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* * * * * (4.65 - 297votes)

I Found a Kitten

Alt Names: alt 子猫拾いましたalt Ich fand ein Kätzchenalt 아기고양이 주웠습니다alt Koneko Hiroimashitaalt Я подобрал котенка
Author: Yohachi
Artist: Yohachi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Atsuki Komiya is a college student that’s living alone. Suddenly, his sister visits and asks for a favor, which is to take care of his niece, Kasane, for two weeks. A story about the awkward relationship of these two, the confused Atsuki and the sullen Kasane, living together. Which direction will this story go…?
Made by: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=558398
Sequel: I Found Another Kitten http://bato.to/comic/_/i-found-another-kitten-r20912
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Topic "I found a Baby Cat" release chapter discussion New Window truepurple
  • 3 Replies


Oh... Oh god. 
Oh this is going to be a roller coaster of a manga isn't it? 
I thought from the first chapter it would be a kind of comfortable loping trip where a guy learns to adult and what it means to be an adult. But I think I see that this is going to be a REAL trip. 


I personally don't really see anything wrong with his attitude there, since he does have a point about the whole "her eating dinner" matter. Yes, he should have called before actually going to the place to drink. But you have to realize that he's a college kid who's likely never had much in the way of personal responsibility for another person's well-being. Plus he doesn't know the whole story behind his sister and her daughter's situation, hence doesn't understand why she would stubbornly wait for him to come home before eating dinner. I'm not trying to say that he's not somewhat at fault for how the scene played out.. just that people really shouldn't try to turn him into a villain for one mistake. Call it a character growth opportunity.

Hey, a translator who knows how to spell "whoa" and isn't afraid to say so! Followed, for that all by itself!

But the MC did attempt to call her, but his senpai took his phone. Can't really blame him for assuming that his niece would eat when he didn't arrive in time.


it maybe be ok if you have an adult waiting for you at home, but that is not his case. MC is an adult and is responsible for his niece.

I think we should cut him a bit of slack, seeing as how this is probably his first time holding any sort of real responsibility. If it happens again, then he's really an idiot.

But the MC did attempt to call her, but his senpai took his phone. Can't really blame him for assuming that his niece would eat when he didn't arrive in time.


I would have insisted or made up some other excuse to have an emergency phone call.

Kasane is such a good girl.

Guys, when you go drink, you often call right when you decided, not when you already drank in a drink bar and call home right ?

My dad always call home in 5pm right before he go drink with company, not 9pm or 10pm when he in middle of drink. That's why my mom not mad at him when he go drink.


Just how stupid this MC is. I hate him.


What am I expected anyway, he was the mother's little brother after all.

But the MC did attempt to call her, but his senpai took his phone. Can't really blame him for assuming that his niece would eat when he didn't arrive in time.

Itt: people is mad that mc act just like a normal college kid

On no... its helck all over again

Yeah, the MC is dumb, shitty bonehead. Seriously, he can't even do shit and let his niece does all the shits for her and this is his thanks for that? Seriously, just how difficult it is to give her a call, tell her to eat dinner first, before you can go about your shit.


Also, drinking culture (everywhere, not just in Japan) is just dumb. It's mostly just useless waste of time (you know, precious time that otherwise could be spent to rest or taking care of home/family), where seniors/employers can force their juniors/employees to accompany them drunk all night, all in the name of "tradition". Seriously, they're people tired from work. Once their work's done, let them go home.

What am I expected anyway, he was the mother's little brother after all.


More like he is "clueless but ultimately good-hearted MC" which is the trend in these mangas...

Guys, when you go drink, you often call right when you decided, not when you already drank in a drink bar and call home right ?

My dad always call home in 5pm right before he go drink with company, not 9pm or 10pm when he in middle of drink. That's why my mom not mad at him when he go drink.


Just how stupid this MC is. I hate him.


What am I expected anyway, he was the mother's little brother after all.

You useless bastard.

god, that MC, get a grip and look after the kid properly.

I don't understand why he never asked what his sister's reason was for leaving her with him.

This is fucking adorable. I just hope it doesn't turn weird and Usagi Drop-ish. XD

I am starting to think that I am the only one that liked the ending of usagi drop. It would have another story if they had sex, though. I imagine it as a platonic relationship and it doesn't bother me.

This is fucking adorable. I just hope it doesn't turn weird and Usagi Drop-ish. XD

yep, I kind of know how it ends, but still don't have the courage to read the second part of the manga (when the kids grown up and well... the cuteness stops)

he is not actually "found" the kitten, right?

fucking stupid MC go die pls.

That chapter hit me right in the feels (;_・)

Calling it right now: tragedy tag.

Oh like "Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!" ? :P

As someone with RL experience from taking care of female relatives kids, can tell you the usual reasons were either trying to catch a new man or a good job.
Because apparently men tend to avoid single mothers, and companies tend to think single mothers can't be counted on to reliably show up and do their work as much as kids-free women or men.

Unfortunately it also speaks far more of the mother herself, as men who'd avoid her just for having a kid tend to be on the scummier side.


As for jobs, women in their early to mid 20s that don't have a husband or children yet are the bigger worry. A woman with children applying for work has effectively proven she intends to keep working, wheras you can never be certain about promoting someone who might decide to take a few years off to start a family. This doesn't even happen often at all, mind you, but HR is HR.


Far more common is getting *fired* for starting a family; never tell people at a low paying job that you are pregnant until it can no longer be hidden, OR make it very loud and official; I've seen far too many walmart and other such employees suddenly get offed for dismal performance reviews after it was found out through the grapevine and supervisors could reliably claim they didn't know to avoid any lawsuits.


Hilariously the latest one to get fired for having children was a widower; he mentioned he'd probably have to leave early more often now that he was alone to take care of them and he had suddenly never been a good team player and there were "too many rumors to ignore" of him stealing toys and from the cash (but no direct accusation, as that would let him see the video).


He's lawyered up, though. I hope he gets some solid digits out of this.


Also: That title sounds like something a dirty old man would say in such a situation. Or even just adding "giggity" at the end.

That would make for a very different theme and story though.

Calling it right now: tragedy tag.

Ya know, I realize in theory it's an imposition and all, but in practice it seems like his big sis is paying him to accept a live-in maid.  Why she was supposedly at the end of her tether single-mothering to this kid is beyond me--she's not so much a kid as a cute little service robot.

As someone with RL experience from taking care of female relatives kids, can tell you the usual reasons were either trying to catch a new man or a good job.
Because apparently men tend to avoid single mothers, and companies tend to think single mothers can't be counted on to reliably show up and do their work as much as kids-free women or men.

In short, her having problems for having the kid at home is quite realistic and how useful the kid is, is irrelevant. (Especially in some parts of the world.)

In the end though, the case in this manga might very well prove to be something silly anyway, I just don't want to call something unrealistic when the few bits shown so far leaves alot of room for realistic reasons.

No offense meant by the way, so I hope none was taken either, enjoy your day! =)

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