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Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"

Alt Names: alt 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」alt Warung Dunia Lain "Nobu"
Author: Semikawa Natsuya
Artist: Virginia Nitouhei
Genres: Comedy ComedyCooking CookingFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called "Nobu" is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. AT the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called "Toriaezu Nama"!
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Topic Need help with proof-read. Anyone is welcome. New Window Loli Mamoritai
  • 6 Replies


The 3rd chapter reminds me of "Ratatouille", near the ending part anyway.

If you have people who are contacting you directly in order to work together to improve your releases, but then you go ahead and make fixes from the comments of your 'incomplete' releases then you're just wasting the other person's time.


If it takes a day of communicating back and forth, then let it take a day.


I see, then may I suggest something else to you.

Wait one more day or two after I release a chapter, I'm sure by that time, I already fixed it. You will not read the incomplete or wasting time.


I asked ANY help I can, and if they are kind enough to help me, I will gladly acept it. People contact me direct is also a stranger like the one in comment.

Anyone help me will also WASTE A LOT OF their time. The person contact me direct or the person in comment. But I don't plan let anyone's hardwork to help me proof-read be wasted either. I will choose between all of them what is best. The last version can be the mix of a lot people work.


And you know what, I'M ALSO WASTING several days just to translate 4 chapters. Why ? For what ?

Because I want to HELP you guys have chapters to read even I know I do it badly.

People insult me, people bad-mouth me, I pay no-mind because I knew at least some people appreciate my work even It was so bad. 

I re-do chapter, I try my best to fix chapter also because I want them to have better chapter to read.



People suggest me to have many proof-reader.

Chapter 3 v 2 right now is have the help of a kind person VxXxV ,

After I get help from any other person, if I see his is better than VxXxV , I will fix it 2nd time. And Make Chapter 3 V 3.

And so on to chapter 3 version N (that no-one complain anymore).

So I think I will upload it here right away, and have reader become proof-reader, too.

This way is most effective and fastest.

If you have people who are contacting you directly in order to work together to improve your releases, but then you go ahead and make fixes from the comments of your 'incomplete' releases then you're just wasting the other person's time.


If it takes a day of communicating back and forth, then let it take a day.

I can already see this translator are gonna quit at some point due to you people

Eh, it wouldn’t be that big of a loss ...

At least it's already pleasant in the eye.
Grammar wise, nope.


My suggestion is using google's word and have several proofreader there.
Have them do the editing by using suggestion mode.

I have created an account just to join the chorus of people begging you to obtain a proofreader. Please use the proofreader prior to releasing a chapter. While your enthusiasm is commendable, that is the only thing I can praise. The level of the translations is almost on the same level of Duwang. It is simply too painful to read. Just by quickly clicking through half of v1ch3v2, I have noted the following:

  • your use of past, present and future tense varies from panel to panel;
  • you forget to use definite and indefinite articles on a consistent basis;
  • plurals have been turned into singular; and
  • the wrong pronoun is regularly used. 

You should open up a thread on the batoto forums. That way you can put up the page and the translation up, in order to allow various forum participants to assist in proofreading and translating, before releasing the chapter as a whole. 


Lastly, you really need to improve your English. Some say that a good translator is not only bilingual, but bi-cultural. Read some books, it will help you gain greater familiarity and ease when using English. 



P.S If there is anyone who plans to translate this manga (Japanese to English), I would gladly wait for you. Quite a lot can be lost in a translation of a translation. 

There are too many typos to list in these comments. If you want someone to proofread the English, make sure to send it to them before you decide to upload a chapter.


There're some people offer to help. I think about do it, but thinking back, it's not like they always online or free at that moment.

Like right now, I just finished translating chapter 3, I sent email to proof-reader, 1 hour later he notice it, he proof-read and fix mistake, then sent back to me, and that time, I'm doing something else, 1 hours later I notice it, I begin to upload chapter and you will have the chapter 2-3 hours later.


So I think I will upload it here right away, and have reader become proof-reader, too.

This way is most effective and fastest.

As soon as I see comments detail about my typos or mistakes, I will fix it right away.

Instead of complain, Native English Speaker should help me out to proof-read it.

You do the job you good at and I do mine.


Like in this chapter thank for VxXxV-sensei, I've already fixed it.

This level of English would be rejected by high school teacher in Asia. You need proofreader for future chapter, here's a list of word I replace in my mind while reading.


