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* * * * - (4.21 - 66votes)

King of Idol

Alt Names: alt キング・オブ・アイドルalt King of Idols
Author: Wakaki Tamiki
Artist: Wakaki Tamiki
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyGender Bender Gender BenderHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Mahoro Harukana moves to Tokio to achieve the dream of becoming an Idol. In order to do this, Mahoro will assist to the National Entretainment and Music School in Kamisaka. Everything goes surprisinly well, being great at singing and dancing, and even her teammates are astonished by her talent.

The only problem is that... Mahoro is actually a boy, and a boy who wants to become The King of the Idols!
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I don't know. If it is our version, it will be a week.

When can we expect to get chapter 9 ? O_o

Just saying that nobody is forcing you to be "on time" here.I know about what you said 9.It just seemed that you were personally affected by the on demand expectations placed on you. Chill bro.

Eh, I am not type of person who is affected by the others either who devotes to scanlation.

I only do it because I think i should do it.


Edit: It maybe causes misunderstanding so let me explain again. I didn't choose to edit chap 9 first (and actually chap 7, 8, 9 not only 9) but the newest chapter first. It turned out chap 10 took very long time to finish. I am going on a trip so I won't be able to edit manga for a while so I released chap 10.

It is not scanlation drama. Someone got blamed for standing for my group so I tried to explain.
About no chap 9. It is my mistake. I apologised. 
I wanted to get chap 10 done asap. 9 hours redrawing straight. 
I rode my motorbike in not good condition (not sleep enough) and bumped into roadside. Went home and 1 hour to typeset for 15 pages. For the last 3 pages, typed it, retyped it ... i have no idea to type it. Feeling bitter that i can't finish it soon. I was forced to sleep then i woke up, continued. Still couldn't finish it. It is 14 hours+ to just typeset 3 pages.
Still no chap 9. I chose to do chap 10 first. I will go on a trip for several days so I can't edit chap 9 soon so I decided to release chap 10 now.
I intended to do K.O.I steadly but I chose to catch up K.O.I first that causes delays for other project. And I tried to do the next chapter first to see how fast I can manage.
It maybe sounds ridiculous but it is. Anyways, I don't blame others or blame anything. I am doing my own way.

Just saying that nobody is forcing you to be "on time" here.I know about what you said 9.It just seemed that you were personally affected by the on demand expectations placed on you. Chill bro.

Does the KOI thread really need to have so many people trying to create scanlation drama?Just release in order would be ok.We don't really "need"the translation for this chapter just a single day after the raws,where chapter 9 would be ok.

It is not scanlation drama. Someone got blamed for standing for my group so I tried to explain.


About no chap 9. It is my mistake. I apologised. 

I wanted to get chap 10 done asap. 9 hours redrawing straight. 

I rode my motorbike in not good condition (not sleep enough) and bumped into roadside. Went home and 1 hour to typeset for 15 pages. For the last 3 pages, typed it, retyped it ... i have no idea to type it. Feeling bitter that i can't finish it soon. I was forced to sleep then i woke up, continued. Still couldn't finish it. It is 14 hours+ to just typeset 3 pages.

Still no chap 9. I chose to do chap 10 first. I will go on a trip for several days so I can't edit chap 9 soon so I decided to release chap 10 now.


I intended to do K.O.I steadly but I chose to catch up K.O.I first that causes delays for other project. And I tried to do the next chapter first to see how fast I can manage.


It maybe sounds ridiculous but it is. Anyways, I don't blame others or blame anything. I am doing my own way.

Does the KOI thread really need to have so many people trying to create scanlation drama?Just release in order would be ok.We don't really "need"the translation for this chapter just a single day after the raws,where chapter 9 would be ok.

Someone actually does their own job to get scans out faster and someone else is actually complaining even though there's no beef between the 2 groups and both are perfectly readable




>bold sentence

Lmao yeah I doubt you've ever worked on any scanlations, you're just white-knighting when nobody needs you to speak for them.i

Scanlation is always like this all the time. It is just you don't notice enough. I doesn't say anything don't mean I agree it. The reason I don't say anything is: We don't have right in the first place. It is not like things will change if I say anything either. This chapter is the biggest proof how terrible I am.


"The majority of people dont care about quality, loyalty, or who is doing it though. Most people care about how fast it is released. Look at Shokugeki No Souma. When Mangastream took it up, at first their were post about "no honor" and how they would "stay loyal". Sure enough, the Mangastream chapter which was faster would always have more upvotes, comments, and activity all around.

As long as it is readable, speed is all that matters."



btw page 6, it is "grant", not "grand". i messed up.

So we now have a rival Godly Group with a fancy name.

The IOS is really Grander that I thought.

Mahoro's and his Harem vs The Elite 4.

Puppet girl is awesome.

LOL? You know that almost all groups take just as long if not longer, right? The reason is quality control. PureMashiro's scripts and edits are a lot more polished. It's not a race. On top of that, they seem to be fast now but it looks like you're skipping chapters just to be first, which is just a really nasty breach in scanlation etiquette. Also, if you wanted to release faster, why didn't you just join them to help out? Tl;dr: No matter how you slice it, you're skipping chapters and doing a rush job just to be first on an already active series. There are also a good amount of translation errors for "simple Japanese."

