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Somali to Mori no Kami-sama

Alt Names: alt ć‚½ćƒžćƒŖćØę£®ć®ē„žę§˜alt Somali and the Forest Spiritalt Somali to Mori no Kamisamaalt Somali ve Orman Tanrısıalt Š”Š¾Š¼Š°Š»Šø Šø Š„рŠ°Š½ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒ Š»ŠµŃŠ°
Author: Gureishi Yako
Artist: Gureishi Yako
Genres: Adventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The world is ruled by spirits, goblins and all manner of strange creatures.

Human beings are persecuted, to the very point of extinction.

One day, a golem and a lone human girl meet.

This is a record of the pair; one a member of a ruined race, the other a watchman of the forest. It tells of their travels together, and of the bond between father and daughter.

Web Manga: http://www.zenyon.jp/lib/top.php?id=15
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She sure did! Now I kind of hope a bastion of humanity survived, became advanced, and is now about ready to give the monsters their comeuppance; Horizon Zero Dawn or Monster Hunter style. I would really like to see how they would react to such a situation.


The monster-loving commenters have probably a point. I bet that dragon-thingy is a vegan in truth and came for their famed veggies, nevermind those sharp fangs (ą¹‘^ - ^ą¹‘)

Funny how both you dolts conveniently left out the second part of my comment.

Did ... did you read the quote that I was referring to? Iā€™m mocking the golemā€™s characterization of humans and his singling them out, not asserting that in the manga the other races actually are innocent, cuddly teddy bears (as he insinuates) or that humans arenā€™t fearful.

Why do some of you have such difficulty with reading comprehension level? Is it because you are non-native speakers and just donā€™t get what you read?

Wait so let me get this straight...you're mocking a single character's limited 300 year old view of humans by comparing it to a post-human introduction and decimation era?  I do have trouble comprehending stupid arguments.  He's a golem that lived almost his entire time amongst humans who were fearful, violent, and quick to pick up weapons.  His contextual comparison included beasts that they killed and witches...which tended to be less violent.  Don't insult others if you aren't going to read the manga in context.

I don't think that had happened yet. But now that you say that, I guess she did indirectly kick off a genocide.

She sure did! Now I kind of hope a bastion of humanity survived, became advanced, and is now about ready to give the monsters their comeuppance; Horizon Zero Dawn or Monster Hunter style. I would really like to see how they would react to such a situation.

Yes. Lets blame the humans who were wiped out because the cute little thing told the monster world what she found.


Genocide is OK as long as its done by a cutie, amirite?


I don't think that had happened yet. But now that you say that, I guess she did indirectly kick off a genocide.

Now here's where I can blame the humans. Come on, that cute little thing has been living with them for some time and has been nothing but helpful and friendly. Even saved one of the village's children at no benefit to herself. She doesn't even have fangs! Surely she doesn't pose a threat.

Yes. Lets blame the humans who were wiped out because the cute little thing told the monster world what she found.


Genocide is OK as long as its done by a cutie, amirite?

Now here's where I can blame the humans. Come on, that cute little thing has been living with them for some time and has been nothing but helpful and friendly. Even saved one of the village's children at no benefit to herself. She doesn't even have fangs! Surely she doesn't pose a threat.

A monster that can slip in without them knowing the difference would be even more terrifying when it was revealed.

Now here's where I can blame the humans. Come on, that cute little thing has been living with them for some time and has been nothing but helpful and friendly. Even saved one of the village's children at no benefit to herself. She doesn't even have fangs! Surely she doesn't pose a threat.

That escalated quickly... I hope you don't think that all non-native speakers are dumb at English or something. They're usually more cognizant of language rules (grammar, punctuation, syntax) than native speakers in general because they are aware of their non-"native"-ness. (Yes, I'm not a native English speaker and I don't claim to have excellent English speaking or writing skills.)


I do agree with your sentiment though. I wonder why the entire human race is labeled as such. There's a variety of humans, just like in other species. Nevertheless, this is only to portray the history of humans ended up being almost extinct. Obviously, Somali is not even approaching this level of behavior. I guess it's because they were raised in such a xenophobic (against species this time instead of race) culture.

So the main thing with what it appears is mob-culture of the idea that any 'fiend' is a monster out to kill humans. And since humans went into hiding generally they kept talking about that with themselves and it kinda festered into the idea that anything not resembling a human in shape is automatically a monster and must be killed before then. The golems seem to be an exception because of their human like figure but as for why haellin was not attacked could be any number of reasons. But overall the main reason is if enough people say it, it must be true. The little girl probably got punished afterwards for saying that they were friends but probably kept it close to her heart and maybe helped other races stay away for their own safety, changing her view from personal experience.

Why do some of you have such difficulty with reading comprehension level? Is it because you are non-native speakers and just donā€™t get what you read?


That escalated quickly... I hope you don't think that all non-native speakers are dumb at English or something. They're usually more cognizant of language rules (grammar, punctuation, syntax) than native speakers in general because they are aware of their non-"native"-ness. (Yes, I'm not a native English speaker and I don't claim to have excellent English speaking or writing skills.)


