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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.23 - 61votes)


Alt Names: alt ต้องรอดalt サバイバルalt 陆地沉没记
Author: Saito Takao
Artist: Saito Takao
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: An inexplicable catastrophe plunges Japan to the bottom of the ocean. A boy survives the misfortune, but he has been abandoned in a land surrounded by sea on all sides. His effort to stay alive compels him to sharpen his wit, as he finds that nothing he learned in school is useful for staying alive.

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> Survival: Another Story (http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/survival-another-story-r20343)

> Survival: Shounen S no Kiroku (http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/survival-shounen-s-no-kiroku-r18675)
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Topic Survival released chapter discussion New Window truepurple
  • 10 Replies



They are research/science soldiers, probably never engaged in combat beyond basic training, which explain why Robert is so prone to panic, why the chain of command is already crumbling apart, and why both of them lack more focus both at the mission and towards their surroundings, hell Robert can't even hold onto his vital provisions let alone track them back.

In almost every military the officers are usually university educated folks who may never oversee actual combat. So the last time Robert might have had to handle a weapon or going out in the field was basic training, which could be any number of years ago. The other one seems like he's an army officer who's used to this. It wouldn't surprise me if he was something like a platoon leader for infantry or armoured vehicles like tanks. Those officers are usually right in the field with their soldiers. 

While character development has been consistently awful, IMO the story itself has gotten a lot more interesting.

I am sure glad that chick is no longer here, she added nothing other than extra trouble to the kid, her role was more of a point of comparison so we could see how different the kid had become from your average person.


Plus into what else do people want the kid to develop into? for more to happen he would need to re-enter modern society, and the one he knows (Japan) no longer exists, he is already way beyond anything anyone could expect from him on this situation, he is over-competent at this point for a while he has been the most useful character to anyone including himself, his growing period was left behind when he was alone on the island, and with the people he is meeting getting social skills wont really change much, even now, Robert just became a punk ass bitch while the other is planing on killing him eventually because the mission demands secrecy, all of this happening without the Kid knowing, for the first time he has hope, and thinks that he has found people that can help him beyond giving him mere social partnership, and yet he is oblivious to his real circumstances. This however means that the characters are fulfilling their roles as they should, we got the incompetent one that could not adapt, the selfish recursive jerk that survived using force, the cautious one that survived by preparing beforehand but due to age couldn't go on, and the researcher soldiers that are there just to complete a mission. 



Those guys sure have mild dreams for soldiers...


They are research/science soldiers, probably never engaged in combat beyond basic training, which explain why Robert is so prone to panic, why the chain of command is already crumbling apart, and why both of them lack more focus both at the mission and towards their surroundings, hell Robert can't even hold onto his vital provisions let alone track them back.

Okay now it definitely seems like the series peaked with the chick dying. Everything has been downhill since then.


While character development has been consistently awful, IMO the story itself has gotten a lot more interesting.

Okay now it definitely seems like the series peaked with the chick dying. Everything has been downhill since then.

Those guys sure have mild dreams for soldiers...

Aug 23 2016 07:59 AM

I saw him looking happy on the first page and I thought, "this is it... he's getting the bad AIDS this chapter."

Atleast it was a research rocket... not an actual nuke.


But heck... cynobacteria.

That's some nasty shit these pooor animals have eaten xD.

The whole chapter I was thinking "welp, MC's getting irradiated". Guess the story is a lot more interesting, though.

I saw him looking happy on the first page and I thought, "this is it... he's getting the bad AIDS this chapter."

I kinda got an Uzumaki vibe from this page.



Spirals! spirals are everything! since when have spirals do anything wrong to anyone? the kid has the drill that will pierce the heavens!

Aug 20 2016 12:16 AM

I kinda got an Uzumaki vibe from this page.



He did right not to eat the fern ...

I mean. There's ferns that are eatable. yes.

But you can easily mistake them for poisnous ones ... if you're not used to picking herbs.

Aug 20 2016 12:15 AM

He finds his family, but they are all dead, killed by a swarm of half rat half bear beings trained to use a rifle with unlimited ammo.

Y-you're eee....vvillee..!!!




But yeah. I doubt that many people survived there.

