–-did not begin. After he presents his plan to strengthen the country economically and militarily, the king cedes the throne to him and Souma finds himself saddled with ruling the nation! What’s more, he’s betrothed to the king’s daughter now…?! In order to get the country back on its feet, Souma calls the wise, the talented, and the gifted to his side. Five people gather before the newly crowned Souma. Just what are the many talents and abilities they possess…?! What path will his outlook as a realist take Souma and the people of his country down? A revolutionary transferred-to-another-world administrative fantasy series starts here!

RAW: http://over-lap.co.jp/現実主義勇者の王国再建記/product/0/ZG0013/?cat=CGS&swrd=
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I have one small nitpick about the way Biaman handled Kazuya's name, but not for the reason you would instantly think of. It's a minor spoiler though.




Edit: Looks like it's been updated, thanks.

This is an adaptation of a novel, not an original manga that had to, from the premise, be reviewed by an editor before getting submitted.  Yes, him just becoming King like that is stupid, but it's necessary for the plot to kick off in this story at all.  He needed a position in which he had the authority to do a major restructuring of budgeting and the economy of the country, and since the original novel is all about that kind of shit (and they probably wanted the appeal of being self-insertable via the Isekai theme) they had to either contrive a reason for him to just get a position out of thin air, or have him spend years getting enough trust and status to get a position of that caliber.
So yes, as stupid as this is, it was necessary for this story to happen.  That and it's an adaptation of a story that's already several volumes in, so it's beyond the point of editing something as major as the premise itself when adapting a work that already has a pre-established audience.
That being said, I agree for the most part, actually.  I'm having trouble suspending my disbelief on two fronts: this girl fucking falling for the guy just by talking to him for like 5 minutes is retarded, and with no background on the MC's life on Earth there's no reason for me to believe he's just this knowledgeable about managing an entire society as an average dude.  Could have shown him working in the government as an accountant or some shit to make it seem more credible, but none of that.  This lack of background just makes it come across to me as that typical Isekai stereotype of "hey, I read a book like 5 years ago in a library on cooking a very specific thing/doing a very specific task so let me just pull that knowledge out of my ass and revolutionize the entire world."  This time it's "I took accounting class once as an elective, whoops, I tripped and became King and brought a country back into prosperity with my knowledge on economics and the like."
I typically don't have trouble suspending my disbelief when it comes to buying the premise though.  I might gawk at how stupid it is but I'll still read it to see if the rest of the story is as stupid or it was just a lazy setup to something that might be an enjoyable read.

Well, in the light novel is totally explained why the king gives him the throne so easily and without complaint

The summary made me throw up.
>reincarnated to another world
>adventure does not begin
Last i checked, becoming a king would be considered an adventure for most people. This series breaks suspension of disbelief on so many level.

As several others have said, this is an adaptation from a LN. The novel is actually somewhat decent for an isekai fantasy. On the other side of the observable universe, this manga adaptation is absolute s**t, so far. Even though his quick promotion to king is explained later in the novel, it still makes a smaller logical leap by this point than in this manga due to the missing exposition pieces.

Additionally, it seems like the entire purpose of this piece of crap so far is to indulge in some unnecessary fan service, rather than do justice to the characters or plot. If Liscia's chest is that big in this story, then some of the other heroines are going to have to push around wheelbarrows to keep from falling over later on.

All of the characters, king included, are given more depth in the novel. I mean, jeez, the king might be a bit of a pushover, but in this crap, the artist managed to make him look like the creepy f***king foam Burger King mascot from their commercials (only with less range of emotion)! I can understand wanting to move things along in the manga for the short attention span crowd, but this is truly pathetic. If I was the novel author, I would be pissed at the pacing and carelessness.

There's less issues with suspension of disbelief (notice I said "less" and not "no") in the LN due to exposition that's left out of the manga. The adventure for our MC in this tale lies not in BECOMING king, but, rather, in surviving the experience of STAYING king.

