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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 123votes)

Love Lab (MIYAHARA Ruri)

Alt Names: alt ラブラボalt Love Labalt Ren'ai Labalt 恋愛ラボ
Author: Miyahara Ruri
Artist: Miyahara Ruri
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The Fujisaki Girls Academy is known for their school body being composed of very proper students. The most prominent one of them is Maki, the student president who is admired by her classmates for her calm and polite demeanor. On the other hand, Kurahashi Riko is also admired but for having a very forward and boyish personality. Riko accidentally walks into Maki while she's practicing kissing with a pillow and learns that she isn’t what everyone thinks she is. Riko is forced into keeping Maki’s secret and join her in practicing all aspects of romance like holding hands and more
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Topic Love Lab Raws New Window Dried Monkey
  • 3 Replies


Hnnnnnnngghhh.... Riko.... spreading flowers.....

ty for the chapter!



loving these ships more and more! :3

Gah! Makio definitely works but Yanko doesn't.... However, given Nagi's reputation maybe Nagiko will work? And this brings up a thought on my part about which is actually drawn more feminine of the two main girls.


If you think about it, a male Riko would be just as much a failure as a female Yan, because her face, hair, and eye proportions are drawn in a definitively feminine style in this manga. Yan is basically too masculine to genderflip, but ironically Riko, not Maki, is the one who's too feminine to flip on the girls' side.


Also, despite her clear dislike of Makio, Sayo can probably genderflip convincingly as well.

Too bad there wasn't much Riko x Nagi in the anime, Riko's fantasy though LOL

It's building... it's building! Bits and pieces of jealousy, contemplation, mmm...

Also Riko in that topbun is really cute XD

So, english is not my native language. What does overnight stay means?


Oh lol derp. Nvm
Didn't understand the context

Is there an ETA on the next chapter?

I'm going to be busy in Real Life for the next 2-3 weeks, but hopefully I can get a script to the editor soon and it'll be out within the month.


EDIT: My editor is a goddess and the promise is fulfilled. More to follow in the very near future.

And so it begins... I hope...

Is there an ETA on the next chapter?

It's either my computer or the uploading system that's buggy, I hope the other pages turn up soon.

Yea, I hope so too lol.

Well, if you can't read it on Batoto, just go to another online reader site. There are some that will always have it.

Well, thank you captain obvious for the no-brainer response. The real point of my message clearly flew over your head.

It's either my computer or the uploading system that's buggy, I hope the other pages turn up soon.


EDIT: There we go.

Poppycock, these people know what they're doing. What better way to promote a series that's relatively unknown overseas than to attempt to remove it from all manga hosting sites to further shrink the potential Western fanbase and consumer market?


...wait, that really doesn't seem to make much sens-FUCK THAT LET'S DO IT ANYWAYS.


Licensing/crunchyroll logic at it's finest.

Well, if you can't read it on Batoto, just go to another online reader site. There are some that will always have it.

In case anyone is worried: Love Lab scans will continue.

EDIT: Attention readers! You can read Volume 6 Chapter 6 here.

*flips laptop*

>Love Lab hunters remove it from every OMR, including Panda and Park


Fucking really? Even Bleach and One Piece are still hosted there. And Love Lab will never be officially published in English.

Poppycock, these people know what they're doing. What better way to promote a series that's relatively unknown overseas than to attempt to remove it from all manga hosting sites to further shrink the potential Western fanbase and consumer market?


...wait, that really doesn't seem to make much sens-FUCK THAT LET'S DO IT ANYWAYS.


Licensing/crunchyroll logic at it's finest.

DMCA special task force has done it again~~~~!!!!

>>> Goes to Batoto to read HQ manga.


>>> Found out it got removed due to DMCA


>>> Well... fuck fuck fuck fuck

>Love Lab hunters remove it from every OMR, including Panda and Park


Fucking really? Even Bleach and One Piece are still hosted there. And Love Lab will never be officially published in English.

Well, I'll enjoy this one chapter before it gets removed...

umm... why are the chapters missing?


umm... why are the chapters missing?

Praise the heavens, for this charming manga continues to slowly but steadily update!

can any1 give me link to the raws?? :$ thanks in advance! XD

I really really REALLY love this manga, probably the only one I'm genuinely waiting to get animated again~ <3

ooo this is my first time seeing the vol 10 cover. It looks really cute

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