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* * * * * (4.62 - 193votes)

Black Torch

Alt Names: alt ブラックトーチalt 黑炬Black Torchalt Kara Meşale
Author: Takaki Tsuyoshi
Artist: Takaki Tsuyoshi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasySci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: As a descendant of shinobi, Jirou Azuma has been learning ninja techniques his entire life. But in addition to that, he also has the ability to talk to animals. One day when he rescues a strange black cat named Ragou, he learns that the world is filled with spirits called mononoke that can take the form of both people and animals. However, their meeting is cut short when they are attacked by a hostile mononoke who is after Ragou's power.
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Op. He said the name! ROLL CREDITS!

Nice spread


Also I feel her personality is somewhere between Sento Isuzu and Julis-Alexia von Riessfield. 

Jirou your future wife is looking at ya.



....but then again I m also waiting a moment when Rago transforms himself into hot looking girl :D You know ....Yoruichi scene etc.

Is this monthly!? I'll destroy the earth if this is monthly

Are you going to destroy it with your energybeam?

Is this monthly!? I'll destroy the earth if this is monthly
Bleach + Naruto + MGS

Doesn't sell, dog has two eyes.

kept you waiting huh?

The protag talks like Coldsteel the Edgehog but the art's so nice I can't help but read it.

Strongest start to a new shounen since Boku no hero. 


Has all the right elements, headstrong but likable MC with great character interaction and very strong us vs the world theme.

What is this? A manga with a strong start and potential that actually was fun, despise a few flaws? Please remove this, the only kind of manga allowed to be released now are the self-insert Web Novel trash and This-Is-Not-To-Love-Ru-I-Swear type of manga.

Don't worry, this is being published in jump so it will get axed in chapter 12 or so... (Seriously, I'm scared to start reading this).


Metal Gear vibe somehow. With mononoke thing in place of mecha.


Doesn't sell, dog has two eyes.

Whoa, tournaments are the worst part of any shounen manga. They trade legitimate drama and suspense for WWE drama and suspense.
This setting doesn't seem particularly conducive to a tournament arc, and I'm hoping it stays that way.

He'll probably end up in mononoke slayer high school, end up in last or first place in the power levels and win the trimillennial tournament that only the Jesus savior chosen one types win. Oh and gets the girl that hates him but acknowledges his strength to love him because she's the Trinity to his Neo

Oh sweet merciful lord... I want more!

Their relationship is kinda reminiscent to Naruto and Kurama's.
I like it.

Oh boy, this shounen stuff has got my blood pumping. I wonder how long till we get a tournament arc or whatever. Things always get better right around the tournament.

Whoa, tournaments are the worst part of any shounen manga. They trade legitimate drama and suspense for WWE drama and suspense.

This setting doesn't seem particularly conducive to a tournament arc, and I'm hoping it stays that way.

Serialized in Jump SQ... agh damn, so it's monthly. Really wish it was weekly, it looks very promising

Jump SQ normally doesn't fail in the quality, really liking the series so far, specially in a monthly magazine you have the space to go more dark (not edgy but seinen) in the story and characters.


Metal Gear vibe somehow. With mononoke thing in place of mecha.

tho i hate the 'you got involved in our affairs because were useless but now you either have to come with us or you die' trope along with the secret organization with an easy going superior and honey trap subordinate, i gotta admit i'm loving the interaction between characters especially between the MC and rago. 

Monthly mangas produce higher quality content imo

*nods* you're right. It's just my greedy side that got too excited and already wants more lol


Edit: glad to see many people as pleased as I am here in the comment section~

Reading this is the first time I really empathized with the people who say that Bleach is just a reskin of Yu Yu Hakusho.  Details and characters are different(ish), but all I can see in this is Bleach.  Still, excellent start and great potential; gonna follow.

This is so gud I give this 5 stars immediately 

Ninja commandos with talking animal sidekicks who fight ancient evil spirits. Yeah, this series kicks ass.
An honest to goodness, fun Shonen series with nice artwork and a classic headstrong yet likeable protagonist I want to see succeed? Dafuk is this?

Oh boy, this shounen stuff has got my blood pumping. I wonder how long till we get a tournament arc or whatever. Things always get better right around the tournament.

Serialized in Jump SQ... agh damn, so it's monthly. Really wish it was weekly, it looks very promising

The wait is well worth it.

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