There's plenty of novels out there that can be accurately represented with a cheap, plotless tit-and-ass festival. This one should not and cannot be. Even though it is a harem, the romance portions of the novel are not raunchy, so far, and most of the heroines do actually have a little bit of background and depth to them. There is a lot of Liscia's inner dialog that is just completely missing here. Her relationship with the MC is more believable in the novel. Yes, it's still a male-centric harem fantasy, but at least she has some reasons to try to develop her relationship that are more concrete in the novel.

For this story, I actually rather prefer the artwork in the LN to the gratuitous curves in this manga. The eye candy is nice and all, but not at the expense of a better story than is being portrayed thus far in the first two chapters.

Do NOT judge this story by the manga. It is not doing it justice. I'm not saying it's high literature, but the LN is a damn sight better than a lot of the masochistic pacifist and/or OP alpha masurbatory material a lot of JP authors put out there, especially in this genre.

In conclusion, JP manga editors should read the f***king LN's they are adapting before allowing their bulk manga factories to push out rotting aborted fetuses like this.

Can someone spoiler me, this MC will be dense as f*ck alpha, or will have a focus romance to one girl?? From the cover i sense harem ending.

You just basing this on a cover? You are more clueless than the MC itself and reading the whole concept wrong.

Thats 'random-guy-making-an-account-just-to-make-shit-comments' for ya.

Can someone spoiler me, this MC will be dense as f*ck alpha, or will have a focus romance to one girl?? From the cover i sense harem ending.

Harem ending. He didn't actively develop the relationship, be he is not dense.

Can someone spoiler me, this MC will be dense as f*ck alpha, or will have a focus romance to one girl?? From the cover i sense harem ending.

The summary made me throw up.


>reincarnated to another world

>adventure does not begin



Last i checked, becoming a king would be considered an adventure for most people. This series breaks suspension of disbelief on so many level.




This is an adaptation of a novel, not an original manga that had to, from the premise, be reviewed by an editor before getting submitted.  Yes, him just becoming King like that is stupid, but it's necessary for the plot to kick off in this story at all.  He needed a position in which he had the authority to do a major restructuring of budgeting and the economy of the country, and since the original novel is all about that kind of shit (and they probably wanted the appeal of being self-insertable via the Isekai theme) they had to either contrive a reason for him to just get a position out of thin air, or have him spend years getting enough trust and status to get a position of that caliber.


So yes, as stupid as this is, it was necessary for this story to happen.  That and it's an adaptation of a story that's already several volumes in, so it's beyond the point of editing something as major as the premise itself when adapting a work that already has a pre-established audience.


That being said, I agree for the most part, actually.  I'm having trouble suspending my disbelief on two fronts: this girl fucking falling for the guy just by talking to him for like 5 minutes is retarded, and with no background on the MC's life on Earth there's no reason for me to believe he's just this knowledgeable about managing an entire society as an average dude.  Could have shown him working in the government as an accountant or some shit to make it seem more credible, but none of that.  This lack of background just makes it come across to me as that typical Isekai stereotype of "hey, I read a book like 5 years ago in a library on cooking a very specific thing/doing a very specific task so let me just pull that knowledge out of my ass and revolutionize the entire world."  This time it's "I took accounting class once as an elective, whoops, I tripped and became King and brought a country back into prosperity with my knowledge on economics and the like."


I typically don't have trouble suspending my disbelief when it comes to buying the premise though.  I might gawk at how stupid it is but I'll still read it to see if the rest of the story is as stupid or it was just a lazy setup to something that might be an enjoyable read.

I doubt we'll see much more of those updates.  J-novel.club is translating it officially for the rights owner and releasing it on amazon etc.


BTW, with a membership to their site ($4.95 up) you can read WEEKLY releases (and help proofread/fix errors).


They even have a membership plan where you get a book free each month.



The summary made me throw up.


>reincarnated to another world

>adventure does not begin



Last i checked, becoming a king would be considered an adventure for most people. This series breaks suspension of disbelief on so many level.



As Zones below says, it gets explained later.  You'll need to wait til the manga catches up to the end of the 3rd volume of the Light Novel.   Yes, it takes that long for Souma to learn why himself.
Or you could just buy the novel yourself and know faster.... I ain't gonna spoil it for you.

The summary made me throw up.


>reincarnated to another world

>adventure does not begin



Last i checked, becoming a king would be considered an adventure for most people. This series breaks suspension of disbelief on so many level.