I do agree with your sentiment though. I wonder why the entire human race is labeled as such. There's a variety of humans, just like in other species. Nevertheless, this is only to portray the history of humans ended up being almost extinct. Obviously, Somali is not even approaching this level of behavior. I guess it's because they were raised in such a xenophobic (against species this time instead of race) culture.


Yeesh, again with the misanthropy. So humans are ā€œweakā€, ā€œtimidā€ and ā€œcan only find peace via grabbing a bladeā€? I guess all the other sentient races are just rainbows and sunshine then because magic. Okay.

The monster-loving commenters have probably a point. I bet that dragon-thingy is a vegan in truth and came for their famed veggies, nevermind those sharp fangs (ą¹‘^ - ^ą¹‘)

He wasn't lying, though.

oh.. my sweet summer child

Funny how both you dolts conveniently left out the second part of my comment.

Did...did you read the first chapters of the manga?

Did ... did you read the quote that I was referring to? Iā€™m mocking the golemā€™s characterization of humans and his singling them out, not asserting that in the manga the other races actually are innocent, cuddly teddy bears (as he insinuates) or that humans arenā€™t fearful.

Why do some of you have such difficulty with reading comprehension level? Is it because you are non-native speakers and just donā€™t get what you read?

While it's not exactly an untrue statement based on the history we have been shown in this story, the comment is also sort of blatantly disregarding they've now been hunted to near extinction and are now pretty justified in being fearful anything non-human as almost literally every other sentient species on the planet wants them dead simply for being human well after the initial conflict was resolved.  It kinda reeks of self-righteousness on the part of the non-humans.  The flashback appears to be post-war, but we don't exactly know when that happened exactly as our only frame of reference has been "a long time ago".

this arc is obviously happen before war between human vs non-human and way before human hunting

consider human in that village don't know anything about non-human and vice versa

wait till ch 11 if you want some explanation.



We don't know when but the references we are given is more than enough.


1. In chapter 8, we're told the loli in the flashback is her great-great-grandmother and she herself is currently a "grandmother" (age/appearance-wise), so we can infer that the story took place 6 generations ago.


2. We know that witches live longer than humans based on chapter 10 and that the "loli witch" is a child by witch standards. Therefore, we can infer that its normal for witches to live 100+years easily.


3. From there, its basic multiplication. 6 generations of witch descendants * 50+ years each (assuming witches have their children at "middle age" give or take a few decades) = 300+ years have passed since the flashback story.

yeah, that's the best hint explanation

I mean, if the themes of a manga are ethnological(?)/political/religious I don't see why we shouldn't talk about it.


I know it's hard to expect those discussing these topics on a manga comment section to be civil and not full of memes as a defense mechanism against intelligent thought but that doesn't mean the conversations shouldn't happen. I've had some wonderful discussions on this board with others who are capable of having conversations about heavy topics without exploding.

That is the issue, not every time we end up having a good discussion and end up in the wrong side of the whole thing.


But I do get your point in it, I simple said that because I didn't want to end up on what I'm afraid of turn these comments into a war of words.


Villagers did nothing wrong. In the end, this is a world in which technologically-inept humans are actively hunted by beings of superior strength. Even if that single particular demon was looking for no trouble, he is still a security risk within the humans territory. It's always better to destroy your enemies than risk annihilation, no matter how small the chance for it may be.


I applaud the men here. They safely defended their village and families while providing bread and circus spectacle for everyone else, even reinforcing a healthy mindset for all the younguns. Afterall, it's kill all the demons or be eaten. They must never forget that.

You did noticed that all that happened before the war right? At that time they weren't being hunted since even the witch didn't know what species they where.

PS.: Leave this as it is, I don't want to start a ethnological/political/religion war here, leave this crap out of one of our few relaxing haven.

I mean, if the themes of a manga are ethnological(?)/political/religious I don't see why we shouldn't talk about it.


I know it's hard to expect those discussing these topics on a manga comment section to be civil and not full of memes as a defense mechanism against intelligent thought but that doesn't mean the conversations shouldn't happen. I've had some wonderful discussions on this board with others who are capable of having conversations about heavy topics without exploding.

Apr 24 2017 10:01 PM

Witches... legal lolis. Why am i not surprsied Japan.

First off, thank you the author, and specially the group who brought this work for us.


Secondly, I have mixed feelings in either or not follow this manga after reaching Ch. 10.


The reason is, well I already knew humans are all but a intelligent specie, easily took over by greed and envy not counting other things.


Anyway, this is a good manga so far, I will try to follow for a while and see how things goes, I feel sorry for the little Somali, but I do hope all humans in the story vanish (from reality would be fine too, they deserve it).


PS.: Leave this as it is, I don't want to start a ethnological/political/religion war here, leave this crap out of one of our few relaxing haven.

Villagers did nothing wrong. In the end, this is a world in which technologically-inept humans are actively hunted by beings of superior strength. Even if that single particular demon was looking for no trouble, he is still a security risk within the humans territory. It's always better to destroy your enemies than risk annihilation, no matter how small the chance for it may be.


