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Grancrest Senki

Alt Names: alt บันทึกสงครามแกรนเครสท์alt グランクレスト戦記alt 皇帝圣印战记alt 그랑크레스트 전기alt Record of Grancrest War
Author: Mizuno Ryo
Artist: Yotsuba Makoto
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: On a continent ruled by chaos, the Lords have the power of a holy seal that can calm the chaos and protect the people. However, before anyone realizes it, the rulers cast aside their creed of purifying the chaos, and instead start to fight each other for each other s holy seals to gain dominion over one another. Shiruuka, an isolated mage who scorns the Lords for abandoning their creed, and a wandering knight named Theo, who is on a journey to train to one day liberate his hometown, make an everlasting oath to work together to reform this continent dominated by wars and chaos.
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same here


I normally don't pay attention to magazines, but what does he mean with the magazine?

I read Grand Chest Senki every time I see that title + that cover...


Also Young Animal Comics ftw...

same here

so fast, as fast as usain bolt

Is it bad that I consider that Rasik could have been a much better protagonist than Theo? In a few flashbacks we learnt how he built his circle of supporters regardless station, and he has ambition yet can boast common sense and a deservedly good relationship with his subordinates. Meanwhile, most of what Theo has achieved was handed to him on a silver platter since Shiruka suddenly decided he was good Lord material.

In all these chapters, all Theo has been is a glorified puppet. Nothing has been of his own will, just being told what to do by the FMC. Such a shit protagonist smh

I love Record of Lodoss War but as an author, Mizuno isn't a favorite.

Ah yes... Time for fanservice!

The real winner in all of this seems to be young Petol.

Just as a note, it's "to wage war" not "to rage war".

You're right.  I must have misread something somewhere.  I do agree with you that it is incredibly naive of a tactician try to not kill any of the people from the attacking force when the tactician is not only part of the defending force but is also vastly outnumbered.

It depends actually. In this situation the goal was to "win an army" not just to "win" they had no chance of actually winning successive fights with the resources they have at hand. However when the person that was attacking was Rasik she was most likely aware of the fact that he makes a better general than he does a lord and that the person in question thinks that way himself. So by defeating the enemy without causing a casualty it does two things. A.) Shows their physical superiority (thus making it a situation of "join us because you have no way out otherwise) and B.) it prevents "hard feelings" from developing when merging the two units (after all if you keep casualties to a minimum then there are a lot less grudges to be had).

It all depends on the objective of the battle. If the battle is to gain resources then casualties are expected but, if it's trying to entreat the enemy than you need to reduce the amount of casualties to make it happen.

Hmm, as far as I can see Shiruka was the one who ordered it. But maybe I've missed something, can you tell chapter and page where Theo is talking about it?

You're right.  I must have misread something somewhere.  I do agree with you that it is incredibly naive of a tactician try to not kill any of the people from the attacking force when the tactician is not only part of the defending force but is also vastly outnumbered.

I swear, I keep reading the title as "Incest Senki".

I read Grand Chest Senki every time I see that title + that cover...


Also Young Animal Comics ftw...

I swear, I keep reading the title as "Incest Senki".

Me Three, Lol
Our Mind so Corrupted Even Read Grancrest can be Misleading

Well the thing is, Theo is a mystery ... he have a crest but how he gained the crest was not explained properly, he said he got it from a monster he killed as Shiruka points out crests are hereditary or given and she should know about them.


Saying Shiruka "handed it to him" is ignoring Theo already had a crest, Shiruka self-admitted she is using Theo since Theo have a crest and she have not, in order for her to achieve her dream she needs a Lord.


I understand, yet for me it's not enough. After all, if you gave the "crest mystery" to a character like Rasik, what other narrative advantage is left for Theo as a hero, beyond his Generic Nice Guy syndrome?


In fact, the lack of anything about Theo's past is a minus in my books, not a plus. Both Rasik and Shiruka are interesting for me because from the beginning they had their own long term ambitions and plans to achieve those goals; they actively work for them, make their own connections, choose their allegiances and make friends and enemies according to them. They feel more real and their struggles seem more anchored to the setting than Theo's.

Why is this manga feels dumber each chapter, it's like too many details cut off from the novel (not that I've read it) mmm...

