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* * * * * (4.54 - 215votes)

Goblin wa Mou Juubun ni Tsuyoi

Alt Names: alt ゴブリンはもう十分に強いalt Goblin Is Already Strong Enough
Author: Salamander
Artist: Salamander
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Goblin-san accidentally reached level 99... and now she keeps killing heroes.
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Wasabi true tsundere

This is a fun manga, hope it gets updated more, reading its relaxing.

Mimit sure knows her priorities. And that devil's tablet looks cool too.

---- Breasts?



THATS what you notice!! Good man! He's a genius!?!

It's normally an important distinction to make, lets you know the end result of losing.

Unfortunately for them, this isn't that kind of manga and they just die.



Mimit I'll have your babies!!!!!


her face T-T soooo kyute!!

Apr 28 2017 07:30 PM

---- Breasts?



THATS what you notice!! Good man! He's a genius!?!

Stack three Prinnies in a trenchcoat and have it wear a chimera mask. :P

Disgaea 6 dlc boss. The one wearing the mask is Prinny Baal. The one in the middle is Asagi in disguise. Bottom one is Fuka. Dood

Disgaea should do this. Midboss goes on strike so Etna forces a few Prinnies to make a stand-in chimera.


Need to go start a petition....

Stack three Prinnies in a trenchcoat and have it wear a chimera mask. :P

In games where 99 is the cap you'd usually find yourself finishing in the 60s, sometimes even lower than that. Lower starting levels also generally grant the best potential stats at cap if there are random stat gains. Pair all of that up with boss types generally having mandatory drawn out rotations "Buff self, debuff intended nuke target, charge up, attack debuffed target" and it starts making sense that a hitting every turn trash mob that lucked into being a good 30-40 levels beyond final boss levels can match that.

Not to mention, in a lot of jrpgs stat gains are exponential, so you gain bigger bonuses at later levels.

Disgaea should do this. Midboss goes on strike so Etna forces a few Prinnies to make a stand-in chimera.


Need to go start a petition....

Disgaea is a perfect game for this scenario, I mean I made one of the "weakest" character lvl 99 and he just destroy the enemies mmm...

yeeesh that chimera hopping, welp she can't marry no more.

Well I guess we can cross "hitting the ground at terminal velocity" off of the list of Wasabi's potential weaknesses.

In DnD, terminal velocity is actually very NON-lethal. With a shitload of luck, most adventurers at mid to high levels can survive it. Maximum possible damage from fall is 20d6, that is from 20 to 120 damage. A very lucky for rolls peasant with high Constitution can have more than 20 at level 5. So he just has to roll d6 twenty times, get 1 for all or almost all, and survive.


Add successful Tumble rolls for negating/reducing to nonlethal some of the damage, soft surface, and suddenly you have level 10 wizards falling from planes and surviving the fall. In DnD terms, Goblin would've been way into epic levels, so it's not even something she'd notice.

To be better than Rou is not really an accomplishment...

I'd say the ones in Goblin Slayer are more relatable than Rou. Tanaka the Wizard surprisingly has one that repays kindness.

In games where 99 is the cap you'd usually find yourself finishing in the 60s, sometimes even lower than that. Lower starting levels also generally grant the best potential stats at cap if there are random stat gains. Pair all of that up with boss types generally having mandatory drawn out rotations "Buff self, debuff intended nuke target, charge up, attack debuffed target" and it starts making sense that a hitting every turn trash mob that lucked into being a good 30-40 levels beyond final boss levels can match that.

Much as I dearly love the basic premise, the fanservice in this is just too off-putting for me (and I'm not even talking about the yuri overtures, though those are certainly... remarkably enthusiastic, in this last chapter).

I knew there would be yuri in this! I knew it! (MimitXWasabiXAki!)


What went wrong with Mimit? She used to be so cute and innocent, now she's....that! I don't mind her being a lesbian and all, but she's basically a total moron now. Well, they do say love changes a person, I guess it made her into a fool.

The stand in Chimera needs to be a hidden boss in some RPG game.  There are a few silly enough to make it happen. 

Disgaea should do this. Midboss goes on strike so Etna forces a few Prinnies to make a stand-in chimera.


Need to go start a petition....


Lotta people saying stuff like this. In my not especially humble opinion: It's the premise. Deal.

Poor snake, he came back too late. Now he'll never be able to apologize.

The stand in Chimera needs to be a hidden boss in some RPG game.  There are a few silly enough to make it happen. 

Sogo... Sooo Goooood!

Well I guess we can cross "hitting the ground at terminal velocity" off of the list of Wasabi's potential weaknesses.

man, i just love this manga's chibi like draw style,

so cute!



I want to make babies with Wasabi-chan as well!

the paneling is so bad...

Nah, unless you haven't read 4komas before. It has the feel of a 4koma.

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