I applaud the men here. They safely defended their village and families while providing bread and circus spectacle for everyone else, even reinforcing a healthy mindset for all the younguns. Afterall, it's kill all the demons or be eaten. They must never forget that.


Holy paranoia, Batman! That was a freaking intense chapter!
The way I see it, fear towards the unknown is not the key driving force behind this barbaric nature. It is pure hatred towards the different.

Well, there is allso could be another aproach. The hatred to the no human things isn't something they born with, because, as we see, Somali don't hate all those. So this is the mentality, given to you by others in process of socialisation. I don't think paradigm "every monster is an undoubtable threat" is made out of nowhere. And when it's intelligent, things gets only worse, because now you know it can lie. Shure, it didn't done anything, but the reason is unknown. Maybe it realy had no intentions of harming humans. Or maybe it had said intentions, but accidently fell before sending some fireballs down there. So the folks assumed it is second option, judjing by previous contacts with that type of creatures, I suppose. And it felt too close to the willage to leave it be, so people went to eliminate possible threat.

And parallels with real world racism aren't correct I think. Because black, white, yellow: it's all humans. They operate the same, have nearly same capabilities. And so you allways know, what everyone around are capable of, in average. It's a fact, that, for example, african people just can't shoot your head off with laser-beams from all of the sudden. But what monsters are capable of? Don't know for the most species, but obviosly they all can do something people can't, and, at the same time, they can do allmost anything people can. It's no Undertale with "but 'uman soulz much stronker than the monter'z soulz" stuff. People there are weaker and they know it.

Villagers did nothing wrong. In the end, this is a world in which technologically-inept humans are actively hunted by beings of superior strength. Even if that single particular demon was looking for no trouble, he is still a security risk within the humans territory. It's always better to destroy your enemies than risk annihilation, no matter how small the chance for it may be.


I applaud the men here. They safely defended their village and families while providing bread and circus spectacle for everyone else, even reinforcing a healthy mindset for all the younguns. Afterall, it's kill all the demons or be eaten. They must never forget that.

Their behaviour was pretty much what you can expect from their situation, they have to "defend" from that beast for many inmediate reasons, but the most important, im sure they remember they are exiles from all around because "monsters" decided humans were no good and started hunting and even eating humans for pleasure.

So leaving one monster with the ability to fly and tell others the location of a human settlement is far too risky, to start with they are mortal enemies, monsters destroyed all human empires and put them to the brink of extintion. Would you really risk your last oasis because that thing is inteligent? its a dreadful enemy no matter how you look at it, also their society is so closed that they wouldnt even accept the witch if they knew; just look at our own history,  thousands of years and still figthing over skin colour, religion or even slangs/football teams... what to expect from medieval bumpkings threatened even by the very weather left alone demons?

It's almost like a spiteful misanthrope is in charge of this manga...

Holy paranoia, Batman! That was a freaking intense chapter!
The way I see it, fear towards the unknown is not the key driving force behind this barbaric nature. It is pure hatred towards the different.

Long explanation + Spoilers

I understand this point of view, but I also think there's a fine line between wanting to survive and wanting to conquer. The want to conquer comes from the fear of the possibility of danger, not the definite existence of it. To use your example, people would and should fight a lion approaching their civilization; people shouldn't automatically fight a person with a gun. Both are dangerous, but one has the possibility of being reasoned with.


Unlike wild animals, In-humans can communicate and the humans know that but ignore and kill anyways. This isn't exactly their first encounter with a demon.

I would fear 100 times a person with a gun than an animal , why? Because animals are simple but humans are way toĆ³ complex ,it is true that you could reason with them but there isla nothing that could stop them to pull the trigger when you turn around

However, the self-preserving nature of human usually takes 'fear' as an instinct to avoid something. But these guys just took the opposite route and actively destroy creatures they don't know of. They no longer know 'fear' which should be the innate nature of all living things.

There were several factors at play here, such as fight or flight, pack mentality, and seek and destroy. Rarely is there a singular behavior, though I suppose survival at any cost was what was driving most villagers. Ethology can be very convoluted. This reminds me of a scenario in which a cape buffalo calf was killed and eaten by a pride of lionesses. The buffalo herd grouped together and trampled their cubs underfoot until they were dead in an act of retribution.

tl,dr animals (humans included) cannot be so easily classified and defined.

Can't say I blame them. With their low level of technology, magic, and physical power, these humans are very vulnerable to anything so large with sharp teeth. Would you not kill a lion if you were the only thing between it and your family? The only difference here is that this thing also looks like a literal demon.

However, the self-preserving nature of human usually takes 'fear' as an instinct to avoid something.

But these guys just took the opposite route and actively destroy creatures they don't know of. They no longer know 'fear' which should be the innate nature of all living things.

This manga TL;DR : Hurrr durr human are violent creature they deserve to extinct :DDDDD

I still think we aren't getting the full picture as to what happened. Plus that beast looked like a double-headed Catoblepas, which sort of makes it justified.

You want oversimplified, look at goblin slayer. Goblins are all rapist killers. All goblins must DIE! Of course, RE: Monster sort of proves that... 

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