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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.62 - 68votes)

S Rare Soubi no Niau Kanojo

Alt Names: alt 适合S级装备的她alt Sレア装備の似合う彼女alt S레어 장비가 어울리는 그녀alt The Girl in the S Rare Gearalt 我的氪金女友
Author: Oumi Noko
Artist: Oumi Noko
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Seko Daiko, a second-year high schooler is an extreme cheapskate. Taking down all the light bulbs in the house, making his siblings eat baked bread crust for breakfast... He would do anything just to save an extra penny.

Daiko was sure he could keep this thrift lifestyle going forever until... The world's fate depends on him spending money on a mobile game?! (from MangaUpdates)

Raws: http://www.urasunday.com/srare/index.html
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The catch is that he refuses to spend a single money on it and win it through his F2P skills.


.... Or at least that's what I would do.

F2P skills = free time

The catch is that he refuses to spend a single money on it and win it through his F2P skills.

.... Or at least that's what I would do.

Smug F2Pers that go "if you're as skillful as me, you can rank high without paying a single penny hurr durr" annoy me the most. Bitch, you've been playing since day 1 of server launch and was able to rack up tons of free premium currency simply by steam rolling everyone else in arena with your higher levels. People who start a few months late don't have level advantage, and don't have the shit ton of premium currency won from being high level. Claiming they can win even if they don't pay by being as "skillful" as you is just masturbating yourself.

Everytime i challenge these asshats to make a new account right now and see how far they can go without paying, they deflect and call me names instead.
5000 yen SSR weapon thats gonna be a one time use LOL



There it is. The true big bad is right there. 

Freemium and microtransactions to win? This is truly the final boss of the internet.



There it is. The true big bad is right there. 

and btw is the neighbors name...EA? the root of all DLC evil

Can't believe I missed that... inb4 the childhood friend is the real Big Bad and her objective is to make MC spend all his money (Then MC gets saved by "CD Projekt RED"-chan)

the art looks really similar to Oregairu monologue manga.


following anyway cause I like that art xd

Hmm.. I read the first chapter and only thing I can think is Weed [LMS] with a smart phone game

Luckily for him, you can just root an Android phone and save the world! Unluckily, he will commit suicide when he sees his cell phone bill. I heard Japan is even worse than AT&T...

Oh yeah... I love Saga Frontier, one of the best game I've played in PS1 mmm...

Really? I think Akitoshi Kawazu is the Antichrist of JRPG's. Saga Frontier 2 was good, but the rest...

Everything from Final Fantasy 2's mindblowingly shitty stat system to the asinine randomness of FFXII (i.e. you want the strongest weapon in the game, then don't open up certain chests or you're SOL). And don't get me started on Unlimited Saga. You want to attack or cast a spell? Spin this damn reel!

"EA Games : Character Everything !!"  ...


Then : [Name of Character : EA] => [Materialization into Reality] is the rule here ?! O_o





Yeah, i laught because of this too. The irony.

The art style is so similar to one of oregairu manga, i'm suprised the artist is not the same

Parasite eve 2 was a neat game, especially with the FFVIII Gunblade.

Sadly the first part was never released in Europe.

yes but you'll find most old games are deserved to be called "legends"

Most old games that people actually remember, that is..
There were plenty of trash games among the old ones too, people just forgot about them. =)

Hardly ever see a game worth mentioning since 10-15years ago, but those that are might end up getting known later on when the bad ones have left our memories. =p
(Well, most realized that hi-res images in games sell, and an increasing amount of gamemakers went to take that shortcut instead of trying to make a good game, might explain the sinking percentage of decent games in the constant flood of new ones.)




Its kinda hit me hard since Im enslaving myself with Granblue Fantasy


In my opinion just because something is old doesen't make it automatically better, and it ultimately falls to subjective taste. heart gold was better in my opinion .

yes but you'll find most old games are deserved to be called "legends"

He's not wrong about the Best RPG's being from the 90's. I think Pokemon Gold and Silver is the Goat or at least the best in the pokemon franchise.

In my opinion just because something is old doesen't make it automatically better, and it ultimately falls to subjective taste. heart gold was better in my opinion .

Oh yeah... I love Saga Frontier, one of the best game I've played in PS1 mmm...

The Fate of People Nowdays, Getting Slaved By Mobage Games With Shitty Rate RNG
*Even me too


He's not wrong about the Best RPG's being from the 90's. I think Pokemon Gold and Silver is the Goat or at least the best in the pokemon franchise.

these Synopsis keep getting weirder and weirder 


and btw is the neighbors name...EA? the root of all DLC evil

Reading primarily for imouto smug face.

What cruel fate being forced to spend money on mobages

Nah , can't be as bad as SEGA and theirs DLC policy .

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