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I Found a Kitten

Alt Names: alt 子猫拾いましたalt Ich fand ein Kätzchenalt 아기고양이 주웠습니다alt Koneko Hiroimashitaalt Я подобрал котенка
Author: Yohachi
Artist: Yohachi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Atsuki Komiya is a college student that’s living alone. Suddenly, his sister visits and asks for a favor, which is to take care of his niece, Kasane, for two weeks. A story about the awkward relationship of these two, the confused Atsuki and the sullen Kasane, living together. Which direction will this story go…?
Made by: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=558398
Sequel: I Found Another Kitten http://bato.to/comic/_/i-found-another-kitten-r20912
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Topic "I found a Baby Cat" release chapter discussion New Window truepurple
  • 3 Replies


No wonder this guy doesn't have a girlfriend. He's as incompetent as my hopelessly game addicted nephew.

Maybe now people can stop shitting on him.
Everyone makes mistakes.

He is the worst and unresponsible but at least he admit it.


Well, he become better now.

I feel bad so mad at him before,

It's just a drama cliche Author use to make MC realize how he is and make him change to be better.

Page 2 of chapter 3:


You have some issues, my friend. It is, and always has been, common for people to be sexually active before the age of 18, and yes, even when they (gasp! shock! horror!) aren't married. If you have problems accepting this, I would suggest perhaps trying not thinking about it, because there was never a time when it wasn't happening.

But in any case the comic has said the following things:

  • The older sister left home at 16.
  • That was 9 years ago.
  • The daughter is in second grade.

The daughter, in other words, is most likely 7 years old. Seven years before this comic was 2 years after the older sister left home, so when she gave birth it was 2 years after leaving home, and so she was 18 at that time. So we probably don't know anything about what she was doing at 16.


Edited to add: I'm actually wondering if perhaps the big plot reveal will be that the daughter is adopted anyway. (And no, I'm not hoping for a romantic connection with the main character. I just think it could be reasonable plot twist.)

LOL! well i appologize, that's meant to be an insult!

i'm not complaining about her sexual activity or any kind of her sexuality, no, i am merely declaring that i am strongly against her contradictive behavior!

Look here mate, she's a mother, it's her kid, why she dumped it? she's bussy! well who's not! as long as i could remember MC's also bussy! She act like she's gona kill MC if something to happened to her kid, yet she leaved her kid to her brother, without knowing that her brother might be a sexual predator or somethig?

She's stupid, this is simply projecting her whole life!

If she's not ready to be a mother then she should have used some contraception right?

yeah she might be in peril or debt or stalker or chain murder list, but hey, she called it upon herself! just like her kid! so what should she do? she should take the responsibility and chin up! she's not the bussiest woman in the world, she's no woman with most tragic situation, if she loved her kid she should take care of it or made something about it right! so what do we call a word that contradict with action? LIE!

error on ch 3 pg 8: "severe" should be "minor" or removed, or remove "just". "just a severe fever" does not make a lot of sense.

It's not an error, just a so-so translation. It's "just" a fever because there are no symptoms besides the fever. However, the fever is quite high, making it severe.

I agree that it isn't particularly fluid and is easily misinterpreted as a mistake, but I'm going to leave it. I may or may not be writing this much to prove my fluency in English.

He is the worst and unresponsible but at least he admit it.

I don't think that spoon feeding a child can compare to being full on responsible for a child.


I'm not sure how old he is, but most likely 18-22. That's still a young age to be caring after a child. People always say that college is an age where people are supposed to be mature, but it's not that far out of high school. There's a reason why partying and reckless action is sometimes associated with the college scene. Also consider the fact that the brain doesn't fully develop until around age 25, or even later.


Even if you were able to care for a child, he might not have developed the skills to be able to look after someone else. Again, he's fully responsible for a child, this isn't just baby-sitting for one night, or taking the kid around for just a day.

You are right, it's not the same. At least I care for my niece and have some sense to take responsibility. 

Why are people writing their thesis papers in the comment section? My gawd, use Word 2016 or something.

Kasane is going to become a good waifu when she grows up.

error on ch 3 pg 8: "severe" should be "minor" or removed, or remove "just". "just a severe fever" does not make a lot of sense.

Teared.. Just a little..

Man, beautiful story so far.


Would be waiting for more updates.


