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* * * * * (4.71 - 147votes)

Nekota no Koto ga Ki ni Natte Shikatanai

Alt Names: alt 猫田のことが気になって仕方ない。alt I Can't Help but Be Curious about Nekota.alt I Can’t Help but Be Concerned about Nekota.alt I'm So Interested in Nekota That I Can't Help Myself.
Author: Oouta Rie
Artist: Oouta Rie
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Amane Mikiko, better known as Mikki, is an elementary school student who moves a lot and has to transfer schools often. As soon as she makes friends, she has to painfully say goodbye to them. She is determined to not make any new friends at her new school, but it doesn't exactly go her way... especially when she meets a boy with the head of a cat! But hold on... he only looks like that in her eyes?!
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Bush censorship?



I don't know about anyone else but it feels kind of weird for me thinking of primary/elementary school kids dating. Like I know it happens, but when I look back on myself at that age, dating wasn't even remotely on my mind. Boys were my buddies and romance was something far off and limited to movies. All I had on my brain was playing, mastering the monkey bars and getting something to eat LOL. I mean you might have kid crushes but no one ever thought of actually taking it seriously at that time.


Looking forward to the sister next chapter! Cat or human, gotta wonder.

Aw we dont get to see Megu's face?
What a tease.
They're actually dating now. Wow. My babies grow up so fast.

Seriously though, they feel like they're highschoolers instead of elementary kids. I still wanna see them grow up.

I can't empathize with Mikki in these past few chapters. When I see that baby misogynist I alternately want to laugh in his pathetic little face and stomp on it until he cries for his mom. He's just mean to girls because he's a coward who's afraid of being rejected. I know I should feel sorry for him, but when he talks I can't find it in myself to feel anything but disgust.

I agree with Nekota, Machako was pretty cool in his reply, though I wish he was more confident in himself. Still he is adorable so let us all take a moment to wish for his future happiness!



I think you mean Takane to Hana. It sounds like something she would do.^^


And I also want to add Dengeki Daisy to your list. :-)

I like it! The characters and the story, everything about this manga is pretty good~
Thanks to take over this project, unrequited!!

And it wouldn't have been possible without Aryl's translations <3

Although I am fairly sure that the upside down triangle between Nekota's eyes is his nose, my brain still insists that that's his mouth. XD I just can't unsee it no matter how hard I try. XD
I like it! The characters and the story, everything about this manga is pretty good~
Thanks to take over this project, unrequited!!
Just started this manga today, and damn it's great. Really refreshing and funny.

...SO why does he have a cat head? anyone got a theory?

(Not sure how spoilers work here so let's see if i don't break anything...)

Either way, I have to admit i'm not in a hurry to solve that mystery as the character is great and can be cool without having a handsome face like it's usually the case in shoujo manga.

...or funnier more genre-aware stuff like Koi Dano ai Dano...

Good examples, and I will add Oresama Teacher to that~

I have no idea what shoujo you guys have been reading.  There was a trend for kinda-ecchi shoujo but it peaked in the 90s, maybe early 00s.  Most of the shoujo I follow these days on Batoto (and really, I follow a lot of the shoujo on Batoto) has moved fairly strongly away from that trend--instead you get things like Hibi Chouchou, Gakuen Babysitters, Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet, or funnier more genre-aware stuff like Koi Dano ai Dano or


The ones that do get into a bit of sex are usually kids in last year of high school--there's almost a cliche of "girl starts worrying about whether she should be having sex with the boyfriend as the end of high school draws near".  Which is sexualized, but not weirdly so because kids that age . . . yeah.  It would be weirder if they ducked the subject.

The manga name you are looking for is "Takane to Hana". ;)

I have no idea what shoujo you guys have been reading.  There was a trend for kinda-ecchi shoujo but it peaked in the 90s, maybe early 00s.  Most of the shoujo I follow these days on Batoto (and really, I follow a lot of the shoujo on Batoto) has moved fairly strongly away from that trend--instead you get things like Hibi Chouchou, Gakuen Babysitters, Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet, or funnier more genre-aware stuff like Koi Dano ai Dano or


The ones that do get into a bit of sex are usually kids in last year of high school--there's almost a cliche of "girl starts worrying about whether she should be having sex with the boyfriend as the end of high school draws near".  Which is sexualized, but not weirdly so because kids that age . . . yeah.  It would be weirder if they ducked the subject.

Ugh, after so many shitty, weirdly sexualised* shoujo, I actually forgot what I loved about the genre in the first place. It really is like being a kid, everything is much less complicated, everyone expresses themselves (and bluntly) within 2 chapters, angst or worries about sexual appeal haven't happened yet. The latest chapters make sense for the manga but I'd like to think it's a challenge to that sort of hypersexualised angst you tend to see in other shoujo. Lots of female friendships, lots of love triangles, but not a lot of legitimate male and female friendships.

* way too often they're early teens and you'll hear stuff about cute bras and kissmarks and the guys are weird ass predators and "gangsters" who have the $$$ to dye their hair blonde and get all those piercings. Sigh. But I guess that might be what I wanted to see as a kid.

Also, unsure about if there was translation nuance lost, but




Hello, translator here. I can assure you that there was no nuance lost.


Also, I agree with you. I don't read much shoujo these days because of all that stuff you mentioned. I mainly read josei now, but Nekota is one of the only few shoujo titles that I can put up with. 

Ugh, after so many shitty, weirdly sexualised* shoujo, I actually forgot what I loved about the genre in the first place. It really is like being a kid, everything is much less complicated, everyone expresses themselves (and bluntly) within 2 chapters, angst or worries about sexual appeal haven't happened yet. The latest chapters make sense for the manga but I'd like to think it's a challenge to that sort of hypersexualised angst you tend to see in other shoujo. Lots of female friendships, lots of love triangles, but not a lot of legitimate male and female friendships.

* way too often they're early teens and you'll hear stuff about cute bras and kissmarks and the guys are weird ass predators and "gangsters" who have the $$$ to dye their hair blonde and get all those piercings. Sigh. But I guess that might be what I wanted to see as a kid.

Also, unsure about if there was translation nuance lost, but



Holy shit, did a 6th grader really just say that? Really? We really gotta nips those thoughts right at the bud. Go Mikki!

Sigh... On one hand, I can kinda symphatize with Mushroom-kun. On the other hand he's really starting to piss me off. I know it's hard when you're a kid with low self-esteem but stop playing it up constantly. Either give him some development or have him transfer schools or something.

You can never go wrong with trusting a talking cat.
The shirt in ch 14 p 16... What is wrong with the words on cloths in this manga!?


Try saying that to the tens and thousands of people in the friendzone.

One does not simply walk into the friendzone - they get forced into it.

It's weird to remember that when she transferred in, she was supposedly going to try to slide by without interacting much.  Yeah, like that was ever going to happen.

That little brat just needs to be spanked. $10 he gives the "girls are just delicate/afraid of me" typical shounen excuse. Mikki'll have to wup him good.



Try saying that to the tens and thousands of people in the friendzone.

I love the fact that the main love interest has the head of a cat. It makes this whole comic some kind of weird meta-comedy about the shoujo genre. Because no matter how cool the main lead acts, he still has that face of a cat. 


I'd actually like for her to fall in love and still have his head be a cat. Heck, I'd find it extremely amusing if she married him that way too. And then, one day, for no particular reason, she can finally see his actual face. And then she'll be all weirded out because he doesn't look like the man-cat she fell in love with!


...surely I'm not the only one, right? lol


i think he's pretty cool, even with that cat head. do you think his kid would have a cat head? probably not, huh

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