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* * * * - (3.93 - 103votes)

Sensei no Bulge

Alt Names: alt BARRAGEalt Barrage of the Battle Staralt Bulge of the Battle Staralt Gurunya Bulgealt Sensei no Balgealt Sensei no Barragealt Sensei no Barujialt 戦星のバルジalt 战星的巴尔基
Author: Horikoshi Kouhei
Artist: Horikoshi Kouhei
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasySci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Long ago Industria was a peaceful planet, ruled by a single royal family. Since then, contact with alien races has led to fifty years of invasion, turmoil, violence, and war, leaving the Royal Family in control of the planetary capitol and little more. Astro the Destitute lives in the capitols slums, working a miserable job to support his makeshift family. One day he is approached by Bulge, the runaway heir to the planetary throne. Shockingly identical in voice and appearance, Prince Bulge proposes Astro take his place on the throne so that Bulge can escape his life as Prince. Moments later the Prince's guard approaches, mistaking Astro for Bulge, they drag him back to the planet. Thus begins Astro's adventure of mistaken identity, thrust into the role of heir to the throne, and savior from the warring alien hordes.
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Not just cliche, it's also predictable and boring. Being too much shonen-like and goody goody can be annoying.
Chapter 6, how cliche.
A Promising Shounen Manga has appeared...

Definitely worth a try...
A good read so far
I hope it does not fail me in the future =3
Nope. Nothing comes close to the awesomeness that is screws.
cool manga plus a great story.. instant follow!
@aruless: True but not awesome such as a mighty hammer
some of the most famous warriors in history used spears, not swords.
That was indeed quite epic.
Spears are cool too u know.
Does the Org maybe have different features to it I hope so, a lighting stick spear the entire time would be eh, hoping it can like turn into a sword or a bow maybe even into a Huge Ass Gun
Read it by recommendation.
Worth reading.
Worth recommending to others. :)
Read it, it's surprisingly fun.
Lol, this manga is so shounen it almost hurts. Haven't felt like that since i read RAVE or Buster Keel.
I guess that that golem has actually someone that is controlling him inside...
lol me too. Great chapters. Cool manga so far.
For a moment there I thought that golem had a machine gun in his arm when he disconnected his hand.
Interesting take on the story. Instead of having the usual hide-your-identity-while-fighting-bad-guys we get ( hopefully ) a closer look to the politics and lifestyle of royalty that fight to protect their world.

As many pointed out, this isn't a ground breaking, new kind of manga - reused ideas, with cliche scenes and typical shounen hero - but we get a different take on things. The art style is unique and should become a trademark for this manga, as it is for One Piece. Hopefully this series last for 50-100 chapters, so we can see a fleshed out the story is and how it keeps the readers on edges, or simply reading.

@Vueity - Side note : The easier the goal of the story is, the better. It shouldn't matter to one if he is adult or not, as long as the story interests someone, they should go and dive right in. This would explain part of the success of One Piece, Gintama and a few others.
Interesting take on the story. Instead of having the usual hide-your-identity-while-fighting-bad-guys we get ( hopefully ) a closer look to the politics and lifestyle of royalty that fight to protect their world.

As many pointed out, this isn't a ground breaking, new kind of manga - reused ideas, with cliche scenes and typical shounen hero - but we get a different take on things. The art style is unique and should become a trademark for this manga, as it is for One Piece. Hopefully this series last for 50-100 chapters, so we can see a fleshed out the story is and how it keeps the readers on edges, or simply reading.

@Vueity - Side note : The easier the goal of the story is, the better. It shouldn't matter to one if he is adult or not, as long as the story interests someone, they should go and dive right in. This would explain part of the success of One Piece, Gintama and a few others.
I'm not generally a big fan of shounen (since I'm a grown woman, lol), but this one's got my attention. And although the title's supposed to translate to something like, "Barrage of the Battle Star"...I'll forever hear the title and think "Teacher's Bulge." >_<;
Awesome review, Tr0pic0n. Now I have a good idea of what I'll be getting into with this.
Sensei no Bulge

So what happens to a poor guy named Astro living in the slums when he meets a prince with exactly the same face as him and is asked to switch places? Actually, it's more like "I'm going to give you my burdens" before ending up killed by an unknown assailant.Thus begins this Prince and Pauper series: Sensei no Bulge.

It's nice to actually see a fantasy manga based in an actual fantasy world rather than a slap-dash combination with our real world. There is a magical sense of oppression that everyone feels, where they live in constant fear of being attacked by the really rich aliens, like a more magical version of Gintama but without the sarcasm, wit, and satire. Yeah, the writing is really dull. Main hero gets power. Main hero is determined to use power to fight bad guys. Main hero protects the innocent and helpless. We've seen this before, and it's not really breaking much ground there. I guess it's standard for a shonen manga, though.

What is interesting is the theme. Instead of focusing on the normal people, Sensei no Bulge takes a look at the regal side of the issue, the government that is being oppressed by aliens. We see Astro, the street-rat-turned-prince take up the charge that the lazy Prince left behind before he ran away and died, and I must say, I'm glad that the replacement gimmick is revealed at the start. There's no fiddly sideplot where Astro must hide his true identity. Instead, he basically confesses his lowly birth, but because Astro is the only one who can use the magical McGuffin, he takes up the role of the Prince. And so now we get to the crux of the manga. Sensei no Bulge is basically a how-to guide on being a prince. How one should greet people, how to solve their problems correctly, how to keep them safe and defeat bad guys, it's all well told so far and is intriguing to learn the politics behind being a ruler.

The art? Well, I guess it's distinct. Everything looks kinda muddy, and it doesn't really have the unique charm like Kouhei's last work, Oumagadoki Dobutsen. Even the McGuffin itself looks really sloppy, like someone attached a piece of lightning to the end of a knobbly stick. In the end, though, I'm glad to see Kouhei make a comeback.

First Impressions: 3/5
typical Shounen though very interesting.

Introduce a new heroine could definitely make it better.
just gets better and better
Interesting read.

Instant follow.
I see the next couple of chapter turning out like this one.

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