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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.2 - 25votes)


Alt Names:
Author: Kusaka Shinya
Artist: Takagi Shuuei
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After his father died, Naruse Akira retreated into video games, and his mother retreated into alcohol. Naruse plays games almost all the time, getting him in trouble at his private school and worrying his childhood friend Hoju. He's incredibly good at war games because he is good at reading his opponents.

One day, he ends up downloading a strange game called "Revolt" onto his phone. It's a game that has him orchestrate a revolution, and the graphics seem incredibly life-like. At the end, he learns that he was actually giving real-world orders, and that the game was part of a scouting process for a company that helps to run revolutions. Now they want him to be their commander and help them save the world.
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Hmmm... I thought I'd like this, but I cannot make my suspension of disbelief work because they chose real-world events that don't make sense. I'd have preferred it if they had used fictional countries and parties.


A successful revolution in Lebanon by the Amal Movement? Sponsored by an organisation led by a Western-looking man? Sorry, it doesn't cut it. Amal is a Shia ally of Hezbollah and they are part of the current ruling March 8 coalition, they don't need a revolution. If the West were to support someone, it would be the March 14 bloc, most likely Hariri or the Geymaels.


The idea is good, but I don't like the execution. It's a matter of taste, so I hope others can enjoy this. Good luck to the scanlators!

I know they probably background checked Akira before they tested him using the Revolt game but what if they got someone else that sucked? XD

Looks promising. Will keep an eye on this one.

They want him to be their commander?
Oh. So the story is about logistical management right?

I'm following in anticipation for the many briefings on alcohol abuse/personal finances/sexual assault prevention/etc.

They want him to be their commander?


Oh. So the story is about logistical management right?

Just like real life military generals do - make an order of something to be done, and expect it to be done...
Well i will follow for now. Looks promising.

They want him to be their commander?


Oh. So the story is about logistical management right?

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