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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 141votes)

Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara

Alt Names: alt Alcohol is for Married Couplesalt お酒は夫婦になってからalt El alcohol es solo para parejasalt Love is like a cocktailalt Алкоголь для супружеской пары
Author: Crystal Na Yousuke
Artist: Crystal Na Yousuke
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: From ANN: The "slightly sweet tipsy couple comedy" manga centers on the 28-year-old senior public relations company staff member Chisato Mizusawa. The story follows Chisato's daily life as she enjoys her husband Sora's cocktails. Chisato has secrets that only her husband knows.
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Oh, that's his job? I honestly thought he managed a bar, or maybe a small chain of bars.

I'm wondering which it is. Because when he was doing that interior designing, it was a set-up of bar stools and a bar counter. Maybe he does manage bars or at least does the design work for them.

you know that joke when the "beautiful" teacher/onee-san get drunks and rejected by their partner/crush?.....this series intend to overturn that joke...

Well that joke got old real fast.

watching them is BLISS

you know that joke when the "beautiful" teacher/onee-san get drunks and rejected by their partner/crush?.....this series intend to overturn that joke...

This is bliss~

It's been hinted for a while that Sora is actually quite well off from his consulting / interior decorator job. Also, when you look at the previous cocktails and tally up the types of drinks he's got available at all times, that 130k bottle shouldn't be out of reach for him.

Oh, that's his job? I honestly thought he managed a bar, or maybe a small chain of bars.

It has begun:


I want a partner who is concerned with my finances


It's been hinted for a while that Sora is actually quite well off from his consulting / interior decorator job. Also, when you look at the previous cocktails and tally up the types of drinks he's got available at all times, that 130k bottle shouldn't be out of reach for him.

I want a partner who is concerned with my finances

pahahaha I love how he was wearing the jacket the whole day x'D

Don't worry. I'm about your age and college student too! and alcoholic beverages don't agree with my taste buds nor stomach.

Wow... so I'm not the only one!

Nice shirt



An excellent explanation



I wish that were true, but the older I get (I'm in my 30s), the worse alcohol and coffee taste to me. I have the curse of being a supertaster, so I prefer, well, blander stuff. The only thing I can enjoy that I couldn't before are olives. I guess supertasters are the exception :(



As a whiskey drinker I do concur somewhat. The absolute dirt cheap plonk is horse piss that I wouldn't touch with someone else's tongue but the several hundred quid a bottle stuff, while nice, is nowhere near nice enough to warrant the price. A decent bottle in the £15-£30 range does the job. I'm talking drinking it neat here btw, if you are mixing it doesn't matter how much it costs, enough mixer can redeem any piss water.

There are differences but they're mostly really subtle and definitely not worth a fraction of that amount of money

Don't worry, man. Pretty sure it's been proven on a few occasions that old expensive wine, cheap market wine... there's no fucking difference. People who claim they can tell the difference are liars with overblown ego. Blind tests don't lie.

Don't worry. I'm about your age and college student too! and alcoholic beverages don't agree with my taste buds nor stomach.


Around 30 your taste buds will change. Bitter tastes will start acquiring nuance and gradation, sweet tastes will become overpowering and umami will dominate your preferences. As you grow older, your sense of smell will increasingly define your perception of "taste". That's pretty much when people start acquiring an appreciation of alcohol, coffee, and tea. This doesn't mean you'll suddenly be able to distinguish between chateau d'roi imperielle magnifique super-duper champagne and bog-standard chateau miserables. It just means you'll start being able to differentiate tastes of bitter drinks and form opinions about which you like and which you don't. In my case, it's things like preferring Heineken over most American beers (except Sam Adams), or having a constant itch for Newcastle Brown Ale which is impossible to get where I live (yes, I'm a Heineken whore, shut up), or hating IPA with a passion. Also, I prefer Yanjing over Qingdao when I'm in China and I always look for Sapporo Gold over most Kirin brews when I'm in Japan. Hmmm... now I have an itch for Ebisu which I ALSO can't get here... damnit....


Now, while the idea that expensive drinks are a rip-off is true (barring special circumstances), this has been misunderstood as people being generally unable to distinguish the tastes of different wines. That's not really the case. We do have the ability to distinguish between good (as in stuff which taste we prefer) and bad alcohol. It's just that what tastes good for most people is usually not the most expensive stuff. 


The main reason for that is because historically a lot of the most expensive drinks (unless they're manufactured to be expensive) started out as popular drinks. As the population grows and demand increases, production can't keep up and prices rise to the point that the drinks become inaccessible to most people. That's when the popular taste usually shifts to the best accessible drink in the market. When people become unable to obtain the formerly popular but now expensive drink, fewer and fewer people even know what it tastes like. If the contemporary popular drink turns out to be very different in taste (as in the case of popular sparkling wines vs. Champagne today) to the now-expensive drink, you end up with a situation where the expensive drink is actually not considered any good by the majority of the drinking public, simply because the average preference has shifted. That's when expensive wines become a total rip-off. They're expensive simply because they are, not because people like to drink them.

As expected: "Nothing can beat your cocktails, Sora." But still, this lovey-dovey couple...

need a shot of insulin for my diabeetus and a shot of hard alcohol for my alcoholism after each chapter.

Wait, no, I'm not an adult, I'm just an overgrown college student

Don't worry. I'm about your age and college student too! and alcoholic beverages don't agree with my taste buds nor stomach.


The end

I would love to see a series (not this one) end just like that.

All the while no one realizes that all alcohol tastes like shit and bitter and even wine snobs don't know what they're talking about. Am I a failure of an adult?


Wait, no, I'm not an adult, I'm just an overgrown college student

The cocktails are getting more complex...


It's Shokugeki no Soma for Alcohol... chances are there's going to be some kind of alcohol competition somewhere along the line





All the while no one realizes that all alcohol tastes like shit and bitter and even wine snobs don't know what they're talking about. Am I a failure of an adult?


The end

This story is getting cuter and cuter as it goes, I like it~

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