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* * * * - (4.21 - 277votes)

Kou 1 Desu ga Isekai de Joushu Hajimemashita

Alt Names: alt 高1ですが異世界で城主はじめましたalt 高一就是异世界的城主alt 고 1 그렇지만이 세계에서 성주 시작했습니다
Author: Kagami Hiroyuki
Artist: Kamiyoshi Rika
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Accidentally summoned by an ancient map, first year high school student, Kiyokawa Hiroto is forced by the arrogant lord of the castle to exterminate the vampire that has been haunting his castle. Unexpectedly befriending a girl from the mummy tribe, Hiroto skillfully managed to capture the vampire with her help. However, he is soon framed by the lord of the castle. Bravely and kindly aiming to be a lord, the fantasy of being summoned to another world starts!

(From Mangaupdates)
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Don't worry, I expected nothing else from a 12 year old.

You do realize that it's kids who can't properly voice what it is they dislike about something, right? Adults usually know what "constructive criticism" means. Calling others "YOU DUMB KIDS" doesn't make you look mature.

Loving it so far hope he gets a wolf girl with big boobs
To whoever is uploading these, can you please post the first and last chapters and archive the rest? Archiving up to the most recent chapter makes it really easy to skip chapters when following without checking the comic home page.

this one has the right amount of PLOT, romance, world building and together with a nice art.

If you belittle this story due to lack of whatever, at least be more clear. your comment is as bad as you make the story out to be, and frankly i enjoyed the story more. So less drivel, more detail.

Don't worry, I expected nothing else from a 12 year old.

the face of a happiest man on earth



If you want a proper monstergirl series than I highly recommend Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, though I wouldn't be surprised if you already heard of it, it is quite popular.


*Edit* Darn it, this was not how I wanted the comment to turn out.

Don't worry i already heard and love it.

I just worry that trend could make that manga the only one with proper monstergirls. :(

I need proper 50/50 monstergirl with either scales, sharp teeth, body fur, horns, tail, spikes, multi-limbs, rotten organ, slime body, ephemeral body, or etc dammit![/quote] If you want a proper monstergirl series than I highly recommend Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, though I wouldn't be surprised if you already heard of it, it is quite popular.


*Edit* Darn it, this was not how I wanted the comment to turn out.


sorry my english bad . i know what you want to say, but killing animal and killing human is different.... in human/my perspective at least , basically you pardoned man eating tiger to killing human because  we cutting a forest . and logic and feeling is different, i  dont think  any human cant feeling save living with any being who thinking human is food... regardless they peacefull or not..


Please don't take my word to word too literally. When i said "destroys natural habitat of wolves" in reality it could mean totally wiping out the wolves.

Don't you realize just how bad the human there fucks up if there's vampire that attack human just because she's hungry?

Using your perspective, it's almost like we hunt tigers so much that the tiger-eating men chose to make us humans their new food source.

You can say that because in real life we do not have natural predator (we are the top in food chain), but that's different in this manga universe. At least, try to understand the world setting.

With so many sentient race in that world living beside human, at least don't think the human as the absolute top of the races.

And you don't need to bring moral to this case, because it was a simple "what's the best outcome" situation. What the MC chose is clearly not the most correct morally.

She a good vampire, she dindu nuffin!
She just tryna get her life back on track!

It surprises me that guy still have time to comment here actually after all the bad thing he said about this manga, it almost felt like he found a new manga to bully.


He's just torturing himself staying here and make hate comments about manga he already declared not up to his taste.



"Let's kill this vampire even though she's a daughter of some big-shot in the vampire clan!

They won't take revenge on us, don't worry!

If they did, the Diferente will surely defeat them again!"


Funfact: The reason vampires attack humans in the first place is because the humans destroys the natural habitats of the wolves which are actually the Vampires' daily food sources. (Read ch.2 page 18-19)


Here's a page, read them carefully:



You need to improve your reading comprehension skills m8, or i will regard you as a moron.

sorry my english bad . i know what you want to say, but killing animal and killing human is different.... in human/my perspective at least , basically you pardoned man eating tiger to killing human because  we cutting a forest . and logic and feeling is different, i  dont think  any human cant feeling save living with any being who thinking human is food... regardless they peacefull or not..

If you belittle this story due to lack of whatever, at least be more clear. your comment is as bad as you make the story out to be, and frankly i enjoyed the story more. So less drivel, more detail.