The situation would be exactly the same even if Shiruka was male, so I don't know why you bring "damsel in distress" here. It's pretty much irrelevant.
Also, given the set up, this development was rather predictable. And it shows just how inexperienced Shiruka is. She thought that if one of the three gets in trouble, another would be able to come and help, but this is very naive. She didn't even have detailed intel on enemy forces, you can't expect your plans to work smoothly with so little information.

Now, I wouldn't fault this manga for the stuff mentioned above. It's not that weird, if we assume that main characters don't have necessary education or experience. And that they overestimate their strength or underestimate their enemy.

What I do dislike is the "try to not kill anyone" stuff. I would understand if she said to try to keep casualties low and spare those who retreat or surrender. But "don't kill" is just not realistic. Rather, it is plain stupid, considering the situation they are in.

Let's just say I was expecting something different with the way the story presented itself. There are other ways to show MCs are inexperienced than through a battle scene where nothing of value is lost (and in fact, win because of this inexperience).
I only bring up the damsel in distress because the story initially presented itself of showing a female character that was quite capable. I obviously wouldn't use that if Shiruka was male, or if the story had delved into her rashness/inexperience in examples outside of this battle. 
I'm not expecting Maoyuu Maou Yuusha. (Well, no I was expecting some of it since the opening reminded me of it). As I said earlier, nothing to quit completely, but giving some thought on lessening expectations. 

I swear, I keep reading the title as "Incest Senki".

Thank god I'm not the only one. I thought there was something wrong with me.

Is it bad that I consider that Rasik could have been a much better protagonist than Theo?


Well the thing is, Theo is a mystery ... he have a crest but how he gained the crest was not explained properly, he said he got it from a monster he killed as Shiruka points out crests are hereditary or given and she should know about them.


Saying Shiruka "handed it to him" is ignoring Theo already had a crest, Shiruka self-admitted she is using Theo since Theo have a crest and she have not, in order for her to achieve her dream she needs a Lord.


As for Rasik, he doesnt want to be Emperor just like Theo doesnt want to be Emperor, their goals match roughly with Shiruka being the main driving force as Theo seems content in just protecting the people around him as Rasik does have a longer sight he still not doing it to be Emperor.


They both have their angles, I prefer Theo simply because I am not buying how he claim to have gotten a crest and there is more under that.

Is it bad that I consider that Rasik could have been a much better protagonist than Theo?

Rasik's primary weakness is that his retainers consist of only males (and it doesn't seem like he's directing any effort towards changing that.) This means that in part 2, his heir will only have trash rando units, whereas Theo's is guaranteed some top tier units with careful positioning and breeding.

Is it bad that I consider that Rasik could have been a much better protagonist than Theo? In a few flashbacks we learnt how he built his circle of supporters regardless station, and he has ambition yet can boast common sense and a deservedly good relationship with his subordinates. Meanwhile, most of what Theo has achieved was handed to him on a silver platter since Shiruka suddenly decided he was good Lord material.

The title should be "How to raise a good Lord material husbando."

I swear, I keep reading the title as "Incest Senki".

Is it bad that I consider that Rasik could have been a much better protagonist than Theo? In a few flashbacks we learnt how he built his circle of supporters regardless station, and he has ambition yet can boast common sense and a deservedly good relationship with his subordinates. Meanwhile, most of what Theo has achieved was handed to him on a silver platter since Shiruka suddenly decided he was good Lord material.

Get this man a time machine so he can tell the generals in WWII to stop D-day because charging cliffs is a bad idea

These knights are on loan from Wolfsmund. They fared just as well there...

[spoiler]img000019.png [/spoiler

What a sweaty battle

That kid soldier probably thought he'd be rid of the evil seal user after this battle, but he's in for a hell of a ride now. No pun intended.

For all we know she might want to keep casualty low in case they team up, or to lower grudges or whatever she might have planned

Yeah, I did consider this and even mentioned it in my previous comment. But there is a difference between keeping casualties low and trying to not kill anyone at all.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the "no killing" thing was an order from the lord that Shiruka is following.

Hmm, as far as I can see Shiruka was the one who ordered it. But maybe I've missed something, can you tell chapter and page where Theo is talking about it?

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