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* * * * - (4.14 - 194votes)

Met My Sister On A Dating Site

Alt Names: alt 出会い系サイトで妹と出会う話alt Deai-kei Site de Imouto to Deau Hanashi
Author: Mochi Au Lait
Artist: Mochi Au Lait
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenShoujo Ai Shoujo AiYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Two sisters sign up for a dating website under pseudonyms. They mesh well together and meet up for a date where they discover that the person they were flirting with online was their sister and that sister was a lesbian. They decide to go on their date anyway...
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Series has 10 chapters.


Spends half of them on pointless drama.





Um, are you okay, buddy? You seem way too upset about this.

Are the insults really necessary?

All this dumb shit


Yeah right, child abuse, she's underage, blah-blah, yada-yada. With all your social justice stuff, you're forgetting one tiny fact: this is Japanese manga, about Japanese people. Hence, you should apply not USA or European countries' laws (surprise-surpise, different countries have different laws), but Japanese. And when it comes to that, I have bad news for you:


There, I think we're finished with this topic.

Um, are you okay, buddy? You seem way too upset about this.
Are the insults really necessary?

I think Wallabe's arguments are irrelevant and the insults were unnecessary and probably violate the rules here.  The "it's fiction" argument is a cop-out; if you accept it you can never say anything at all about a story.
But I also think you're quite wrong about the "abuse" thing. If events are not only consensual but initiated and strongly pushed for by person A, I find it very hard to take seriously the idea that it's a case of abuse by person B. 




...Ah fuck, only two more chapters?

Series has 10 chapters.


Spends half of them on pointless drama.



I mean I'm really glad this is the direction its taking it in

Series has 10 chapters.


Spends half of them on pointless drama.



Well, that second half of ch.1 seems a lot more plausible now.


Probably that part will appear next in the correct order,

unless there is another chapter about their night together inbetween

When reading last chapter I've got this song playing in my mind



If this would end up animated and I was in charge of musical direction,

I'd put it immediately in the soundtrack, it doesn't fit bad at all

Um, are you okay, buddy? You seem way too upset about this.

Are the insults really necessary?




One day, people will be able to read an entire post before getting triggered.
Can't face your own fetishes, mole guy? Don't blame me.

No, I read your worthless post. Bolding and highlighting those lines still won't serve as cover for your inane ramblings, however, since it's apparent that despite your disclaimer you can't tell fiction from reality. There was no child abuse, just as there was no rape. What you seem to miss, blinded as you are by your desire for intellectual masturbation and virtue signaling, is that these are lines on paper. They aren't real and can't suffer any harm. Not only that, but in the setting presented where all is hunky-dory, you'd have to be the biggest moral crusading faggot imaginable to consider anything done thus far as "abuse." Even furthermore, if we were to accept your implicit argument that we should treat this just as seriously as a real-life affair, you seem to be ignorant of the story and characters themselves. Elder sister was still in school when the younger hit her up for some fuck, thus she was in all likelihood younger than 18, let alone 20. That is still legally defined as a child, herself. Certainly complicates your indictment of CSA, doesn't it?


The most immediate problem with your post, however, is that nobody fucking cares. This isn't the manga for this discussion, and this certainly isn't the comment section for it. Nothing presented thus far in the story even remotely warrants such talk. Just as it was ridiculously stupid when that one idiot brought up rape, it's equally as stupid for you to resurrect the topic by bringing up child sexual abuse.


Give it a fucking rest and just enjoy lewd sisters doing lewd things to each other like the rest of us. Bring up the serious topics if the manga itself starts to take things a bit more seriously.



Don't get me wrong, this is a work of fiction and I have nothing against the author writing it or people reading it.

One day, people will be able to read an entire post before getting triggered.
Can't face your own fetishes, mole guy? Don't blame me.

All this dumb shit.

One day, mankind will be able to differentiate fiction from reality. Until that day, we'll all have to suffer morons arguing pointless crap in the comment section of a cute yuri incest manga.

...wow. I think it's important to realise that rape is based upon the notion of lack of consent. Nothing I've seen in this manga even comes close to being called sexual harassment, let alone rape. Please feel free to correct me if I'm missing something.


Well, you're right. This is neither rape (technically) nor sexual harassment.


It's child sexual abuse.


Regardless of who initiates it, being intimate with a minor is very much against the law.

Now since people mentioned rape, one could argue the legitimacy of a child's consent. I won't, though, because it's abuse either way.


Don't get me wrong, this is a work of fiction and I have nothing against the author writing it or people reading it.

This, however, is still a weirdly accurate depiction of child abuse.

wow well ok

That credit page


I don't really like the direction the story went in. After the first chapter I was expecting them fall in love by chance after meeting on a dating site and realising they were great for each other, but apparently this all started long before that. The dating site thing is pretty much irrelevant at this point.

The actual story is how the dating site used their relationship to market itself to the untapped market of incestuous relationships. By doing so it has found a niche no one else has previously dared to target, and enjoys great success. But there are only so many siblings, and as an expanding company it needs to find more people who would use its services.

This is why the next part of their strategy involves encouraging people to have a lot of children, partially through artificial insemination (in the case of gay couples, but possibly as a way to avoid birth defects as well). After that the company realises that they need to eliminate the stigma associated with incest, and that the best way of doing so is by eliminating the detrimental effects of inbreeding. They pour enormous amounts of money into gene-editing, and finally manage to develop a gene-therapy that makes humans all but biologically immortal.

The gene-therapy helps to launch us into the second season of the comic, which is a system-spanning sci-fi thriller akin to Eclipse Phase.

As an aside I feel dirty writing this.

Cucked by books. Doesn't that just beat all?

No incest tag, blasphemy

Well, that second half of ch.1 seems a lot more plausible now.

I don't really like the direction the story went in. After the first chapter I was expecting them fall in love by chance after meeting on a dating site and realising they were great for each other, but apparently this all started long before that. The dating site thing is pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Finally found this manga again. :)

That chapter wasn't embarrassing to translate at all... (NOT!)

Leave stan-chan alone!


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