The summary made me throw up.


>reincarnated to another world

>adventure does not begin



Last i checked, becoming a king would be considered an adventure for most people. This series breaks suspension of disbelief on so many level.




This actually gets explained later.

The summary made me throw up.


>reincarnated to another world

>adventure does not begin



Last i checked, becoming a king would be considered an adventure for most people. This series breaks suspension of disbelief on so many level.






Please use the [ spoiler] tag when talking about spoilers

Really hope he doesnt do away with the monarchy and then establish democracy



he has created a mini Democracy on top of the monarchy. No matter what Evil he does. he can always find a Far sighted reason for it. thats why he ordered a Slave to kill him. if she finds fit. That order over rules all his other order so he cant stop her. but as a Slave she will Die with him if he were to die.


He can still Rule as a King, but can be kicked out by the people. so the people has no power other than choosing the ruler, and proposals.

Really hope he doesnt do away with the monarchy and then establish democracy

I'd argue that, from the sound of it, that means things are working as intended. 'I, the SUMMONED HERO, use my GRANTED POWERS TO...fill out paperwork three times as fast.' '...Not...not anything like a sword of light to kill the demon king?' 'Nope. Paperwork.'


All heil, King of the Office.



the guy has been working in a room filled with paperwork without the use of computers, printers, or even a type writer.


Let the guy have his power convenient for paperwork, otherwise he will work himself to death.

As he is talking about the novel know that below is a spoiler




bitches love agricultural revolutions


He is to seize the means of production!

In a way, I feel like MC is op as fuk lol

bitches love agricultural revolutions

Um, no. The free market is quite clearly motivating the wrong behavior. This is a classic case of tragedy of the commons, where individual rational behavior in a free market produces a sub optimal result for society as a whole. For an individual farmer, the rational decision is to plant cash crops. The increase in value of his field will outweigh the additional expenses of his own food. What does he care that every farmer choosing so will cripple every other economic sector? He has no control over other farmer's decisions. When everyone else but farmers are poorer, he will feel richer.

putting all your fields into one crop is the same as testing the depth of the lake with both legs. the smart thing to do is slow transition to see that the new method worth it. the fact all farmers in the country turned caution to the wind in the sake of greed just showcase their foolishness
also, an army marches on its stomach, if cotton rises due to war you can bet so will food. but this isn't a realistic story, its an isekai. and in this isekai, the author insert his economical views and forces them upon his world, which is totally his right to do. still, i stand by my word that education system is what the common farmer needs to not put all his eggs into one basket.

btw, if everyone are selling cotton, the farmer with the bread is the richer one due to lack of competition. not that the farmers themselves could know this, but they still need caution when embarking on new enterprises.

"Cotton trees", "trees [...] such as potatoes or soybean".


...Is it me, or did they just consistently mistranslate "crops" and "plants" as "trees" for pages and pages?

Um, no. The free market is quite clearly motivating the wrong behavior. This is a classic case of tragedy of the commons, where individual rational behavior in a free market produces a sub optimal result for society as a whole. For an individual farmer, the rational decision is to plant cash crops. The increase in value of his field will outweigh the additional expenses of his own food. What does he care that every farmer choosing so will cripple every other economic sector? He has no control over other farmer's decisions. When everyone else but farmers are poorer, he will feel richer.

In medieval times you would be correct under most circumstances, however, in modern times a free market is the better option by far.

So I guess the author isn't a fan of the free market.About the farmers, they are idiots - you don't test the depth of the lake with both legs; so what the mc really should invest in is education system... or it would be if this story was realist, but luckily it isn't.

Um, no. The free market is quite clearly motivating the wrong behavior. This is a similar case to the tragedy of the commons, where individual rational behavior produces a sub optimal result for society as a whole.

For an individual farmer, the rational decision is to plant cash crops. The increase in value of his field will outweigh the additional expenses of his own food. What does he care that every farmer choosing so will cripple other economic sectors? He has no control over other farmer's decisions. When everyone else but farmers are poorer, he will feel richer.

Yeah that's amazing and I love it. xD


The gif cover was dope.

I hope other scanlators and  manga will follow it. 

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