Actually, the kid is old enough to go to school, so this is actually a very easy task compared to spoonfeeding a baby. All you people who think that, because the MC is in college, we shouldn't expect him to behave like an adult: you realize that people who don't go to college would be expected to be a lot more responsible than this? Heck, his sister was on her own at 16, it's in the first few pages of the comic. For much of human history, people had to take on adult roles vastly earlier than 18 or 21 or whatever age you apparently believe people are finally no longer given license to be an irresponsible idiot, and for the most part they managed it. Asking this guy to clean up his act for two weeks really isn't that much, and there was no excuse for him to at least call home the minute he decided to drink with his friend.


And, incidentally, if I had a "friend" like that, I would have punched his lights out for taking my phone like that when I was trying to call home. He's a jerk for doing that, more of a jerk for insisting that someone else who he claims to regard as a "friend" ditch his responsibilities because he is upset, and his girlfriend probably broke up with him in the first place just because he's such an unutterable a*****e.

There's a big difference between what a person should be doing versus what they actually need to be doing. In some societies, you're an adult at 14. That's because circumstances dictate it - children have to start providing at a young age or the family will likely starve. Unlike them, our MC lives in modern times where he can go to uni, not clean his house much, not make his own meals and he gets by absolutely fine.


His lifestyle works for him, that's what you don't seem to realise. Sure it's not optimal, but the situation he's in his perfectly ok. People don't change unless they have to or they want to. So it's clearly not an unhealthy lifestyle. Obviously now that he has to look after his niece, the situation's changed and he's going to have to learn to look after another human being, something he's never had to do before. He has to change now. And he will, you can already see it in the first two chapters.


The point is, you become a responsible adult by handling your responsibilities, not some arbitrary age. I would say the MC was looking after his responsibilities fine - going to uni and studying, so far as we can see anyway. The niece is a new responsibility which he'll have to learn to handle. That's what the manga's about. It wouldn't be any fun if he unrealistically already knew to be thinking of and looking after another person.



Trying to pretend that people don't have sex before they reach legal adulthood is just stupid.

Trying to shame teens who have sex for doing so is counterproductive. It doesn't stop them; it just means they won't listen to you -- and probably can't get support they need. (So, for example, they may have unprotected sex, have a kid, and then end up not knowing how to deal with it, and their kid will suffer. Maybe you're one of those revolting troglodytes who says "anyone who has sex should be forced to have kids as a punishment", but even if you think that sex deserves punishment for some psychologically twisted reason, what you're actually doing in that case is punishing the kids who got conceived that way and certainly didn't have any say in what was going on.

It only leads to a shitstorm when people notice the feces you're spouting and throw 'em back at you.

 Sex itself isn't shameful, the shameful thing is that people are ignorant to biology, medicine and their school education. Sex is obviously defined as the means of reproduction, meaning that if you have sex with someone, you want to create offsprings (i.e. children) with this person, nothing more but nothing less. Saying people want to "procreate for fun" is as irresponsible as someone jumping from the roof of a building in the illusion of being able to fly by doing so. Nothing wrong if someone feels responsible enough to make ends meet at younger ages, but if they aren't at least self-sufficient it's irresponsible to procreate. Every sexually educated person knows ways of "silencing" his/her instincts by means of masturbation, making pre-adult sex obsolete either way.


I think the troglodytes are the ones who are ignorant to the obvious facts we learn as enlightened human beings in our school education; I mean it's clearly obvious that you need a man and a woman and their respective sexual organs to create the "setting" we call sex, yet people think that stimulation of said organs and/or other parts of the body are to be included in this by means of ideology. Heck even operations like binding,hitting or choking are mismatched as terms of reproductive measures, although you can't produce children with them[sperm needs egg]...

Good chapter.. of the many "thunder scenes" for some reason it reminded me of this moment form Host Club


The cover page in the new chapter is pretty cute

Of course, no props to the mangaka for making the chapter so depressing. It just makes you want to give the kid a bear hug!

But the MC did attempt to call her, but his senpai took his phone. Can't really blame him for assuming that his niece would eat when he didn't arrive in time.


Ir-reponsible person.

As I said, tell your family before you go drink, not in middle of drink.


First, your family will worry for you.

Second, the food your family cook for you will be throw away because you don't plan to eat.

Third, chance your family will keep waiting for you even you might come back next day in the morning.

And you make them skip dinner, waiting for the whole night till morning in hungry just because blah...blah...blah reason.



In this case, let's say he success call home in 9pm-10pm, he still make her wait 3-4 hours from 6pm (when she cook) and waste effort to cook the food that he don't even eat.

