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Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One Poker Hen

Alt Names: alt 賭博堕天録カイジ ワン・ポーカー編alt Kaiji Part 5alt Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji - One Poker Arc
Author: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Artist: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A continuation of Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: Kazuya-Hen. With new allies Chang and Mario, it's finally time for Kaiji to wager his 400 Million Yen against the son of Chairman Hyoudou, Kazuya! The gamble's name is One Poker... but what kind of poker is that?!

***Please Note***
The Kaiji series as of now is divided into 5 parts, and this is the 5th of those parts. The series follows this order:

Part 1: Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji (Has an Anime Adaptation, but Manga is not fully translated)

Part 2: Tobaku Hakairoku Kaiji (Has an Anime Adaptation, and Manga is fully translated)

Part 3: Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji (Not yet animated, Manga is fully translated)

Part 4: Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji - Kazuya-hen (Not yet animated, Manga is fully translated)

Part 5: Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One Poker Hen (Not yet animated, Manga is being translated)
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Props to FKMTkrazy for the way they intelligently chunk releases when they can't do it weekly. They never undercut the tension or ruin a shock, they only enhance it. I was sweating.

Damn Kaiji got FUKED

I'm a bit disappointed in Kaiji so far. I understand that he shines when he is under pressure, and I get that it is easy to be overconfident, panicked, etc... but after his experience with E card, I really would expect Kaiji to be focusing more on Kazuya and less on Kazuya's cards.

i have read the first few chapters in one poker han, and i have a strong feeling where kazuya might "cheat"
let's get back to the cards shuffling, both shuffled the cards on the table, then kazuya cut the cards into two halves, asked kaiji to shuffle his half while kazuya shuffle the other half , this is where kazuya might have done something to his cards, rememebr he asked kaiji to put his half over kazuya's half, then he asked him t cut the cards , the top ones are discared (kaiji's half) and the bottom ones are played (kazuya's half)

and in case kaiji later on figured that kazuya cheated on the shuffle, he asked kaiji right away to swear that he'll accept what mother sophie give him, that sounds rediculous at first but it's a part of his plan.

after that he asked kaiji where he wan't to sit , that's irrelavnt , but gave kaiji the "right" to choose who pick the first card, but by simply mentionning "luck" to kaiji , kaiji automatically choose to be first, that might also be part of the cunning kazuya plan

so in the end it's not really "Mother Sophie" who choose who to "love" it's kazuya himself (he could have installed an automatic shuffler in "mother sophie" but he didn't)

Pretty funny how despite surviving so many gambles, kaiji has one of the worst poker faces ever, i mean literally crying in tears of joy after seeing your card kinda gives it away

End of vol 3. And to think there are like 10 more volumes of the same thing.


It's been a looooong night, Kaiji.

>mfw season 3 never ever

No it's in the rules of the game and it's been mentioned before. I personally think it's a stupid rule that makes calling meaningless but I guess Fukumoto wants it in One Poker.

It is a stupid rule, but I've heard it is common across Japanese variants of poker. Its like reversed string-betting. Even worse, some Japanese poker games won't allow a call unless you can cover the full amount raised. Proper scammy poker.

Is there translation mistake or mangaka mistake? You cant add more bets after opponent calls. Only if opponent re-raises you can re-raise again.

No it's in the rules of the game and it's been mentioned before. I personally think it's a stupid rule that makes calling meaningless but I guess Fukumoto wants it in One Poker.

There's no mangaka that can capture the essence of suffering quite like FKMT.

Is there translation mistake or mangaka mistake? You cant add more bets after opponent calls. Only if opponent re-raises you can re-raise again.

For some reason, having the random goon give a spot-on silent analysis/critique of the game and Kaiji's mistake was hilarious. He seemed more supportive towards Kaiji than Mario and Chang right now!


The parallel to his fight with Hyodo was really well-done, and I love the situation he's in. From our point of view, the objectively best course of action is to play his down card and bluff hard. But he's seriously mentally shaken after the last round. I seriously think that he wouldn't be able to bluff well enough, he'd fold out of fear and paranoia. Playing the King is a guaranteed win in his mind, it's what he needs to regain his flow right now even if it screws him with a down-down in the next hand.

This arc is great at this moment, but I will get tired of seeing the same game all over again for 9 more volumes.

The correct move seems to obviously be to play the 7 and fearlessly raise again every time Kazuya raises or calls. Sure, Kazuya could magically read even that, but if he does, kaiji is still not dead yet and still can hang on with a king.

Finally. After 3 months, my Kaiji addiction can once more be filled.

kazuya has 2 down cards, a 6 is pretty high for a down card. kaiji can win this.


Feeling overconfident has led Kaiji into some really dangerous situations, and it's actually refreshing to see him trying to fight off that overconfidence.


Kazuya might realize that Kaiji's remaining card is either a King or an Ace. After all, why would he play a card as powerful as the Queen if Kazuya had 2 down cards?

  You know, I agree,in this fight you can really see how Kaiji has evolved.


  He uses advanced tactics and instict to destroy a scrub and he tries his best not to let his emotions get the better of him. Quite dfferent from level 1 Kaiji. He is level 50 gambler (or level 10 if you go by tabletop and not videogame rpg rules) and it shows, even if Kazuya does get a comeback.

Feeling overconfident has led Kaiji into some really dangerous situations, and it's actually refreshing to see him trying to fight off that overconfidence.


Kazuya might realize that Kaiji's remaining card is either a King or an Ace. After all, why would he play a card as powerful as the Queen if Kazuya had 2 down cards?

I think at some point, he'll miscalculate something and lose epicly. It's Kaiji.

Yeah... going right into the suspicion, the turnabout, the dangerous elation, from the player perspective, and spectator analyses as well is why the author rocks so hard.

But it's hard to imagine no reversal coming shortly, somehow.

They need to seriously announce a part 3 anime adaptation already... 


Loving this part so far. 

Why would he do that ?
this poker arc feels weird . 
usually kaiji looses , cries , and suffers before he wins and flip things to his side . 
I feel like he will win this one and before he leaves president hyuodo will arrive and challenge him to a bet


I think at some point, he'll miscalculate something and lose epicly. It's Kaiji.

3 decks, even if the total was cut in half, means a theoretical max of 12 of any card. That basically breaks any card-counting tactics like in restricted-RPS, which is where I originally though One-Poker was going to go.

Playing the 6 and raising vs playing the Q and calling in this situation, is whats known in poker as a 'polarization' strategy - a good strategy against someone cautious/thoughtful enough to fold. 

It coulad also possibly that Kaiji will make a mistake and fell down into a pit of despair. A pit that he'll escape in the last volumes of the series. Start good, make it bad, make it worse, make it worst, then score the good ending. You know, a typical story arc.

 It could also be possible that Kaiji is overleveled compared to Kazuya. I mean, guy isn't as good a gambler as the last 4 or so he faced. He is mostly good at organizing games.

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