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* * * * * (4.56 - 97votes)

Kuzu to Megane to Bungaku Shoujo (Nise)

Alt Names: alt クズとメガネと文学少女(偽)alt Scum and Glasses and Literature Girl (Fake)
Author: Tanigawa Nico
Artist: Tanigawa Nico
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "Murakami Haruki? I know--it's actually Kadokawa Haruki." This is the story of some glasses guy and a piece of human trash who falls for a (fake) literature girl who has nothing going for her aside from her face.

RAW: http://sai-zen-sen.jp/comics/twi4/bungakushoujo
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It's cool guys, he's gay remember?
NOOO!!! My glasses x gyaru ship!!

Unintentional NTR is the best. Or maybe I just have a twisted sense of humor. 


it was at that moment, he knew he fucked up.




Took a small break for Christmas & New Year's, but should be back to a more regular schedule now. Enjoy! (:

Absolute madman

For anyone who's wondering - Koe de Oshigoto.

Also for anyone who's wondering - it goes to shit pretty quick

Throwing up because of reading a book with gory scenes? Reminds me of that manga about the voice actress that came just from reading lines.

For anyone who's wondering - Koe de Oshigoto.

I get what he means when you watch an anime and you don't stop even when it turns bad

Kind of like that boku no pico review.

I love these three clowns. Demented Gyaru is a great addition as well.

I get what he means when you watch an anime and you don't stop even when it turns bad

Social suicide so extreme it almost warrants the tragedy tag. R.I.P.

I thought about this before, but isn't this the secret goal of this manga in a way? To stealthily push teens to read books by mentioning only the "interesting" ones.2meta4me

I'm sure the endgame it's pushing to is her actually going back to and reading Dostoevsky.
Throwing up because of reading a book with gory scenes? Reminds me of that manga about the voice actress that came just from reading lines.

She tried to recover, only to end up falling into a deeper hole.

Without further ado, For chapter 119-120 This comment representative me:

I can't believe Orikawa is fucking dead

Isn't it just "Empathy"?


...Yeah, you're right in this case. The original word 共感 is closer to empathy than sympathy--my dictionary mislead me ><

I'll change it o7 It's still "The Ability to Empathize" though, since the original phrase is 共感能力.

Isn't it just "Empathy"?

Sympathize = feel bad for someone's misfortune or trying to understand their feelings.


Empathy = only understanding/sharing feelings with someone.


Sympathize can be used for both feeling sadness for someone or general feelings, while empathy is exclusively for sharing feelings with someone. Not necessarily bad things, though.

The Ability to Sympathize

Isn't it just "Empathy"?

Don't bother reading it though, the story's pretty stupid, it's on par with that manga about a bullied girl getting revenge to her whole class, the MC's a third rate killer, he killed his victim without disposing his murder weapon while leaving his fingerprint all over the place, he's just some idiot with authoritarian complex, even the weekly killer in Conan got more personality than him.


Sounds about how the WIkipedia page for the movie sounded, haha.

Ah, I thought that sounded familiar. The manga version is on this site

Don't bother reading it though, the story's pretty stupid, it's on par with that manga about a bullied girl getting revenge to her whole class, the MC's a third rate killer, he killed his victim without disposing his murder weapon while leaving his fingerprint all over the place, he's just some idiot with authoritarian complex, even the weekly killer in Conan got more personality than him.

Ah, I thought that sounded familiar. The manga version is on this site



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