Is it kill him to try calling from 3pm (when the lesson) to 6pm (before she cook) ?


Either the author really bad making reason or he is an ir-reponsible person. Make it more reasonable like his phone break, the battery die or something that we can swallow.

I agree, Nothing wrong with being a whore. Prostitution is commonly referred to as the most ancient trade in the world after all.

So, according to you "having sex for money" is equivalent to "having unmarried sex before you are 18"? Because sex out of marriage while under 18 was being characterized with that term, and you just demonstrated that by "whore" you really do mean prostitute.

I'm 99% certain that if the 16-year-old in question were male, you wouldn't call him a whore; you'd either say nothing or you'd consider it a positive thing.

Btw, I eat with knife and fork regardless of what my ancestors did. I think slavery is wrong and that the earth is round. You can call us perverts for not sticking to whats good for our ancestors, but at least try and find a better reason than 'We thought it was good, therefore it IS good.'.

Trying to pretend that people don't have sex before they reach legal adulthood is just stupid.

Trying to shame teens who have sex for doing so is counterproductive. It doesn't stop them; it just means they won't listen to you -- and probably can't get support they need. (So, for example, they may have unprotected sex, have a kid, and then end up not knowing how to deal with it, and their kid will suffer. Maybe you're one of those revolting troglodytes who says "anyone who has sex should be forced to have kids as a punishment", but even if you think that sex deserves punishment for some psychologically twisted reason, what you're actually doing in that case is punishing the kids who got conceived that way and certainly didn't have any say in what was going on.

This subject can lead into a shitstorm so I won't comment on it in this section any more.

It only leads to a shitstorm when people notice the feces you're spouting and throw 'em back at you.

After a quick google search it looks to be a Japanese thing, something about independence and all that jazz. Apparently some parents will even let their elementary school kids take the Tokyo subways to and from school, so by comparison a quick trip to the local supermarket isn't all that bad.

Wow, thanks for clearing that up for me. That's some major cultural difference.

oh wow really who expected that to happen man i am so surprised and feel such fe-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You have some issues, my friend. It is, and always has been, common for people to be sexually active before the age of 18, and yes, even when they (gasp! shock! horror!) aren't married. If you have problems accepting this, I would suggest perhaps trying not thinking about it, because there was never a time when it wasn't happening.

I agree, Nothing wrong with being a whore. Prostitution is commonly referred to as the most ancient trade in the world after all.

Btw, I eat with knife and fork regardless of what my ancestors did. I think slavery is wrong and that the earth is round. You can call us perverts for not sticking to whats good for our ancestors, but at least try and find a better reason than 'We thought it was good, therefore it IS good.'.
This subject can lead into a shitstorm so I won't comment on it in this section any more.



Whoa!!! His sister is borderline whore! Fucking unresponsible bitch just fuck around when 16, then dump her daughter when she felt burdened!

You have some issues, my friend. It is, and always has been, common for people to be sexually active before the age of 18, and yes, even when they (gasp! shock! horror!) aren't married. If you have problems accepting this, I would suggest perhaps trying not thinking about it, because there was never a time when it wasn't happening.

But in any case the comic has said the following things:

  • The older sister left home at 16.
  • That was 9 years ago.
  • The daughter is in second grade.

The daughter, in other words, is most likely 7 years old. Seven years before this comic was 2 years after the older sister left home, so when she gave birth it was 2 years after leaving home, and so she was 18 at that time. So we probably don't know anything about what she was doing at 16.


Edited to add: I'm actually wondering if perhaps the big plot reveal will be that the daughter is adopted anyway. (And no, I'm not hoping for a romantic connection with the main character. I just think it could be reasonable plot twist.)

Yes, he made a mistake which could have been easily avoided, and yes, it was irresponsible of him (all he really had to do was tell his senpai that he had a small niece to take care of, back when he was initially asked to go drinking). But you know, these things slip can peoples' minds, especially in the midst of hectic life changes. 


I beg that those of you who are supposedly are able to cope with any kind of sudden change in your lifestyles and adapt to it perfectly with zero slipups understand the faults in us mere mortals. 


Okay, there is one thing that I have a problem with. Who the hell sends an elementary schooler to buy groceries alone? I get that he's new to responsibility and that's perfectly understandable, but that doesnt throw common sense out the window

It's not all that uncommon in Asian countries.

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