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* * * * * (4.51 - 37votes)

Omae no Gohoushi wa Sono Teido ka?

Alt Names: alt お前のご奉仕はその程度か?alt Is that yourselves like that?alt Omae no Gohoushi wa Sono Teidoka?
Author: Morita Kisetsu
Artist: Urute
Genres: Comedy ComedyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ryouta Asagiri unknowingly wanders into a country of vampires that had just recently become independent from Japan. There he meets a pretty little vampire girl named Shiren Fuyukura, who suddenly questions him and bites him, later to claim that he has become her “Minion”. He soon finds out that he is unable to leave this country of vampires (The Sacred Blood Empire) and thus decides to comply to the vampire girl in becoming her “Minion”.
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I must be weird for liking this. So far there has been no panty flashes, risque clothing, huge tits, or bathroom/bedroom accidents.


She is so adorable with her expressions and her clothing makes it even better (long skirts).

Please, I hope this doesn't fall into the trap of sex sells.
It's a curse!? If so I want to be cursed like that...Posted Image

Also thought he was some sort of incubus
awww, i wanted to read those messages...
I have a strong feeling his sister might be a yandere searching for her beloved brother and killing off any dirty skanky girls that approaches him. Ryota should let her celebrate a little, she is cute well let it slide.
@Redbull Zombie: There can't be an Oroginal anymore in this present time. All the Idea has been used. It's just you read it or not.
Tell me whatever new idea /setup you just think of for a Manga
and I'm sure I can use Baka-update Manga to give you a Manga similar to your taste.
Nowaday, there only Manga use old setup but with talent of Mangaka make it interesting. (same go for games / movies)
Popularity is a curse... if you end up turning all the girls around you into extremely psychotic Yanderes. I mean.. it's one thing to have all the girls fawning over you it's completely different when they want to get out an axe to eliminate their rivals. Or you know to chain you up to a wall and keep you imprisoned "forever and ever <3" yeah that kinda popularity I would pass on.
Wanted to punch this guy in the face for saying he has a cursed life for being overly-popular with girls. However, if it's to the point of being kidnapped...then I think I can sympathize with him...thanks for the update, it's getting interesting.
This reeks of wish fulfillment and escapism.
Well think of it this way, he's so loved that some people would rather have him in pieces at home rather then risk him walking away.

So i understand why he thinks it's a curse, too much of anyhing isen't good, even love.
Can't wait to see his sister and stalker friend *_*
wow. what a sad past that guy has. it must have been so tough for him. end sarcasm.
And then the worried Bro-con sister came and slaughter the entire race for his Brother....... Just imagine...
Click on group name, check delay field.
someone just tell me why does batoto keep excluing the chapters ?? --'
"Like" if you got that small Yaranaika reference.

Besides, Yander stalker, Bro-con, and Lolita-vampire, I guess you could check Harem pretty soon too.
his 98 year gramps offer 30 year of his live to make his grandson popular (and the gramps is still ALIVE ?!?) ... even at the point elementary school girl try to kiss him ...
is his gramps is a youkai or something ? lolz ...
and if he is pedo, he might become a lot more polular ...
(since all loli will fall in love with him ...)
so being popular is a curse...
Yet another loli-type vampire....okay, I'll bite.
Her image overlap with delusional little sister from Haganai. All that's left is for her to say " An-chan" :)
So let me get this straight he is complaining that he is so popular with girls and had to leave because he was being smoother too much. See this is why the other guys who have to work hard to get that one chance with a girl gets mad, bastard maybe we should have you meet Kotonoha and see how that works.
@Redbull Zombie That's a clue that you've read too much manga. It's been decades you know?
It's the 21st century and doraemon hasn't appeared yet. Don't expect purely original ideas to fall off from trees everyday :)
You're complaining about being popular!? DIE! IDIOT! POOP!
@redbull zombie I doubt anything is truely origonal anymore.

On another note.

It seems quite intresting. I supose all i can do now is see where it goes.

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