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Yume Maboroshi no Gotoku

Alt Names: alt As If A Fleeting Dreamalt 夢幻の如く
Author: Motomiya Hiroshi
Artist: Motomiya Hiroshi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyHistorical HistoricalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: What if Oda Nobunaga didn't die at Honnouji Temple? Read this manga to find out!
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There is Lady Snowblood, but I don't think anyone's ever scanlated their Nobunaga into English yet. Actually correct me if I'm wrong, but was their Oda Nobunaga done together? From the looks of it Koike's Oda Nobunaga was drawn by Kojima Goseki, and Ikegami's Nobunaga was written by Kudo Kazuya. To which do you refer?


Regardless, yes, I'm aware of the exceptionalist and nationalist overtones in this manga, but it doesn't seem so out of place in a historical setting, plus after the years I've spent translating the works of his student Miyashita Akira, it barely even registers (at least two different series where the main characters stage a small-scale rematch of the Pacific War with the US kinda desensitizes you to more subtle expressions of nationalism), and didn't seem as "retarded" to me. Not to mention that it's very much subverted later on in the series.


Like I said, I was referring to Ikegami's Nobunaga. The one done with Kudo Kazuya. That post was written badly. I was trying to say that Ikegami and Koike are exceptional for their Japanese exceptionalism when working together, then suggested the Ikegami Nobunaga series as comparison to Yume Maboroshi no Gotoku. I was unaware that Koike also did a Nobunaga series with Goseki. The Ikegami series basically depicts Nobunaga as such a Japanese bishonen ubermensch that it was giving me occasional retching reflex of the type usually reserved for Justin Bieber.


Miyashita Akira is much more tolerable than his master or the Ikegami-Koike combine because it's fundamentally impossible to take any of his characters seriously.


Except Edajima Heihachi.


AFTER he lost his last strand of hair.

Hmmm... apparently none of Ikegami and Koike's works can be found on Batoto.... weird.

There is Lady Snowblood, but I don't think anyone's ever scanlated their Nobunaga into English yet. Actually correct me if I'm wrong, but was their Oda Nobunaga done together? From the looks of it Koike's Oda Nobunaga was drawn by Kojima Goseki, and Ikegami's Nobunaga was written by Kudo Kazuya. To which do you refer?


Regardless, yes, I'm aware of the exceptionalist and nationalist overtones in this manga, but it doesn't seem so out of place in a historical setting, plus after the years I've spent translating the works of his student Miyashita Akira, it barely even registers (at least two different series where the main characters stage a small-scale rematch of the Pacific War with the US kinda desensitizes you to more subtle expressions of nationalism), and didn't seem as "retarded" to me. Not to mention that it's very much subverted later on in the series.

Is it here on Batoto?


Hmmm... apparently none of Ikegami and Koike's works can be found on Batoto.... weird.

The mangaka is a follower of the Mishima movement. ALL his works emphasize Japanese exceptionalism. That said, he's actually much better and far less blatant than the infamous duo of Ikegami Ryoichi and Koike Kazuo. Go look up Ikegami's version of Nobunaga. You'll see for yourself how mild Motomiya's exceptionalism actually is.

Is it here on Batoto?

It’s not a lack of historical realism or common sense that is bothering me, it’s the blatant racial supremacy bullshit that is.


The mangaka is a follower of the Mishima movement. ALL his works emphasize Japanese exceptionalism. That said, he's actually much better and far less blatant than the infamous duo of Ikegami Ryoichi and Koike Kazuo. Go look up Ikegami's version of Nobunaga. You'll see for yourself how mild Motomiya's exceptionalism actually is.

It’s not a lack of historical realism or common sense that is bothering me, it’s the blatant racial supremacy bullshit that is.

You might want to harken back to all the other bullshit he’s written previously. This isn’t some isolated incident.

If you're looking for historical realism or common sense, you're reading the wrong manga, son.


Just enjoy it for what it is, and if you can't, don't read it.

I don’t get it. So what did he stand to win by defeating that woman? Why would you bet something if there was no gain to be had?

Judging the intelligence of an author based solely on his characterization of a paranoid sycophantic missionary...

You might want to harken back to all the other bullshit he’s written previously. This isn’t some isolated incident.

Screw MMA! Village women wrestling is the best combat sport there is!!!

Okay, that settles it, the author is retarded:


“You are the only king of any country that I have visited that has comprehended the roudness of the world” (chapter 15, page 3)

Judging the intelligence of an author based solely on his characterization of a paranoid sycophantic missionary...


Seems legit.

Okay, that settles it, the author is retarded:


“You are the only king of any country that I have visited that has comprehended the roudness of the world” (chapter 15, page 3)

Chapter 4, page 14: “They are an incredibly superior race.”



Hello and welcome to "Racial superiority and you, an introduction to Japanese nationalism in literary works"

For those confused about the references to Kannon and Benten, they're Japanese Buddhist goddesses.

Er, let's expand on this a bit because it's actually important to the plot in that chapter.

1. Most East Asian people would recognize Kannon because she's actually Japan's version of the Bodhisattva Guan Yin (Avalokitesvara). She is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion in both Japanese and Chinese syncretic mythology, but technically not what you would call a goddess in proper Buddhism of either nation.

2. The deity Benten or Benzaiten is an actual goddess under Buddhism and syncretic mythology because she was actually the Hindu goddess Sarasvati adopted into Buddhism. Benten is one of the seven lucky gods of Chinese and Japanese folk belief and a patron of the arts. Because her domain is music and poetry, a Western interpretationof her that most resembles the Japanese viewpoint would be as a muse (as in Apollo's muses).

In the chapter, Shibata Katsuie regards Oichi as his Kannon, meaning that he values her as a compassionate being willing to accept him for all his faults, while Hashiba (later Toyotomi) Hideyoshi regards her as his muse, a source of his inspiration and ambition. This is why both men are obsessed with protecting her and why they behave the way they do in the chapter.

Chapter 4, page 14: “They are an incredibly superior race.”



For those confused about the references to Kannon and Benten, they're Japanese Buddhist goddesses.

Chapter 3 ,page 21 ...Lol ...this comic is hilarious !

"Felt good," she said. Is she a masochist or just insane? 'Cause owwwwww... Super impressive on his part though. Thanks for the chapter!

Ha ! She caught him by his "son".

Trivia: The title comes from the Noh play "Atsumori" supposedly one of Nobunaga's favorite songs.


Trivia: This series had a game on the Super Nintendo!



Not safe for work:


It's still ramping up the entertainment value, and I think I'm in for the long haul. Followed, for the hilarity and manliness of it all.

I cannot recall the last time my ribcage hurts so much.

Bahaha. I don't know what the heck is happening, but I'll follow since it's HnG.

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