Bet the ones that have the highest chance to survive are the following countrys: (or atleast parts of it~)

-afrika. Lots of high ground.And reachs rather far inland.

-switzerland, obvious.

-Sweden/ Norwegen (atleast the middle upper part)

-China (inland)

-America (inland)


... just one note.

The land that would be gone from the map underwater first, together with japan.


We won't cry after you xD.

I mean ... whoever things it's an good idea to make land from the sea ground that they painstakengly created trough dry barriers. ...


Shouldn't expect that to hold against an good tsunami.

Best new swimming pool!

I kinda got an Uzumaki vibe from this page.



^NOW i want the next chapter xD.


Happy end?

q-q ---! PLEAES!!

He finds his family, but they are all dead, killed by a swarm of half rat half bear beings trained to use a rifle with unlimited ammo.

Aug 16 2016 12:05 AM

^NOW i want the next chapter xD.


Happy end?

q-q ---! PLEAES!!

I mean like, on him. Because I can believe there's a full munitions stock from raiding houses or stores. But this dude fires like it's going out of style and I don't remember seeing him actively try to reload. I didn't expect an old hunting rifle like his to hold as many shots as it does either. A bolt can hold like, 5 or so, a combat rifle can hold 20, but we'd see the clip.
So I'm gonna agree that he's got plot ammo to go with his plot aiming. Has he legitimately shot anything while on screen? He's bashed the kid and an old man enough, so I think at this point he's better off using it as a club.

To be fair he's been shown to be useless at everything else. He doesn't know how to cook or grow his own food, doesn't have a fort, drinks excessively and is still holding on to capitalist style greed. The guy probably doesn't even carry anything but rifle ammo on him since he just forces everyone else to do his work for him under the threat of death. He's only survived this long because he has his gun. 

did MC already tell to gun-guy that he killed a bear, survive from swarm of big mouse, survive in winter, escape from tsunami, and earthquake?

yes gun are deadly, but seriously?

Oh god.






I read trough it in about ... like5 hours straight. When i wanted to sleep.


But i really tought of one point.


Based on her condition back then. He should have force feed her ... or slapped her till she got a hold of herself.

And if she really couldn't survive ... i mean.

Yeah ... easyer to end it fast.



The art is good for this mood.

But ... uggh. I wished for the adam and eva pair to have a longer happyness.


It's a classic stress response syndrome. To recover from this mental illness the subject is required to be relieved of the stress, then you just have to wait for the subject to slowly come back mentally. 

Aug 11 2016 12:37 AM

Oh god.






I read trough it in about ... like5 hours straight. When i wanted to sleep.


But i really tought of one point.


Based on her condition back then. He should have force feed her ... or slapped her till she got a hold of herself.

And if she really couldn't survive ... i mean.

Yeah ... easyer to end it fast.



The art is good for this mood.

But ... uggh. I wished for the adam and eva pair to have a longer happyness.

A night passed, he restocked back at base. Getting to just one (hunting) gun store would very likely have set him with more than he could use in decades.

I mean like, on him. Because I can believe there's a full munitions stock from raiding houses or stores. But this dude fires like it's going out of style and I don't remember seeing him actively try to reload. I didn't expect an old hunting rifle like his to hold as many shots as it does either. A bolt can hold like, 5 or so, a combat rifle can hold 20, but we'd see the clip.
So I'm gonna agree that he's got plot ammo to go with his plot aiming. Has he legitimately shot anything while on screen? He's bashed the kid and an old man enough, so I think at this point he's better off using it as a club.

Well mister i have some bad news for you but...


How the hell has this guy not run out of bullets? How many shots does that damn thing have anyway?

A night passed, he restocked back at base. Getting to just one (hunting) gun store would very likely have set him with more than he could use in decades.

How the hell has this guy not run out of bullets? How many shots does that damn thing have anyway?

As many as the plot demands.

Damn it, I was rooting for the rats to get the bad guy.


Then again, the rats probably know to not eat bad or rotten food.

How the hell has this guy not run out of bullets? How many shots does that damn thing have anyway?

Could it be that kid is making plans to escape with the car!? finally he is thinking ahead, like way ahead.

He's not going anywhere. The winter is coming and his farm is on the roof of that building.

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