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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.71 - 351votes)


Alt Names: alt ビースターズ
Author: Itagaki Paru
Artist: Itagaki Paru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, herbivores and carnivores coexist with each other. For the adolescences of the Cherryton School, school life is filled with hope, romance, distrust, and uneasiness.

The main character is Legosi the wolf, a member of the drama club. Despite his menacing appearance, he has a very gentle heart. Throughout most of his life, he has always been an object of fear and hatred by other animals, and he's been quite accustomed to that lifestyle. But soon, he finds himself becoming more involved with his fellow classmates who have their own share of insecurities and finds his life in school changing slowly.
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However, he's a first year. It can't be him.


Oh sorry, I meant specifically the shadowy figure in the chapter, not that he or the shadowy figure were the killer. This is misdirection, I think that the sheep isn't the killer but he is the dude who fucked him up this last chapter.

Fucking Bill. Always asking the important questions.


Love how he naturally and seamlessly went from major antagonistic force to just another bro with carnivore issues as Legosi matures his worldview. Takes some real writing-chops to do that. He and Legosi have pretty good dynamics now as hormone-full teenage Chads who sometimes get close to blows over silly shit.

"In the middle of the night, a pair of male teens have an outdoors adventure that culminates in a passionately aggressive-bondage-deep-soggy kiss " the chapter.


Haru and Snek lady better step up their game.

"Can large breed carnivores fuck bunnies?". In all the seriousness and drama it is fun to be reminded that this is ultimately a story about teenagers. I'm actually not being sarcastic here.

If it's not a member of the club, I don't know who it is, but if it is a member I suspect the bear, Rhys.


Remember, Tem said they had classes together. The killer is in Tem and Legosi's year, Rhys is a second year like them. Otherwise it could've been someone who overheard what they were discussing on the roof. Regardless I think it's a bear of some sort. Big!


And to be serious for a moment, it's very obviously the new guy. His two strongest hits were headbutts.


However, he's a first year. It can't be him.


Wow.... Louis feels so much maturer than before.


You know, I actually don't agree. Not that that's bad, far from it. I think he's showing more immaturity in general lately than ever before. He's being straight up childish in some cases. He's also acting a lot more and hiding how he really feels since he feels threatened and weak. I think he still has a ways to go for growth.

This is the manga that brings out all the people who have tried to either stick their dick in an animal or stick an animal dick in them...or both.

There were so many other ways for Legosi to solve this... But he just gotta... Do himself in. Shaking my head.

And to be serious for a moment, it's very obviously the new guy. His two strongest hits were headbutts.

For a moment, I thought the killer was a tree.

hippos are herbivores

They're omnivores. 

hippos are herbivores

God I missed this series.


I have a chullo (traditional Andean altiplanic wool hat) made from alpaca wool, it's lighter and thinner than regular sheep wool, and the insulation is quite good, so the description is quite accurate and makes me feel sorry for Tem.

I'm behind you Legosi, 100%! I'll always be-




Whoooooo boy *fans self off*

That was that sheep guy. I can bet on it.

"Oh wow, they talked, and danced together. They must be a couple now!"


In all seriousness, I don't think that's whats going on. Juno is simply worried about Louis (being the all-caring sweetie she has been from the start), and Louis is just being Louis. Him complementing her is just his style, nothing more. It would feel really shallow if these two were to become a match now, like two rejected lovers thrown together just for the sake of it. I can't see that happen in this series.

I don't care whether that's what's going on or not. Anything to keep my ship afloat.

"Oh wow, they talked, and danced together. They must be a couple now!"


In all seriousness, I don't think that's whats going on. Juno is simply worried about Louis (being the all-caring sweetie she has been from the start), and Louis is just being Louis. Him complementing her is just his style, nothing more. It would feel really shallow if these two were to become a match now, like two rejected lovers thrown together just for the sake of it. I can't see that happen in this series.

I'm amazed with the pace of this series. Sometimes it goes full shounen (full off action, idealistic rhetorical, n some over-blown confidence), but sometimes it goes full seinen (subtle but deep conversation, relatable to adult life, n realistic day-to-day decision making). So... The 3 big actors has shown their resolves... n I really look forward to each of their big action (most likely they will have clash or something). All of them is so cool!

hopefully we get a threesome

Juno still best girl #confirmed


... :'(

I'm amazed with the pace of this series. Sometimes it goes full shounen (full off action, idealistic rhetorical, n some over-blown confidence), but sometimes it goes full seinen (subtle but deep conversation, relatable to adult life, n realistic day-to-day decision making). So... The 3 big actors has shown their resolves... n I really look forward to each of their big action (most likely they will have clash or something). All of them is so cool!

Called it! Power couple OTP!

Louis x Juno Hrrrmmm ...Yes, I'll allow this ship.

Wow.... Louis feels so much maturer than before.

Dunno why the smut tag was added. Yes there's been some sexual content, but it mostly hasn't been super explicit. It's more there to flesh out the characters and create more sources of conflict than an actual focal point, so I removed the tag.


Someone probably making a joke after the scene from last chapter with Ms Snek, vandalism like that is actually quite common.

Dunno why the smut tag was added. Yes there's been some sexual content, but it mostly hasn't been super explicit. It's more there to flesh out the characters and create more sources of conflict than an actual focal point, so I removed the tag.

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