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The Wrong Way to use Healing Magic

Alt Names: alt Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata: Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youinalt 治癒魔法の間違った使い方 ~戦場を駆ける回復要員~
Author: Kurokata
Artist: Kugayama Reki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ※ Stormy rainy day, especially for a high school student with no special talent like, Usato Ken. He was summoned to another world by being with two talented students a third year girl, Inukami Suzune and a second year boy, Ryuusen Kazuki. Yet he thought that it would be useless and useless to feel inferior to not possess any special ability .. after a test, Usato Ken. Got some magical talent that took him to a hell called "training" and from here begins this story of comedy in a different world.

Raw: http://www.rawdevart.com/2017/08/chiyu-mahou-no-machigatta-tsukaikata.html
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I've seen worse death flags so I highly doubt this chick gonna die so soon and also to a degree I agree she is a fucking asshole but for a good reason but kind of implementing her plan unwell. Pretty much abducted the young MC and is forcing her ideals and expectations on him. Kind of unhealthy for both parties IMO though understandable why.

Agreed. Makes it a whole LOT more acceptable being that he did agree to the training (again... after being kidnapped) and he's not doing this for reasons of being in combat - but to save a shitload of peoples' lives (possibly even his friends). Still dangerous, but a lot less questionable. Although she could give the poor bastard some days off with his friends and with some pocket money. Kinda insane to have him secluded that long away from anything without so much as a day off...

I've seen much worse characters... your "this character should just go and die" tolerance level is too low.

I've seen worse death flags so I highly doubt this chick gonna die so soon and also to a degree I agree she is a fucking asshole but for a good reason but kind of implementing her plan unwell. Pretty much abducted the young MC and is forcing her ideals and expectations on him. Kind of unhealthy for both parties IMO though understandable why.

Looks like some cool buildup is happening, I'm excited to see how it goes.

Thank you for another translated chapter!

I'm getting flashbacks of dpsing the last boss down as a Chloromancer mage down with my healing deeps in Rift as I read this :P
(insert Druid oober WoW raid save story here)

As awful as it sounds, I hope this is a major death flag for her.

I've seen much worse characters... your "this character should just go and die" tolerance level is too low.
Is this another isekai manga with no actual plot ?
As awful as it sounds, I hope this is a major death flag for her.

I always thought Rose's hair was red, looking at the new cover, I now stand corrected...

To be honest, I feel it doesn't fit her at all

I always thought Rose's hair was red, looking at the new cover, I now stand corrected...

Tell that to my Cleric. Healers are only weak in MMORPGs.

D&D Clerics, for example, can even Tank depending on the build. My Cleric was even among the top kills in our party, losing only to our  Fighter.

I think he was talking about the psychological aspect of killing, since healers are nor trained to kill.

last i checked the military doesn't kidnap you, enslave you, torture you and throw you alone into the forest mid training and tell you to kill a beast that is able to take out entire battalions of elite soldiers...

To be fair, he did agree and sign up... After... being kidnapped.
To also be fair, he can't really go home, either. He could quit, I guess. And then what? He wants to help his friends and make sure they live and he doesn't want to be the only one doing nothing.
Rose's idea to make his body literally superhuman through intense training and harden him psychologically is a good idea. When she says shit like (just now in Chapter 5), and I quote, "[Usato] won't break no matter how much you abuse him"... That's... Even if she was exaggerating, that's fucking dangerous. Because people do not work that way. Rose herself should know. Because she broke, whether she realizes it or not, and she's still dealing with mental trauma (and badly, at that). Not healthy, not good. It also doesn't help that Usato is being secluded, never has days off and doesn't have the chance to meet and socialize with his friends. That's also not healthy, mentally/psychologically.

last i checked the military doesn't kidnap you, enslave you, torture you and throw you alone into the forest mid training and tell you to kill a beast that is able to take out entire battalions of elite soldiers...

well, some special forces may do something close to it, for the exactly same reason, they don't want you to die in battle.

Edit: except for the enslave part, you keep earning money, so it's a paid job

Not sure if Rose is obsessed with having people under her command that don't die due to past trauma or if she is genuinely in love with Usato and basically made her most idealized partner in her own image... or both.

To quote Deus Ex: Human Revolution: "The body may heal, but the mind is not always so resilient."

don't join the military then

last i checked the military doesn't kidnap you, enslave you, torture you and throw you alone into the forest mid training and tell you to kill a beast that is able to take out entire battalions of elite soldiers...

sad back story or not, i really hate this Rose bitch

don't join the military then

Twas a bit too edgy to be taken seriously. That sob story came the bloody heck out of nowhere.

And regarding the whole cleric-topic...Considering that a "cleric" is not even technically a "healer", but "a certain god's worshiper"...Yeah, Clerics can easily kick ass. You can have a Cleric which worships the god of death. Let's all try and guess what that means.

Oh no, it's just that Clerics are indeeed the "Healers" in the D&D universe, you can make a full battle cleric if you have a Druid or that "half-celestial healing sorcerer class" that has a name I forgot. But otherwise if you go cleric part of your spells will be reserved for healing, that much is a given. And god of death? That's so cliché, you could go god of the sun path and melt any undead in seconds, or god of war disciple and completely leave the whole "healer" aspect out, or god of magic follower and teleport around, and so on.


As for the sob story, I wish it had been explored a bit sooner, although even later would work too. It could have been used to explain the growth of our MC, or even, in case our meathead commander got injured in a way that wouldn't heal quickly, the MC would become leader in her stead and then the flashback would come to explain why that thing is a good development

The chuuni cringe is for real with this author lol

Twas a bit too edgy to be taken seriously. That sob story came the bloody heck out of nowhere.


If you haven`t been paying attention to the story sure, it came out of nowhere.

sad back story or not, i really hate this Rose bitch

Twas a bit too edgy to be taken seriously. That sob story came the bloody heck out of nowhere.

And regarding the whole cleric-topic...Considering that a "cleric" is not even technically a "healer", but "a certain god's worshiper"...Yeah, Clerics can easily kick ass. You can have a Cleric which worships the god of death. Let's all try and guess what that means.

sad back story or not, i really hate this Rose bitch

Wasn't chapter 5 already uploaded? I remember reading it before.



Wasn't chapter 5 already uploaded? I remember reading it before.

Welcome to the matrix

If this were 3.5e DnD (where CoDzillas are the kings of melee), then you weren't even trying. DMM persistent buffbot shenanigans (with or without nightsticks) aren't even needed to outshine the 3.5e Fighter, who had a lousy mechanical chassis (look at me, I get bonus feats!).


(Of course, anyone who plays a T1 class with T5s would have to hold back a lot anyway to avoid ruining party balance.)


Pathfinder did nerf CoDzillas a lot though (and gives martials more shiny tools to play with), making it harder for CoDzillas to accidentally outshine martials at their shtick (they can be built so, but it's no longer the case of "pick two flavorful self-buff spells and call it a day").  For the Cleric, it makes more sense (and is usually a better use of your resources) to buff other people or play minionmaster instead.


5e nerfs CoDzillas even more by limiting concentration spells (most active buffs) to one. Clerics do get some very powerful spells and class features at the early levels though, but their later level spells and abilities tend to be somewhat anemic (still, those low level spells still remain relevant at end game. Bless and Sanctuary are stupidly powerful. You are basically the best friend for Fighters and Wizards).

Not an actual spoiler, just a wall.


Wasn't chapter 5 already uploaded? I remember reading it before.

Marry Rose. DO IT! DOOOO IT!!!!!

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