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Kasouba no Nai Machi ni Kane ga Naru Toki

Alt Names: alt 火葬場のない町に鐘が鳴る時alt When the Bell Tolls in the Town With No Crematorium
Author: Aomi Kei
Artist: Wanatsu Kou
Genres: Drama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Mitozu - a small town lost in the mountains, population 6000. Every evening at 6 heavy bell tolls start resounding down the streets. Everybody knows that after the bell sounded you must not go out until the Sun rises again. But one day this law is broken by an ignorant outsider who just returned home after 10 years in Tokyo and the horrible apparition known only as The Dark One has finally found a victim to prey upon...
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i really hate the type of people that's similar to the MC. people who have no respect for the traditions of a place they're visiting. like seriously, even if you have doubts, if the locals who've lived there all their lives say don't do something, then don't fucking do it.

Have you ever heard of Keijo!!!!!! by any chance?


Keijo is the good kind of over the top dumb. This is plain retarded.

This is the dumbest manga I've ever read and I heard this got 9 volumes so far ? The fuck

Have you ever heard of Keijo!!!!!! by any chance?

So Saki owns an apartment building and another store and is only like 16?

This main character is trying really hard to die but the story won't let him dammit. Just let him die, he clearly wants it!

This is the dumbest manga I've ever read and I heard this got 9 volumes so far ? The fuck

Then you haven't read much manga. Believe me when I say manga can get dumber, and dumber gets serialized beyond 9 volumes.

Consider it a blessing in disguise.

This is the dumbest manga I've ever read and I heard this got 9 volumes so far ? The fuck

"I need to find a weapon"

"Oh wait here is a photo album, let's go through it while a monster is clawing at my door"

Like any good horror. Everything stops as soon as you start investigating some rather tedious BS lying around. Don't worry I am pretty sure the monster outside is just sitting there with a hot pot of coffee waiting until the author tells it to get off its lazy ass and scare the idiot MC with retard levels of plot armor to get their asses to investigate shit at another site and then rinse and repeat. Though I am questioning this, if there is a random damn monster that is murdering people after 6 PM if they are not inside their houses then wouldnt it make sense just to you know move out of the crazy monster town? Granted it is filled with 6000 people but what kind of person thinks its a bright idea to either move or be living inside that kind of town? Must be some great real estate there or something.

Short chapters :/

"I need to find a weapon"

"Oh wait here is a photo album, let's go through it while a monster is clawing at my door"

why are people so scared of the dark ones if all you need to do to beat them is to kick them or throw beans at them? they are worse than zombies. one guy with a baseball bat can take care of them no problem...

"This is Lucille and she is awesome..."

why are people so scared of the dark ones if all you need to do to beat them is to kick them or throw beans at them? they are worse than zombies. one guy with a baseball bat can take care of them no problem...

Maybe they get worse the more you fight them.

Man, is this Cliffhanger: The Manga?

So do you know whats going to happen then? Do you know what is going on?


For now, I have only read first two volumes, and by 'read', I mean that I have only seen the images to see what work awaits me. I am not a translator for this so I can only rely on him to give me bits and pieces of the story and spoil me on demand. xD


What I can tell you, without spoiling anything too much for you, is that it should be clear by now that this is a mystery seinen, with its own characteristic pace and development. This isn't some fast-paced shounen with super powers and all that jazz so if you're expecting direct answers and simple laid-out plot after only 5 chapters, you won't get that here. 

I can also tell you that everything and everyone are laid out like that for a good reason and if you can read between the lines, a couple of hints have already been dropped, at least for me to develop a few theories of my own (one has even been partially confirmed by the translator lol). There are multiple layers of mystery about the town and its characters that take time to unfold and peculiar chapter lengths, which is why there are probably so many volumes out.


So yeah, I don't know what is going to happen per se, but I don't mind the slow pace because I think the story has potential and I've always been a fan of mysteries that take their time to build up and get resolved. Up to you whether you wanna stay for the ride or not. 

This series has, so far, 9 volumes. All volumes have between 10-15 chapters each. 


Be confused. Be very confused.

So do you know whats going to happen then? Do you know what is going on?

This series has, so far, 9 volumes. All volumes have between 10-15 chapters each. 


Be confused. Be very confused.

how did this shit get 9 volumes?

so is it something like zombie?

even after 5 chapter, i still don't get the plot of this manga


This series has, so far, 9 volumes. All volumes have between 10-15 chapters each. 


Be confused. Be very confused.

so is it something like zombie?

even after 5 chapter, i still don't get the plot of this manga

why are people so scared of the dark ones if all you need to do to beat them is to kick them or throw beans at them? they are worse than zombies. one guy with a baseball bat can take care of them no problem...

"potato chips and mayonnaise with instant noodles"....


Once again, casual details more horrifying than the story itself.


Although I have to admit that style and quantity of exposition really does remind me of Lovecraft.  It was quite nice, at least.

Sounds like something they eat in prison.

They should do like in "IT" of Stephen King.


There's only one way of making the clown go away.

"potato chips and mayonnaise with instant noodles"....


Once again, casual details more horrifying than the story itself.


Although I have to admit that style and quantity of exposition really does remind me of Lovecraft.  It was quite nice, at least.

The MC isn't that bad. I know it's a horror manga so we all know that the dark ones are probably going to be a serious threat but this is just a guy that goes to a town and gets told some stuff about how evil things wander around and you have to be home by 6 which sounds like a load of rubbish.


If you look at it from his perspective everything is fine because he doesn't really believe in the dark ones yet, as 99% of people would.

After rooting for the MC to die for a while I realized this premise reminds me a lot of a Scooby-Doo episode, I'm hoping the dark ones are guys in masks trying to clear the land to build a mall or something. Maybe the girls dad realized the apartments weren't panning out like he hoped so he faked his death and disguised himself as a dark one for some nefarious purpose.




Frankly it's not as catchy as the American version.

After rooting for the MC to die for a while I realized this premise reminds me a lot of a Scooby-Doo episode, I'm hoping the dark ones are guys in masks trying to clear the land to build a mall or something. Maybe the girls dad realized the apartments weren't panning out like he hoped so he faked his death and disguised himself as a dark one for some nefarious purpose.

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