Beware 20 lines.



Fixed, up-loading it right now.

Thank you very much, sensei.

To Translator,


I see that some of the reader here, while complaining they also offered help to proofread, some even offered to edit. Perhaps you could start a thread for proofreading request so you could get the help you asked and better yet, it's all focused in one place.

I'm not being negative. I've even sent him messages about making sure he gets his stuff proofread before releasing it. 


okay, and one thing, I'm a girl.

To think i saw Foodgasm in a series that's not Shokugeki no Soma.

Don't be so negative. I'm enjoying this series even with the type. Thank you, Loli for introducing me to the series


I'm not being negative. I've even sent him messages about making sure he gets his stuff proofread before releasing it. 

Thanks for the translation. Being a fellow non-native english speaker, you don't have to be over-conscious about your proficiency in this language. Better ask someone who is proficient enough to edit them for you. Your previous works are fine, tho there are still a lot of room for improvement, you don't have to be that good overnight. Those who are complaining, make them fix your translations for you and move on the next chapters. If you always abide with them, you'll be trap in this viscous cycle.

This level of English would be rejected by high school teacher in Asia. You need proofreader for future chapter, here's a list of word I replace in my mind while reading.


Beware 20 lines.


There are too many typos to list in these comments. If you want someone to proofread the English, make sure to send it to them before you decide to upload a chapter.

Don't be so negative. I'm enjoying this series even with the type. Thank you, Loli for introducing me to the series

Double post.

There are too many typos to list in these comments. If you want someone to proofread the English, make sure to send it to them before you decide to upload a chapter.

Uploading chapter 3 right now.


Please feedback to me if there are typos.

welp, I was hoping that the chapters wouldn't get taken down, cause I kinda relied on them for TL-ing. Now gotta google every line and guess what the meaning is.

Everyone, I have the cleaned fille now.


I will re-do everything and upload chapter 3 right now.

I will take down the bad version chapter so please wait for a while.


All Hail Greatest Battle Group 's vice leader Nguyen Viet Anh. I'd love you.


Everyone, I have the cleaned fille now.


I will re-do everything and upload chapter 3 right now.

I will take down the bad version chapter so please wait for a while.


All Hail Greatest Battle Group 's vice leader Nguyen Viet Anh. I'd love you.

Sorry for the second post, everyone. But I don't want to leave a notice in a angry comment.


I already ask "greatest scans group" for the cleaned version.

I will do chapter 3 as soon as I can after I have the fille.

I will also re-do other chapter later when I have more free time.


So you can expect better quanlity imagine in chapter, but I don't think I can improve my English level yet, so please deal it.

You can also help me by point out the typos so I can fix it.

Thank you.


Send the translation files to me. I'm more than willing to make it readable


please notice this translator-san

Sorry for the second post, everyone. But I don't want to leave a notice in a angry comment.
I already ask "greatest scans group" for the cleaned version.
I will do chapter 3 as soon as I can after I have the fille.
I will also re-do other chapter later when I have more free time.
So you can expect better quanlity imagine in chapter, but I don't think I can improve my English level yet, so please deal it.
You can also help me by point out the typos so I can fix it.
Thank you.

Send the translation files to me. I'm more than willing to make it readable

It's Asian culture is quite different from you think.
I was raised by my mother never use the word "Sh**, Pi**, Fu**, as*h***, ..." to say about anything. It's really rude and vulgar. Try using those word once, my mother will slap me on the face right away, if possible use other word less vulgar with the same meaning.
You may say "What's the F*** " or "What's the Sh** " , But I only use "What's the hell ".
You may say the food and drink taste like "Sh** " and "Uri** " "Pi** " , But I only say " It's taste bad / horrible " , worst case "It's taste so bad, do you plan to kill people"
You may say "You sh** in the the toilet " , "But I only say "Need to do a personal demand in the toilet "  (I can use the word like "pee" or "piss" though)
You may say "Fu** " but I only say "Sleeping / spent the night ".
Sorry for my culture and how I was raise make you feel annoyed. (This is the only comments I use to mock you)

LololllOlolololololololllllllllololololilolololol nice asian culture

So i uploaded a revised chapter 1 with what I hope is a better translation/editing. Let me know how I did and if you want to see more. This was actually pretty fun to do, and I learned quite a bit of Japanese doing so.

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