It surprises me that guy still have time to comment here actually after all the bad thing he said about this manga, it almost felt like he found a new manga to bully.


He's just torturing himself staying here and make hate comments about manga he already declared not up to his taste.



Lets not punish this human-killing vampire cuz she's a bit cute.



moron mc moronic story

"Let's kill this vampire even though she's a daughter of some big-shot in the vampire clan!

They won't take revenge on us, don't worry!

If they did, the Diferente will surely defeat them again!"


Funfact: The reason vampires attack humans in the first place is because the humans destroys the natural habitats of the wolves which are actually the Vampires' daily food sources. (Read ch.2 page 18-19)


Here's a page, read them carefully:



You need to improve your reading comprehension skills m8, or i will regard you as a moron.

This, is absolutely terrible. It's like a twelve year old wrote an infantile story for a school project where he just randomly threw stuff together and came up with some lf the worst and most bland characters he could while only having a very loose grasp on understanding what he's actually doing.

If you belittle this story due to lack of whatever, at least be more clear. your comment is as bad as you make the story out to be, and frankly i enjoyed the story more. So less drivel, more detail.

As the saying goes, an author cannot write a character that is smarter than they are.

The author here seems to be especially stupid, as the guy below you wrote this is cringeworthy. The way the MC behaves is absurd all around, as are the reactions and behaviour of everyone else involved. They're also all incredibly stupid, including the MC. I have no idea how stuff like this keeps getting serialized.

The problem of this kind of stories where the MC supposed to be smart is the author makes everybody else besides the MC dumber instead of making the MC genuinely smart.


As the saying goes, an author cannot write a character that is smarter than they are.

Lets not punish this human-killing vampire cuz she's a bit cute.



moron mc moronic story

Well, this was originally a LN, don't seriously expect anything better than mediocre for your own good, until it got lot of good reviews and recommendations.

I hate them all equally..

This, is absolutely terrible. It's like a twelve year old wrote an infantile story for a school project where he just randomly threw stuff together and came up with some lf the worst and most bland characters he could while only having a very loose grasp on understanding what he's actually doing.

I miss my Mummy girl ='(

Volume covers 2+



I'm kinda sad that the trend of "Just Girl Cosplaying as Monstergirl" Monstergirls kinda booming right now.


I need proper 50/50 monstergirl with either scales, sharp teeth, body fur, horns, tail, spikes, multi-limbs, rotten organ, slime body, ephemeral body, or etc dammit!

If all that pessimistic events happens something tells me it will turn this story into one like Shield Hero's, or worse Berserk, which depending on your taste could be a good or bad news.


Simply put this light-hearted kind of story is what the author want, and sadly you have to expect at least a bad-to-mediocre level of writing when it comes to LN, so...


Certainly this have flaws and can be better, for now i'll just try to stick and witness.


Good question, my thought about this:


They let the villagers knows about the killing the Vampire do, but still let her free, even when most villagers certainly disagrees, but they can't help it. Maybe because unfortunately she is the daughter of some big-shot in Vampire-tribe. Admonishing physical punishment to her could incite revenge from the vampire. I mean, the fact she's defeated is enough to stir up them vampire citizen. The MC comes up with the "Let free but sign and obey this treaty" as to prevent anymore damage from Vampires. This comes with good and bad.

Good- Vampire obeys the deal, if not humans can ask for royal help of higher authority like the Bishop thanks to the treaty to deal with them for good.

Bad- It doesn't really lessen people hates on Vampire, i can imagine in the future a conflict will arise where humans ravages vampires property.

The fact that the MC intentionally hides her from villagers meant he knows they will certainly tries to release their rage on her.


Well yeah that's kinda my fault I admit, expecting too much for generic LN to manga type like this. Shield bro and Berserk huh, I admit I like both of it. Just realized that if this story is written seriously and having a more realistic plot it will become like Shield bro. So in essence it's shield bro-proper writing+harem(boobs)...

Despite the random focused obsessing of breasts, this is a rather interesting story so far.

The most non-mummy mummies ever, eh?


Volume covers 2+



Also, where are they getting Dilfrant from? Based on the reading in Japanese, it seems they're trying to be fancy and using an italian or spanish word. In which case it should be differente


Not very subtle to English-speakers, but maybe a bit more exotic to native Japanese :)

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