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Rokudou no Onna-tachi

Alt Names: alt 六道の悪女たちalt 六道的惡女們alt 로쿠도의 악녀들alt Rokudou's Girls
Author: Nakamura Yuji
Artist: Nakamura Yuji
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Rokudou is a loser, and everyone knows it. He gets picked on at school, gets snide looks from passersby, and can only muster up the courage to complain in secret with his equally hapless friends. Looking to turn his life around, he desperately uses an ancestral artifact passed down in his family for generations: a scroll that is capable of subduing all demons. However, in the modern age it has a different effect—it makes all bad girls fall in love with him.
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Colonel, in full monkey costume, still has his beret on.

Dude has one thing, and he's dedicated to it.

I don't think so at all. While I agree Ranna's interest to Rokudou is practicaly because of the spell, she choose to believe him and value  her friendship with everyone with her own volition.  By expressing her gratitude she understand that everyone help was necessary, and acknowledge her bond with everyone, not only Rokudou.   

Though, I don't recall it ever being explained what exactly the spell's power is.  People seem to think it's mind control, but you know, Tsubaki, Osanada and Himeno don't actually fall in love with Rokudou even though they're clearly affected by it.  It's possible, for example, that it just makes them perceive him as being a stronger, bolder, worthier person than he really is (with the effect roughly proportional to how bad they are--this would explain the behavior from Tsubaki, Himeno, Yashiya, and Raino pretty well).

But seeing that the whole growth was because of the power's influence which strips off any meaning

I don't think so at all. While I agree Ranna's interest to Rokudou is practicaly because of the spell, she choose to believe him and value  her friendship with everyone with her own volition.  By expressing her gratitude she understand that everyone help was necessary, and acknowledge her bond with everyone, not only Rokudou.   

Giving money to 5 years old children...

Talk about neglectful lol.

It'd happen more than you think it should have y'know especially in megacities like NY, Tokyo and Beijing

Man, I've never know a harem manga can have story line like this. Its a great chapter, Ranna grows as person, a human being, the one that choose to love and understand friendship and everyone in school realize that Rokudou and the gang defeated a true evil.

But seeing that the whole growth was because of the power's influence which strips off any meaning

Thank you for the new chapter.

Thank you for the last page. Without it I would've thought it ended. 

This isn't the end, is it?!

This image can make people Got a Heart attack, Luckily this is not 1st april


Rest assured, we still got word of つづく

The way I interpret this chapter is that even when reformed the girls will still be in love with Rokudou, only this time for real.

Thank you last page with the funny looking dog.

Man, I've never know a harem manga can have story line like this. Its a great chapter, Ranna grows as person, a human being, the one that choose to love and understand friendship and everyone in school realize that Rokudou and the gang defeated a true evil.

Ohhh. I am so dissapointed. Very dissapointed. Everything back to normal and new character just leave. This arc have strong build up. But didnt have proper ending. Villain just walk away, and back to the core character. And raino leave. I leave too.

It's almost as if you didn't read the last chapter where we realize Ranna did grow as a person. And what did you expect, that the "villain" would get killed or something? He lost several of his followers.

Its over. I unfollow it until this manga end.
Ohhh. I am so dissapointed. Very dissapointed. Everything back to normal and new character just leave. This arc have strong build up. But didnt have proper ending. Villain just walk away, and back to the core character. And raino leave. I leave too.

This isn't the end, is it?!

Ranna this chapter: "I know now why you cry. But it's something I can never do"

Now, if Toma was completely correct about Rokudou's powers being literal mind control, I'd have to agree with em about it being morally questionable. I get the fact that criminals should not be able to do as they please within a society, but your argument essentially makes it Rokudou's responsibility as to subdue Ranna with his power. That would do the complete opposite of making Rokudou out to be a sympathetic protagonist...

I was indeed arguing that it is Rokudou's responsibility to do exactly that, since she's not likely to have much in the way of unimprisoned life expectancy otherwise. I would also argue that he would still be a sympathetic protagonist in that case, as long as he felt conflicted about doing it and didn't enjoy it, since feeling sympathy for characters who have to make difficult choices that hurt some characters for the benefit of everyone else is pretty common in fiction where we get to be privy to their inner conflicts.

There are some neglectful parents who just give their kids money as an attempt to not look neglectful to other people.

Giving money to 5 years old children...

Talk about neglectful lol.

Uhhh. How the hell they got money to buy cake, novel, and basketball ? Their parent didnt give a fuck on this child And just give them money ?

There are some neglectful parents who just give their kids money as an attempt to not look neglectful to other people.

Uhhh. How the hell they got money to buy cake, novel, and basketball ? Their parent didnt give a fuck on this child And just give them money ?

The right thing to do would have been to let her go and keep hurting other people? Until she eventually gets arrested and sent to prison, hopefully before she kills someone, because she is clearly a danger to society when she isn't under Rokudou's influence? We don't let violent sociopaths roam the streets and assault people on a whim because that's what they enjoy doing, we imprison them so that other citizens don't get hurt, at least after society finds out about it and if the system works correctly. Honestly, if you have the power to help such people find fulfillment and happiness in other ways, even if it is as a result of a form of mind control, it's probably better for them and everyone else than what society currently has to do about them.

Now, if Toma was completely correct about Rokudou's powers being literal mind control, I'd have to agree with em about it being morally questionable. I get the fact that criminals should not be able to do as they please within a society, but your argument essentially makes it Rokudou's responsibility as to subdue Ranna with his power. That would do the complete opposite of making Rokudou out to be a sympathetic protagonist...

Also, keep in mind that Ranna has never gone around beating up ordinary or innocent civilians. It's always delinquents that she ends up picking fights with. Say what you will that violence is still against the law, but come on, it's a ridiculous shounen series with a wacky cast of characters:

The choice she made was to leave him. When she said that she was going, it wasn't because of being manipulated, it was her, resisting the mind control to do what she loved doing. The right thing to do would have been to let her go at that point, but Roku grabbed on to her tooth and nail until she caved into his desires.

The right thing to do would have been to let her go and keep hurting other people? Until she eventually gets arrested and sent to prison, hopefully before she kills someone, because she is clearly a danger to society when she isn't under Rokudou's influence? We don't let violent sociopaths roam the streets and assault people on a whim because that's what they enjoy doing, we imprison them so that other citizens don't get hurt, at least after society finds out about it and if the system works correctly. Honestly, if you have the power to help such people find fulfillment and happiness in other ways, even if it is as a result of a form of mind control, it's probably better for them and everyone else than what society currently has to do about them.

Let's all guess:
What will Raino choose???

A. Return back to Douji and the defeated Alliance alongside her brother.
B. Go live on her own for some time to try and find herself.
C. Give up on Rokudou and concede to Ranna, as she's no longer a "bad girl" + feels Rokudou's very dedicated to Ranna.
D. Try to become Ranna's "love rival" toward Rokudou.
E. Live a boring, happy school life, because who the Hell would ever want to do that in a manga...?

Rokudou still hate douji.

He also hates violence but had to use it to get Ranna back, now that she is back he no longer has to.

waiting for the day if there a  villains that has same power like rokudou to get more harem.

We will see the diffrence.

One abuse power. One use it for resposibility people.

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