Someone actually does their own job to get scans out faster and someone else is actually complaining even though there's no beef between the 2 groups and both are perfectly readable




>bold sentence

Lmao yeah I doubt you've ever worked on any scanlations, you're just white-knighting when nobody needs you to speak for them.

As Chapter 10 page 13 slowly loaded from top to bottom, I half expected to see the MC once again sporting a massive erection.


I apologise for not editing chap 9 first.

Why must we Arguing each other, I do enjoy Their translation, Both Pure Mashiro and Mainichi
I Suggest, Why You Both Try Join Force To Translate This Manga, Or Second Choice
Mainichi Scans Doing in Odd Number and Pure Mashiro Scans Doing in Even Number

Both parties are Give permission each other, so case closed.

Enjoying this A LOT!

LOL? You know that almost all groups take just as long if not longer, right? The reason is quality control. PureMashiro's scripts and edits are a lot more polished. It's not a race. On top of that, they seem to be fast now but it looks like you're skipping chapters just to be first, which is just a really nasty breach in scanlation etiquette. Also, if you wanted to release faster, why didn't you just join them to help out? Tl;dr: No matter how you slice it, you're skipping chapters and doing a rush job just to be first on an already active series. There are also a good amount of translation errors for "simple Japanese."

Thank you for the support.

I personally don't mind both groups doing it but most scanlators will mind. Everyone has their own opinions so I won't force them in "scanlation etiquette".

My translator for K.O.I talked to me that we should do another series instead. You are true that most groups didn't take much longer and ended up dropping the series. However, I will manage.

It is not "stir the pot for no reason". It is reasonable. Even i said i don't mind but it is only for my group. if my favorite group gets sniped, I will stand for them. I actually did it several times.


tl;dr: People don't have same "code". Talking won't resolve problem. We'll try doing K.O.I faster.

Yeah I can't see a problem they is different translation,there, it's up to you if you want to read it or not or you can follow quality one that Pure Mashiro or read speed reading that Mainichi is doing.

These people are actually translation for free, give them some credits, well as you know some people don't just go back and read something, well internet shit. :D

The Tsundere is real. 

LOL? You know that almost all groups take just as long if not longer, right? The reason is quality control. PureMashiro's scripts and edits are a lot more polished. It's not a race. On top of that, they seem to be fast now but it looks like you're skipping chapters just to be first, which is just a really nasty breach in scanlation etiquette. Also, if you wanted to release faster, why didn't you just join them to help out?

Tl;dr: No matter how you slice it, you're skipping chapters and doing a rush job just to be first on an already active series. There are also a good amount of translation errors for "simple Japanese."

like I said, I just want to see it get translated because I like it. No reason to get triggered lmao. Why would I waste my time translating something that's already done? Even the guy from puremashiro said he didn't mind if we both did the series. Looks like you're just trying to stir the pot for no reason.

I'm just translating it because I like it and I wanted to. I also didn't like the Pace that PureMashiro was doing theirs at(not saying this makes their work any less valid) but there was almost a 2 week gap between chapter 1,2, and 3. This manga is written in very basic japanese and shouldn't take very long to translate.

LOL? You know that almost all groups take just as long if not longer, right? The reason is quality control. PureMashiro's scripts and edits are a lot more polished. It's not a race. On top of that, they seem to be fast now but it looks like you're skipping chapters just to be first, which is just a really nasty breach in scanlation etiquette. Also, if you wanted to release faster, why didn't you just join them to help out?

Tl;dr: No matter how you slice it, you're skipping chapters and doing a rush job just to be first on an already active series. There are also a good amount of translation errors for "simple Japanese."

OMG, the plot in ch8 is so dumb. How the hell would a close friend of Ren not know about her death? Furthermore Ren was a celebrity according to the manga. Nope, just nope...

She only was close to his Mom at that point of time at the audition which was many years ago(20+).It's isn't farfetched to say they probably lost touch personally.Oh something piror to her death severed her ties,like quitting being an idol for a few years or something.

We need to know more about Mahoro's parents also.I feel wakaki could do something with this,cause one of the core elements is his mother,and I don't think it would be as simple as "famous idol mother".

At what age did Mahoro's mom give birth? When did she died? When did Sena's flashback happened? (The time she saw Mahoro's mom on tv) I think there's a gaping plothole in there somewhere.


The implication I got was she died in childbirth.

At what age did Mahoro's mom give birth? When did she died? When did Sena's flashback happened? (The time she saw Mahoro's mom on tv) I think there's a gaping plothole in there somewhere.

OMG, the plot in ch8 is so dumb. How the hell would a close friend of Ren not know about her death? Furthermore Ren was a celebrity according to the manga. Nope, just nope...

I'm just translating it because I like it and I wanted to. I also didn't like the Pace that PureMashiro was doing theirs at(not saying this makes their work any less valid) but there was almost a 2 week gap between chapter 1,2, and 3. This manga is written in very basic japanese and shouldn't take very long to translate.

Translation is not problem. Redrawing (main reason) and typsetting (have no idea to choose font, have to use many fonts, have to adjust font size according to raws, have to add effect) is a pain. Can't edit them fast. If I lower standard, I can do much faster but I don't want. We'll catch up anyways. I personally have no problem with both groups doing it.

Aww chibi Ai chan.. you can have a kid... I mean... you've got the son of the idol that you worship and revere right there.... that's gotta give you tons of ideas.

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