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* * * * * (4.63 - 105votes)

Soushi Souai

Alt Names: alt そうしそうあいalt Love with each otheralt Mutual Love
Author: Liberum
Artist: Liberum
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A cute, inevitable, warm love story between a blond delinquent boy and a black-haired serious girl.
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I mostly like this story, but chapter 13 is standard pointless romcom artificial conflict D:...

I think it's also important ro bear in mind that this is a translation, and sometimes things can be lost in translation (no matter awesome the translators are).

It's not the word "special" that bothers me, though. It's unlikely to be an issue of phrasing.

Yeah, even if it's just to show that they're legitimately dangerous proto-gang member delinquents and not cutesy anime "we skip class sometimes but we're actually pillars of the community" delinquents, it's actually pretty unsettling that the reason he's not offering her to his friends is because she's "special" and that he "doesn't intend on breaking up with her", and not because he's realised that it's just a fucked up thing to do in the first place?


I don't know. I mean, I'm almost certainly overreacting, but it's just... Why even bring something like that up, if it's just a cute fluffy slice-of-life about a quirky couple of lovebirds?

I understand where you are coming from, but I do think it's overreacting. He's basically saying she's not just special, but that he loves her- and I don't mean the infatuated or "in-love" shallow kind- he wouldn't harm her because it's the wrong thing to do- you know? That's just my take on it though. I think it's also important ro bear in mind that this is a translation, and sometimes things can be lost in translation (no matter awesome the translators are).
Yeah, even if it's just to show that they're legitimately dangerous proto-gang member delinquents and not cutesy anime "we skip class sometimes but we're actually pillars of the community" delinquents, it's actually pretty unsettling that the reason he's not offering her to his friends is because she's "special" and that he "doesn't intend on breaking up with her", and not because he's realised that it's just a fucked up thing to do in the first place?


I don't know. I mean, I'm almost certainly overreacting, but it's just... Why even bring something like that up, if it's just a cute fluffy slice-of-life about a quirky couple of lovebirds?

Cuteness aside, can I just point out for f***ing creepy it is that "sharing girls" is apparently okay if the girl isn't "innocent"? I love manga, but this obsession with virginality of women has got to stop. This is the third time this week I've seen this "She's slept with men before so it's okay to treat her like shit" crap.

OK, that omake chapter was very healing, though we did hear some.. slightly bad things about Soushi and past girls. I love that Megumi is actually pretty forward and somewhat aggressive though, now that they're actually dating.


Soushi did seem rather, meek to say the least, this omake did give him a proper douchy delinquent feel, so he has a lot of potential redemption in terms of future chapters and background.

OK, that omake chapter was very healing, though we did hear some.. slightly bad things about Soushi and past girls. I love that Megumi is actually pretty forward and somewhat aggressive though, now that they're actually dating.

I agree with the author, the red head (Kikuchi I think) is also my fav.

I feel so many things reading this

Why is there drama in my fluffy delinquent love story. MAKE IT STOP.

Oh god don't start this misunderstanding crap.

Drama? In my Soushi Souai?

why are delinquents teaching me words like "glabella" and "prate"

Aha! She's bipolar.

So judging by the cover, this pretty cool four-eyes guy is gonna go for a Gal.
Have to say that im looking forward to that.

This is like one of the nicest delinquent groups I have ever seen.

This is so freakin adorable mmm...~!

I'll put money down on at least one of the "friends" falling for her and making passes. They already seem closer to her than her boyfriend is.

Pretty sure the other guys know they have better chances at becoming a king than with her, with how she acts around him even before they started hanging out.

...Unless one of them suddenly shows a hidden childish dark side that can't get a clue because the series suddenly has a need of a drama, they wont do anything unbecoming.

Shows neither of them on the cover image...

It's the cover of the 3rd volume from what I'm seeing. Showing another pairing is understandable.

This is both adorable and hilarious. And, to those of you saying that the other guys will fall for Megumi... Back off. Soushi will murder your faces.


It's totally not gonna happen anyways. They like being around her because she's accepting of them, and a lot friendlier than she first appeared to be.

Shows neither of them on the cover image...

They do however have someone with orange hair on there, which is a wonderful colour.
A cute, inevitable, warm love story between a blond delinquent boy and a black-haired serious girl.


Shows neither of them on the cover image...

I'll put money down on at least one of the "friends" falling for her and making passes. They already seem closer to her than her boyfriend is.

Then I'll go with the other. Bro's Code, dude. You won't make passes on your bro's girl. Hmmm. . . It's possible to love her in "that" way, but it won't go pass as simply being protective of your bro's girl.No passes

It's not. It won't be.

I'll put money down on at least one of the "friends" falling for her and making passes. They already seem closer to her than her boyfriend is.
Finally, an update!

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