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Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Shin Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko

Alt Names: alt 阿部洋一「新・血潜り林檎と金魚鉢男」alt New Blood Diver Ringo and the Fishbowl Manalt New Chimoguri Ringo and the Goldfish Bowl Man
Author: Abe Youichi
Artist: Abe Youichi
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A terrible creature has been plaguing the community: a man with a fishbowl for a head. When he attacks someone, the goldfish leaps out of his bowl and drinks their blood. The victim is irreversibly transformed into a goldfish! This terrible crime has happened to high-schooler Kousuke's little sister. With no other option, he takes care of his goldfish-sister as best he can.

One day, he comes across a strange girl named Ringo, who wears a school swimsuit, carries an umbrella, and keeps a gun hanging around her neck. Ringo is an apprentice blood diver, and the gun is her way of shooting herself into the wounds of the fishbowl man's victims. If she can get to them in time, she can prevent them from turning into goldfish. Ringo's mentor, Ichigo, says that she's heard of a way to turn people back from goldfish into humans. Kousuke is determined to help Ringo find a way to help his sister and the loved ones of his friends at school who have met the same fishy fate!

Resumed serialization in Comic Earth Star's next issue. Seems to be getting a free digital release.



> Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko
( http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/chimoguri-ringo-to-kingyobachi-otoko-r5018 )
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Not on hiatus because of that. It's the continuation of Chimoguri...


The site said that Shin Chimoguri was on hiatus until chapter 5b because of the shinsoban release for the original Chimoguri.


Also, v1 came out. Buyfags can get it here when they stock it, or elsewhere.

On hiatus until February, since ABe's apparently working on the Chimoguri shinsoban.

Not on hiatus because of that. It's the continuation of Chimoguri...

Did this get dropped, or is it on hiatus something?  I love Abe's art style.  Wish I could find some videos of him drawing, I'm so curious about what kind of technique he uses to get that woodblock print feel.


On hiatus until February, since ABe's apparently working on the Chimoguri shinsoban.

Did this get dropped, or is it on hiatus something?  I love Abe's art style.  Wish I could find some videos of him drawing, I'm so curious about what kind of technique he uses to get that woodblock print feel.

oh shit it's the policeman!!

oh fuck

urrgh, such painfully brief chapters, especially compared to the original series and considering the delay between each one...

This series is more in Tzeentch's line, though.

I dunno man, this goldfish disease seems like a Papa Nurgle thing.

Thanks Habanero!! 

What??? They gonna hit her with hammer and crowbar XD.

Ah... that last page is a great example of why I like this manga so much.  It's actually a legitimate and compelling cliffhanger - it's just made up of different elements than... pretty much any other cliffhanger ever.

wooohoooo it lives again!

thank-you thank-you thank-you :D



...yeah, I'd thank Jesus like a normal person, but this being such a manga and all, the normal response seems out of place.

This series is more in Tzeentch's line, though.

Yeah, I'd think twice about handing my sister in that situation too.


I'm...not really sure why they're all lying in a pile with delinquent-girl, either.

YAY! *picks up truck and runs*

Somehow I missed this when it was first posted.  SO happy to see that it's continuing.  Thanks Habanero.



...yeah, I'd thank Jesus like a normal person, but this being such a manga and all, the normal response seems out of place.

Anzu, where?

Revived! Thank you Habanero Scans!

Good. I can't die before knowing exactly what the Fishbowl Man is.

Iiiiiiit's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Praise the lord, and pass the popcorn! Thanks, Habanero Scans!

I love the art

Chapter 0 coming soon.

I suspect the publication switch really makes this title undesirable for licensing, but if Vertical or whoever did, that would be pretty sweet.  I like how it's actually fairly internally consistent, despite the many surreal qualities. 

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