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* * * * - (4.01 - 101votes)

Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw

Alt Names: alt Bloody Delinquent Chainsawalt Bloody Delinquent Girl Chainsawalt 血まみれスケバンチェーンソーalt The Bloody Sukeban Chainsaw
Author: Mikamoto Rei
Artist: Mikamoto Rei
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Geeko's weird, creepy, friendless classmate Nero has destroyed all of their mutual classmates, perverting them into her grotesque, monstrous minions. Now she's sending them after Geeko, the only survivor. However, Geeko is setting out, dressed in her skimpy school uniform and armed with a big chainsaw, to end Nero's mad science, no matter how many undead former friends she has to saw down on the way.

Inspired a live action film.
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Talk about iron maidens, hubba hubba.

So, we've got as our four antagonists:
What iconic part of 80s culture is Natasha?

rocky and bullwinkle?
moose and squirrel!

So, we've got as our four antagonists:


What iconic part of 80s culture is Natasha?

Will what's up with Kimberly's eyes ever be explained, I wonder?


Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san


In one of the the later chapters, it introduced a high class lady student with eyes very much similar to Kimbery.  Might be an art style thing regarding high class girls I guess.  Anyone else have any thoughts about this?

lol it became tokusatsu.

It won't until henshin move appears

lol it became tokusatsu.

Will what's up with Kimberly's eyes ever be explained, I wonder?

So it's chainsaw delinquent, strong delinquent, and now yellow ranger. I honestly didn't even notice Kimberly was dressed like that on the vol4 insert.
New girl is like En from dorohedoro.

Remind me of doomguy


She really does,  All this time you're led to believe Nero is the scary one, but Geeko is terrifying in a whole other way if you mess with her. 

Remind me of doomguy

Is anyone else getting an Evil Dead vibe from this?

Is brawling Lucifer blind?

Another delinquent who is fighting zombies.
Awww. I would've liked Geeko to at least have a playmate like the head girl or Bakutani. Guess not. Lone wolf chainsaw delinquent

>Meat Well Done.


What a monster.

I hope nero is actually dead and doesn't return in some plot twist, because as fun as this manga is, that could become really tiring really fast. pretty nice seeing Geeko going through everyday life and not killing anything though. Some quiet time inbetween the action makes her badass moments stand out more after all.



So she going to end up killing the evil of each class? A passing though chainsaw delinquent?

Why is this tagged as Yaoi?

woooow, i just read all way to chapter 16. Some wild ride hahaha.

Even chainsaws have feelings don't you know. Take good care of your chainsaws and pay them a minimum wage.

Yay!  She used logic!

Oh, that's the thing on the cover.

Say what you want about Nero and her screwed up eye, but she's got some sweet TnA.

Let the chainsaw showdown start, because only a chainsaiw can win against another chainsaw. :D

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